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The Voice From The Ocean

Chapter 7: I almost believe that your real

I had to accept it.
This was real and it wasn't just a dream. There was no way I could go back. " I have to accept it " I mumbled softly before I asked rather sarcastic " Can I go relive my teenage years now?"

The cloaked woman replied " There is one more thing I thought you might be interested in. I will show you the path Lindsey took without you."

I began to laugh " Do you really think this will help the problem? Seeing my wife that never actually was? What are you?" I shrieked hysterically.

"Come with me" She floated towards me and tightly clutched my hand.

There was sudden darkness and in seconds I found myself in a run down , dark kitchen , I gazed outside of the window facing the left side of me , to see the familiar Jersey skyline before my eyes.

"Are we in Jersey?" I whispered to the mysterious cloaked woman. The way she addressed me creeped me out. She spoke in a broken robotic tone which was highly intimidating. " Yes Gerard. We are in New Jersey in 2011. As a matter of fact , It has been ten years since the 9/11 attacks today."

"Good to know" I sighed looking at the floor. Just then I heard a noise followed by footsteps. A few seconds later a small boy , around the same age as Bandit runs into the room. I look to the cloaked figure and whisper "Can he see me?". All she does is shake her head. I accepted that as a no.

As I looked closer at the boy , he had so many similarities to Bandit. " The eyes that could melt a thousand killer's hearts" I recalled to myself something that I had said to Lindsey about Bandit's adorable doll eyes. That when I remembered.

Lindsey had the same eyes as Bandit. I found it quite a coincidence that this boy should have the same eyes as Lindsey too. He had to be her son.

It began to sink in. Lindsey had a son instead of Bandit which meant that she must have therefore had someone else instead of me.

By the looks of things it appeared that Lindsey didn't have so much success or money.

I gave a weak smile as I spotted her art covering the yellowing wallpaper.

" Your art really did brighten up everything Linds " I sighed to myself while turning my eyes back on to the little boy.

I heard footsteps approaching.

" Mommy!! Mommy!!" The boy yelled in excitement.

The door swung open and a very familiar face welcomed the little boy into her arms.

It was Lindsey , she was no different from when I had last seen her , except for the fact her long raven black hair was replaced with a choppy peroxide cut.

" When will Daddy be coming home? " The boy questioned still clinging on to his mother

Lindsey let go and turned her back on him. " He's not coming back Indie " she said coldly as she sat down at the small table and lit up a cigarette


going to try and update more

Chapter soundtrack : Where is my mind By The Pixies


this fic is fuckin with my mind
im goign to c r y

fangoria fangoria
aellae_mcr aellae_mcr
Wow that's kinda sad