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Runaway Scars and The Getaway Mile

Chapter 8: This Ain't a Party

I managed to not pour my drink all over the people around me as Sunshine dragged me from one side of the nightclub to the other, nearly pulling my arm off in the process.

It was kinda exciting, the thought of meeting a new Killjoy but I really wanted to get an explanation about the song thing. Then there was also how close we'd been standing as the music played through the speakers.

Somewhere in me I truly believed that Party might like me just a little bit like I like him. Whoa I used the the word like a lot in that sentence, too much I could say.

But Party had Neon and whatever relationship that was going on between them.

Besides I'm too crazy for him anyway, I don't remember my own life, swear way too much, have no idea what half the words they use mean and regularly try to shoot one of his friends. I've got more than a few screws loose and am more than one fork short of a cutlery draw.
I had a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach that I didn't belong in this world, his world.

"So why did you give up on Party so quickly?" Throttle asked me and my fuzzy brain struggled to put together an answer for her.

"I didn't, he's with that Neon chick." I mumbled, I'm not sure if you could refer to droids as chicks but whatever it doesn't matter now.

"Haven't you ever heard about fighting for your guy?" I'd never fight for a guy as long as I lived, if he wanted me that much then I shouldn't have to fight for him in the first place.

Sunshine left the moment open for me to speak and when I didn't she sighed before turning around and looking me very seriously in the face.

"Look I'm an android. A mockery of human life but I know what emotions are like. Mine are weak and watered down compared to the kinds you can experience but I've been around a lot of guys, trust me Party is into you. Just say one word and he'll come running." What would that magic word be I wonder? Cake? That'd probably work on me after having to eat Power Pup for breakfast.

I started giggling while trying to come up with an answer to what the word would be and I just kept thinking of more and more ridicules ideas.

"Alright you're a tad too drunk to talk to him about it tonight but try in the morning. After you've had some Ambrosia because you my friend are gonna have one hell of a hangover in the morning." I managed to nod despite giggling my head off, I knew I'd have a hangover but drunk me didn't have to worry about that right now.

Plus I also knew that no matter how bad my hangover will seem in the morning, Ghoul's will easily be ten times worse because he is definitely much, much drunker than me.

Should the Killjoys be getting drunk and hungover when there were a whole bunch of people out to ghost them? I have yet to try it but I get a feeling that your aim would be much shittier when everything is hilarious and slightly blurry.

Actually I think I could aim rather well right now despite my drunkenness, is all I have to do is wait for some idiot to lay his hand on me and I can check to see if I'm a good shot when drunk.

Sunshine began pulling me towards the bar again and I followed her with my now empty glass that was much easier to not spill on people.

The closer we got to the bar the more people thinned out and finally I could see two guys standing there with drinks, chatting to each other.

"Throttle! What's your bright face doin' over here? Has Ghoul finally passed out?" The one with white hair asked and the blonde one turned to look at us before focusing on his drink.

"Na he's still standing, I wanted to introduce you to someone. This is Electric Revenge, she's new to Zone 6. She used to be one of the comatose, anyway Electric this is Revolver Kill and his friend there is Fallout Fumes." I shook Revolver's hand when he held it out to me and then Fallout's despite him not seeming like he wanted to talk to anyone.

"Shiny name. Should you be walking around by yourself if you're a newbie?" I took a dash of offence at that, just because I was new out here didn't mean I couldn't take care of myself.

"Excuse me?" I put a hand on my hip and probably looked stupid doing it.

"If any of those wave heads decide to start a fight with you, you're not gonna be able to do much about it when you can't shoot a zap." My eyes narrowed, I was a perfectly good shot and he better stop insulting me or he'd find out about it.

"She can scare Ghoul into shutting up. She can take care of herself, trust me. Kobra was telling me how she's only been around for two days and she's dusted two dracs." Even though I was feeling angry I got a grin on my face as Sunshine was talking, I felt like she was bragging for me.

"Wow, maybe you can take care of yourself then." It was a good thing Ghoul wasn't here right now because he'd more than likely bring up how I threw Party's beamer at a bunch of cans the first time I shot it.

"Yep, I'm really dangerous with one of these but god forbid I should remember my name." I put my hand on my ray gun then sighed a little bit at the thought of knowing what I was used to be called.

