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Save Me

Home Sweet Home

I woke up to the sound of a guitar. I sat up in bed rubbing my tired eyes rather confused by the sound. Who the hell in the household even plays guitar?

I decided to investigate. I wondered round the house for at least half an hour not having a clue where the sound was coming from even though i could still hear it.

Yeah my sense of direction is shit. Sue me.

I decided to knock on Mikey's door even though i knew he wouldn't be awake at 9 in the morning.

As soon as i knocked i got shouted at. I guess thats to be expected though.

"Gerard i am not going to fucking jam with you for the last time go back to the basement alone and learn to play properly!"

Well that clears up my first question.

"Ah the basement thanks Mikes" I chuckled

"Whaa" I heard as i was walking away.

I decided to make a coffee before going down to the basement.

Half way through coffee making however my stomach rumbled so i decided to make breakfast as well.

I plugged in my iPod to the dock in the kitchen, even though it's Mikey's and he'll get pissed, i still decided to blast Green Day out of the speakers.

I was dancing and singing along to 'King for a day' whilst cooking pancakes when i got the fright of my life.

Gerard was standing in the door way looking rather amused by my um 'dancing'.

"Aw, no come on Helly don't stop." I poked my tongue out at him and he done the same right back so i decided to turn around and continue to my pancakes.

"Ohh pancakes yummy."

"none for you though fatty." I looked around smiling at him innocently

He mumbled something and sat down drinking coffee.

Wait. "That's my coffee"

"Congratulations, tha'ts my frying pan, and my flour and my eggs and my..."

"Okay i get it! Drink away" I waved my hand to say i don't care anyways and went to pour myself another one.

"How do you enjoy your first officially legal night here then." I said gently whilst sipping my no HIS coffee.

"It was comfortable thanks" I grinned. "Was it you that woke me up to the sound of the guitar?"

He cleared his throat "Uh yeah sorry. Just writing music."

"You write music? That's so cool" I said sitting down with my now ready and delicious smelling pancakes.

"Yeah, only if it was actually good stuff" He mumbled taking another sip.

"I'm sure it is, if its from the heart then that's all that matters." He smiled kindly at me.

"I guess so. Lets hope my band feels the same way." He has a band?

"You have a band? Since when? Who's in it? What's it called?"

"Woah, slow down their midget one." I pouted at his and he continued.

"I have been in this band for a year. The members are a guy named Frank, then Ray, Mikey, Bob and then me." I stared at him.

"Mikey?" i squeaked.

"yeah, Mikey. He plays bass." Woooah

"I would never had thought that looking at him." He chuckled. Putting his head back and taking the last sips of coffee.

"Yeah, most people don't! Hey you're an outsider. Come look at my work i need an honest opinion."

"I'd love to." I smiled jumping up after him.

When we got into the basement i was awestruck. It is nothing like upstairs it looks just like a boys bedroom but replacing the bed with keyboards, guitars, microphones, amps. You name the instrument its probably there.

Their was posters of different bands on the wall including The Smiths, Iron Maiden, The Ramones, Guns 'n' Roses and theirs even a Green Day one.

The room was surprisingly bright for a basement, obviously so that Gerard could write.

"You done staring" I snapped back into reality.

"Uh yeah. Ya'know this room gives me an better insight of what goes into this" I said whilst tapping his head.

I laughed as he swatted my hand away.

I stopped laughing once i saw a les paul guitar though.

"Omg, you have a les paul? What the! Can i touch it?"

He scratched the back of his head. "I'd rather you didn't. It's kind of my baby"

"Oh okay." I looked down. He looked kinda guilty.

"You play?" i looked up again.

"Uh yeah. i used to, my mum smashed my guitar though claiming its to loud even though i wasn't playing it."

His face went from excited to sympathetic. "I'm sorry."

"Hey it's not your fault. Shit happens."

"Yeah but I feel bad" We sat in silence for a few moments

"Come on we're going out" I jumped from his sudden outburst.

"um, what"

"We. Are. Going. Out. So come one get your shoes on, get a jacket." He said grinning like he was up to something.

He ran upstairs and i followed making a bee line for my room to put my shoes on.

"Mikey!" He yelled.

