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Help me Pick up the Pieces ~Mikey/Oc~


Avalee and Frank Iero have life pretty good in New York. Their in a garage band with their friends, trying to get signed, Ava being the only girl in the band and her boyfriend, Tony as one of the guitarests, her brother Frank as the other. Then of course her two best friends Jaime and Vic. The Iero siblings's lives are pretty alright.

But when their parents get a job offer in New Jersey, the two find themselves moving, saying good-bye to their dreams and friends. When Avalee meets Mikey Way, how will it change her? Will her world slowly get put back together, piece by piece or will it all just crumble like it had before.

A/N: Okay, as you can see, I added the Pierce the Veil band members in here. I honestly thought it would be kinda interesting to collide the two bands so, I did~ Enjoy c:


Avalee Iero

Avalee Iero

Avalee is/was the bass player for the garage band "Pierce the Veil". Best friend to Vic and Jaime. Sister to Frank. Girlfriend to Tony. She's the one that no one ever figured she would say yes to someone like Tony.

Frank Iero

Frank Iero

Frank is/was an added guitarest to the garage band "Pierce the Veil". Older brother to Avalee. He's actually friends with all his band mates, minus Tony. He's not so sure about him.

Gerard Way

Gerard Way

Gerard is an outcast in his high school in New Jersey. A comic lover, obsessed with his artwork. He's also the older brother to Mikey, always looking how for him, making sure he keeps out of trouble.

Jaime Perciado

Jaime Perciado

For now, Jaime is just one of (very few) fans of "Pierce the Veil". Boyfriend to Vic. Best friend to Avalee. He shows up to every practice even though he's not even in the band.

Mike Fuentes

Mike Fuentes

Mike is the drummer for the garage band "Pierce the Veil". The quiet/awkward one of the group. Brother of Vic. He tries his best when he's at his drumset. If you were to see him perform, you would believe the kind of person he is.

Mikey Way

Mikey Way

Mikey is a quiet boy in Belleview High. He's a comic lover along with his brother, he also admires his older sibling's art work. Younger brother to Gerard. He always suggests to his brother that he should sign up to sing at the local cafe, knowing his brother's hidden talent.

Ray Toro

Ray Toro

Ray is a more outgoing boy in high school than the Way brothers. He may have a few friends but he mainly hangs around Mikey and Gerard. He carries his guitar with him everywhere, playing on his free time, mainly at lunch.

Tony Perry

Tony Perry

Tony is a guitarest of the garage band "Pierce the Veil". Boyfriend of Avalee. Has a love/hate relationship with her brother Frank. He seems quiet when you look at him. But when you get to know him, he's one of the louder ones.

Vic Fuentes

Vic Fuentes

The singer of the (for the moment) garage band "Pierce the Veil". Boyfriend of Jaime, best friend of Avalee. He's always the one late to practice. Sad thing is, practice is in his garage.




I have to... Trust me, thats not whats gonna happen. At the very least, her trust issues will be shit and she'll try pushing Mikey away.

KuraJane KuraJane

Aww...this is a cute fiction. Just what ever you do...do not make tony some kinda creeper that going to search her out and kidnap her and mikey and beat them and try to kill them and that kina stuff. I've read way to many fanfictions with that in it and it's killed the whole story dead. #TruStory