"Anyway welcome to the family. You wanna drink?" He asked me, taking a sip from a glass that was so clear my mind decided to see it as water.

"Yeah that sounds great." I nodded at the same time then Sunshine started shaking her head.

"No more for her tonight. She's already had like two cyanide comas and I don't think she's drunk before. I also don't think she can hold her drinks well." Before she'd even finished talking I was mumbling that she was wrong, the drunk kind of mumbling.

"No, no, no. I've also had one of those slam chaser things. Party gave me one." For some reason I felt the urge to hold up one finger and count how many drinks I'd had, which made me look even more drunk.

"That explains everything then. Party came up with the whole slam chaser thing. It's the fastest and surest way to get you off your face drunk in thirty minutes or less." Revolver told me with a small smile on his narrow foxish face.

So basically the thing's for lazy people who are too bothered to drink a whole bunch of alcohol to get drunk.

"Damn him, he shouldn't have been giving me one of those." I muttered and made note in the back of my mind to yell at him for it later on.

If I'd only had the cyanide comas I wouldn't be that drunk and would still be able to walk and talk like a normal person.

"They also don't mix well with the cyanide comas. You have got one hell of a chemical cocktail going on in you right now." Revolver put his drink on the bar before jumping over the counter and grabbing something.

He was good looking, kinda hot actually and he reminded me a lot of Party Poison who was off enjoying his night with a droid.
A robot is more attractive than me, that's nice, but then again a robot would do a whole bunch of freaky shit any normal human being wouldn't even consider.

"So what Zone are you from?" I was talking to Fallout who had his back turned to us.

"Zone 13." I didn't know that was a Zone, I'd seen maps back at the camp and from what I've seen there were only six Zones, not thirteen.

Sunshine saw that I was having trouble understanding what he was talking about and she explained.

"Zone 13 isn't really a Zone, it's more wilderness than anything else. It's the worst possible place to live, no offence Fallout, there's smugglers all over the place and the Killjoys there are tough as nails. Party used came from old Zone 13." Well that explains why he's so crazy, standing over someone when they're sleeping and drawing them isn't the sanest of things you could do.

Revolver jumped back over and handed me a glass with clear liquid in it. I stared at it for a moment, trying to decide if it might be roofied and when Sunshine gave me a nod saying it was alright I had a drink from the glass.

It was just water, good I don't think my body could handle any more alcohol tonight without me starting up some very stupid behaviour.

"Thanks, Revolver. Hey did you hear the song that was playing earlier? 'Gravity, don't mean too much to me.'" I half heartedly sung a few words, mainly what I could remember and Sunshine stared at me, probably wondering why I was randomly singing.

"Yeah." Revolver said with a small smirk, it reminded me a lot of the one Party had.

"I think that Party Poison wrote that." I told him very loudly then immediately got the feeling Party might have wanted to keep that to himself.

"I'm gonna look for Acid Android." Fallout mumbled, taking his drink and slipping into the crowd, leaving us standing there, still talking.

"Really? I always thought Poison was the party animal in the group, not the sappy one." Revolver said casually, why did the first impression I had of Party have to keep getting ruined by what everyone was saying?

"If you think Ghoul and the rest of the crew are bad then you should see Party when he gets going. I've seen him get so wild you'd think he'd started a cycle. There was this one time with like ten droids and I think there were some draculoids. He dusted them at the end but it was still awesome." That explains why Kobra had an android under each arm, he got the example of how he was supposed to behave from his older brother that was significantly more reckless than I thought he was when I first met him.

Can't judge a book by its cover no matter how red or sexy that book cover is.

"Revolver would you like to dance?" I asked him, taking a step forward. I wanted to think of something other than Party Poison and for some reason I felt like dancing would help well me. It wouldn't be helping anyone who would have to watch.

I hadn't moved very far forward before every ounce of alcohol in my body all kicked in at once and completely dropped me. So instead of taking a step forward it was kind of like a propelled face first fall towards the ground.
Which is exactly what you need when you're drunk of course.

Before I could really hurt myself Revolver grabbed my arm and pulled me upright but with how hard he did it I ended up leaning onto him even though I didn't mean or want to.

"I'm really sorry." I told him, trying to stand normally but my legs picked this exact moment to decide not to work.

That's pretty much one of the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me since I woke up but just wait.

Oh yes it gets even worse from here.

