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Honey, this mirror isn't big enough for all of us.


My Chemical Romance have just finished recording their first album. As they wait impatiently for it to come out, they meet new people and discover new ways to live a rock n roll life. Things are about to get steamy in New Jersey...


Frank Anthony Iero

Frank Anthony Iero

Frankie. Scorpio. 19. Bisexual. Has a couple tattoos. Likes to play guitar, listen to music, and sing at the top of his lungs with his best friend Gee. Guitarist of the freshly formed band My Chemical Romance.

Gerard Arthur Way

Gerard Arthur Way

Gee. Aries. 24. Bisexual. Wears eyeliner. Likes to draw strange characters, write deep lyrics and read superhero comic books from his childhood. Singer of the freshly formed band My Chemical Romance.

Marillion Julian Lloyd

Marillion Julian Lloyd

May. Leo. 16. Bisexual. Likes hanging out with her cats and dying her hair. Amateur photographer, drummer and guitarist. Punk rock. Good poker player. In love with dookie era Green Day, Beej Armstrong and cats.

Melony Elena Rush

Melony Elena Rush

Mel. Aquarius. 17. Bisexual. Likes to stroke snakes, roller blade and jump off high rocks. Hardcore singer, practices witchcraft and plays rugby. Good at drawing. In love with the Ramones, the Sex Pistols and birds.

Michael James Way

Michael James Way

Mikey. Virgo. 20. Straight like his hair. Likes to strum it out on the fucking bass, comb his hair once every hour and mess with his older brother Gee. Bassist of the freshly formed band My Chemical Romance.

Raymond Manuel Toro

Raymond Manuel Toro

Ray. Cancer. 23. Undefined sexuality. Likes to practice kick ass solos, play with baby alligators and tackle his bandmates every single day. Guitarist of the freshly formed band My Chemical Romance.

Zero, Aura and Mnemosyne

Zero, Aura and Mnemosyne

Zero & Aura, Gemini, 6 months old. Kittens of Mnemosyne, Pisces, 8 years old.



@ashlee way Yeah i fixed it c: it's alright now I guess. I'm not finished typing though.

Its showing for me @broughtyoumybullets

killjoy458 killjoy458

You don't have to code. It does it by itself. You just post in the text and hit submit. It does it all by it's self

@Blood Splatter-Killjoy Yeah I know, there was but the page fucked up when I tried to code around it. I think it's cause I'm on phone. It'll probably be up before the end of the week.. Sorry. Try to come back when it's ready?

you know that theres no first chapter text showing right?