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Blood Splatter-Killjoy

Blood Splatter-Killjoy

Blood Splatter-Killjoy

Hi! Please vote, comment and follow my stories if you enjoy!

I am a massive fan of my chem, I have been since I was a small child and cancer came on the radio when my grandfather had cancer. SO THANK YOU MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!!!!!!

I am a awarding wining poet in a national contest.


Our Hearts Don't Beat Like Their's!

Our Hearts Don't Beat Like Their's!

NC-17 Romance Horror Thriller

Dom/Fertile Frerard (by Gee'sCLUELESSgirl and Blood Splatter-Killjoy)


10.0 27 Votes
I Walk A Fine Line

I Walk A Fine Line

R Romance Horror Sci-fi

Gerard Way is a gifted person and doesn't know until he meets Frank a man of many gifts


Completed ✓
10.0 11 Votes
Humans Shall Never Harm You

Humans Shall Never Harm You

NC-17 Romance Horror Fantasy

Gerard Way teaches at a school to help support himself and his brother. Frank works at the school as Mikey's teachers. Gerard is a fertile Vampire and Frank a dom. IT'S BACK!


9.7 17 Votes
Two New Chapters, Same book.

Two New Chapters, Same book.

NC-17 Romance Horror Fantasy

Sequel to A New Way is on the Way


Completed ✓
10.0 12 Votes
A Win, Win Meeting.

A Win, Win Meeting.

NC-17 Fantasy

Mr Iero calls Mr Way in for a meeting, but it wasn't quite what Mr Way was expecting. (sm*tty Frerard Mini Series)


10.0 25 Votes
A New Way is on the Way

A New Way is on the Way

R Romance Horror Sci-fi

Mikey Iero-way is a fertile and Frank Iero-Way is a dom. What happens when they want kids? From the author Blue_Moon72 and Blood Splatter-Killjoy


Completed ✓
10.0 31 Votes