"Electric? What are you doing to her?" Yep Party showed up, this situation is just a hundred percent fabulous and he also though Revolver was trying to do something to me.

I was just trying to stand the fuck up without falling over.

Might I add that it was Party's fault in the first place, he was the one who gave me a slam chaser.

"I'm fine, Party. I can manage myself." I held up a hand, telling him to stop but almost falling over at the same time so I didn't exactly get my point across.

"Revolver leave her the fuck alone you stupid zone rat." Party came walking up with a very pissed off expression on his face which he had no right to have. He's been off somewhere else for who knows how long.

Party put his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground slightly then moved me away from Revolver who was now looking annoyed.

"Hey, stop. Party leave me alone and go back to your robo slut alright?" Realising the words that just left my mouth I turned to Sunshine and apologised, Neon was probably her friend. She shrugged like it was no problem, okay maybe they weren't friends then.

"What that hell are you talking about?" He asked and I struggled to get him to let go of me, he still had his arms around my waist and didn't seem like he'd be letting to anytime soon.

"Neon Kiss, the droid you went to dance with. You said you'd stay with me." It should have been obvious, she was wearing even less clothes than Sunshine so she was basically the only robo slut I'd seen in here.

"I talked with her for about two minutes and I asked you to wait for a moment then I spent about twenty minutes walking around the fricken club looking for you. Where have you been?" So Party hasn't been dancing or whatever with Neon the whole time?

I felt my face lift into a small that probably didn't look attractive since I was drunk. I knew I didn't look attractive actually, Ghoul smiled at me when I saw him and normally he'd be good looking (how else would he get girls so easily) but his smile was kinda scary.

"I've been with Sunshine the whole time and I was just hanging out with Revolver until you showed up. What's your problem with him anyway." That's something I definitely wanted to know the answer to, Party was being a douche for no reason.

"I was in the Helium Wars with him, Kobra got shot in the leg and when I called for him to help me get Kobra to safety he ran off like a fucking sissy. If he were to do that to another Killjoy in Zone 13 he'd get dusted for being a fucking deserter. I still think I should ghost him for it." I looked at Revolver who was leaning against the bar with his arms crossed over his chest, looking surprisingly casual after what Party had said.

Now that I look at him I do admit that Revolver looks like he'd run in that kind of situation but not because he's a sissy, because he'd be smart enough to not put himself in immediate danger.

"But you can't do that." Revolver said with a smirk, other than the running away thing I don't know why Party hates him so much, they're almost exactly alike.
Except Revolver seems more smug than Party.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Because you're Zone 13's leader. Big fuckin' deal. I still owe you a huge scar on your shoulder for what happened to me when you ran off." I turned my head to look at him then raised an eyebrow, trying to guess what he'd be talking about.

"What sca-"

"It was your fault for staying with that stupid brother of yours." Revolver talked over me with a voice of arrogance that made me instantly decide I didn't like him even though Sunshine said we'd get along.

Party stood there silently for a second before letting go of my waist and marching over to Revolver with his ray gun drawn.

I had a feeling this was gonna turn into one of those fights they mentioned because the other people in the club were starting to stare.

"He was fourteen at the time, what was I supposed to do? Run off and abandon him like you did to everyone there? I'm sorry but I'm a better person than that." Party's beamer was now pressed under Revolver's chin and he looked like he was going to dust him at any moment.

"Would have been a better choice but that's who you are I guess. Sacrifice yourself for the lives of idiots. What would you do in a situation where it was your life of another's, Electric?" Revolver asked me and I looked up from the ground to watch the whole crowds head swivel towards me.

"I guess it would depend whose it was." I replied, slowly inching my hand towards the ray gun at my hip as ice ran up my spine and over my skin.

I was getting the feeling that something bad was about to happen and I didn't like it one bit.

"Hmm." He said flatly and so fast I couldn't even follow the movement Revolver had Party pinned against the bar so he couldn't move with a ray gun pressed against his head.

Party's zapper was laying on the ground and he looked like he wanted to flat out murder Revolver, even more than he did ten seconds ago. Personally I couldn't believe I thought the fucking bastard was attractive when I first met him.

I pulled my blaster out and aimed it at Revolver, I wanted him to get his fucking hands off Party right now.

The barrel of a ray gun was pressed against the back of my head and I felt my whole body go tense, I didn't know who it was but I wanted to ghost them.

Sunshine was standing next to me with her mouth open, she obviously didn't expect this to happen and had no idea what to do.

I gave her a look that only another girl could understand and she nodded to me before running off.

"Let him go right fucking now." It was irrelevant that someone was standing behind me and I barely managed to get the words through my teeth before I fixed my aim on Revolver.

Before I'd been questioning how good I'd be at aiming when I was drunk but I felt perfectly fine like I hadn't even had a drink tonight so my aim, it was pretty good.

"Electric, if you had to choose between saving Party Poison or yourself, what would be your decision." Party, my mind immediately answered but I gave him a death glare instead.

"Five seconds to move your fucking zap away from his head and if you don't I'll hurt you, that's a promise." I was feeling a tad confused about why Party had stayed silent but I assumed he had a reason because he looked deep in thought.

"No thank you, babe. This is much more fun and I doubt you'd shoot me." He didn't seem to understand that I had dusted two dracs without any remorse.

Now he had his ray gun to Party's head, the head of one of my friends and he thought I wouldn't shoot him? Besides, he'd just called me babe.
This guy is a creep.

Sunshine pushed through the crowd with Jet, Ghoul and Kobra following her.

Ghoul looked like he could barely walk but he managed to pull it together enough to draw his gun and glare at Revolver as did Jet and Kobra. Especially Kobra, he looked like he wanted to rip Revolver in half.

"Let go of my brother, fucking zone rat." Kobra practically spat on him and started marching over only to be stopped by Sunshine who grabbed his arm when Revolver tightened his finger on the trigger.
He was actually making me choose.

Instead of going for the swear my head off at him tactic I would normally go with my brain kicked into high gear and came up with a much better plan.

"I think I'd choose you." I said, lowering my ray gun to the floor and smiling what I hoped looked nicely.

"What?" The arrogant look on Revolver's face changed slightly and he now appeared to be a bit confused.

With all the people around watching us it makes me feel like I'm on stage, in the middle of a play and acting something out.
Very well I might add.

"I'd go for you. I mean I don't remember anything about myself so it's not like I have any special reasons to live and Party's not that attractive." God am I lying my ass off.

I have every reason in the world to live and Party looks gorgeous even when he's got a murderous expression on his face.

"Gee thanks, Electric." Party mumbled and I had to resist the urge to start laughing.

"But you're different, I feel like I've this kinda connection with you. I like your sense of self preservation." I took a step forward and it didn't seem like the person behind me noticed and neither did Revolver who looked shocked.

"You're really tall and attractive and you've got that awesome white hair." It was obvious he was the kind of person who responded well to flattery and it was working now because I was walking forward and almost in front of him yet he didn't seem to notice.

"Also you called me babe and I love it when guys call me that." I took one more step and was now standing directly in front of him. I definitely wasn't lying about him being tall, that's for sure.

"I'll bet you're a good kisser too." I said, someone give me a fucking award for this performance, I deserve one.

Still keeping Party pinned against the bar Revolver leant down so he was at my eye level.
How this guy doesn't see this is a trap I didn't know, he's good at getting himself out of situations but he wasn't the brains trust.

"Depends, would you like to find out, doll?"

Originally I was just going to punch him but after he called me doll, well I couldn't let him get away with it so easily.

"Fuck no you asshole." I moved my gun a little bit and pulled the trigger, I'd been smart enough to turn the safety off, then shot him in the foot.

"That's for calling me doll." I told him as the beam of light went through his shoe, through his foot and into the floor, causing him to immediately start yelling.

"And this for not listening to me when I told you that you had five seconds to let my friend, go."

I brought my knee up and hit him right in the balls with a grin on my face.

Of course I was feeling pretty damn badass after this, especially when Revolver immediately let go of Party who moved away and stood next to me but then my damn drunk brain had to kick in.

"Anyway, it was a lie when I said I liked tall blondes. I actually like crazy redheads."


omg I started reading this on wattpad before it was taken down. i'm so glad you posted it on here :)

*impaitently waits for chapter*

Hazel_Highlight Hazel_Highlight

Dang...I can't wait for an update :)

this is one of my favorite dd era fics ever omfg. it really is perfect.

quixotica quixotica


Acid Bullet Acid Bullet