"What G?" I smirked at the tone he used.

"Don't use that tone bro. If you want to get that thing you wanted you better join. We're going ouuut" He said dragging the out bit like it's some big adventure.

Mikey came running at this, slipping his converse and jacket on quicker than I've ever seen him move.

Where the hell are we going and what is Mikey wanting so badly.

We pulled up outside the mall and i followed them till we was outside a music shop.

"Why have you bought me here?" I questioned. Mikey had already gone inside obviously getting what he wanted sooooo badly.

"Cause" Gerard shrugged. "You don't have a guitar and you obviously play and so i wanna treat you to one." He said like he was only about to spend 10p. He could not spend this much on me.

"No Gerard that's too much money. I cant accept that" He just laughed.

"Not to blow my own trumpet or nothing. But i think i can afford it, my band just released an album so i have the money."

I looked at him "You're famous?" I questioned.

He shrugged "No not really but you don't have to be famous to sell albums and tour. Just people enjoying music."

"Wait you've released an album. That means you have to tour." I looked at him. What the fuck is he gonna do with me whilst he tours?

"That's a conversation for another day, Now we haven't got all day so lets get you a guitar."

I dropped the subject he obviously doesn't want to talk about it.

I smiled at him and followed him into the shop.

"Okay pick any guitar that you want." He said "And i'm going to find Mikey to make sure he doesn't buy the whole bass collection."

I laughed at the typical thing Mikey Way would do and looked around at all the guitars.

I saw a gorgeous Red Les Paul junior and fell in love with it instantly.

I picked it up and sat on the stool near by and started strumming it to the beat of oh love by green day.

I tuned it up correctly and continued. I jumped when someones hand appeared on my shoulders.

"I'm guessing this is the one? It matches your hair ya'know"

I grinned "Beautiful isn't it?" I said.

"Eh mines better." He said whilst laughing.

"Okay so now you've picked your guitar we need a strap."

I picked up a black and white checkered one cause it looked cool with my red guitar.

"A couple more, i normally get through these things like an alcoholic does alcohol."

I shook my head at his analogy and picked up an awesome Green Day one.

"OMG They do My Chemical Romance straps! You so have to get that! OMG MICHAEL!"

"Gerard shut up people are staring. Whats so exciting about that? I've never heard of them!"

"My Chem is our band! Omg i have to tell the guys!"

"Stop saying omg Gee you're like a teenage girl. No offense." Mikey said looking at me.

"Whats so exciting anyway?" He questioned.

"MCR Straps!" He said shoving them in Mikey's face.

"OMG" Mikey squealed making fun of Gerard. "We designed them shit-face of course they'd be here" Gerard just pouted at that.

"but still Helena still needs this strap for her guitar right Hel?"

"yeah sure" i muttered not really caring.

"That's settled then, these three straps and this guitar please" Gerard said to the person at the till.

Mikey just shook his head whilst Gerard Payed.

"Did ya get what you wanted?" I asked Mikey.

"Yeah it's right here!" He said holding up a box which i assumed had a bass in it.

"Cool lets go get food!"


By the time we got home it was past midnight and we stumbled through the door tiredly.

"Home Sweet Home" I said falling on the sofa.

Mikey smiled and Gerard mumbled "I don't know how we managed to stay out that late" putting emphasis on the that.

I laughed "When you said lets go get food i didn't think you'd mean spend an hour driving to New York and then stay there for hours before coming home"

"Alright alright i get the point McDonald's would have been fine. " Me and Mikey both laughed making Gerard pout and mumble "sorry for wanting to treat you both"

Which makes us laugh even harder.

There was about a 5 minute silence before Mikey announced that he's going to bed to which me and Gerard agreed.

I went into my bedroom smiling to myself because i'd managed to find myself two amazing guys which i care for deeply. Not to mention they care for me as well.

For once in my life i went to bed care free.


Check you've read the before chapters.

If you want to follow me on instagram or tumblr then you totally can! Both my thingys are called lookaliveheidi.

Yeah im totally using you guys for followers.

Enjoyyy x


update soon please


Ellie-phant Ellie-phant

Great story! Can't wait to read more!

Gerard No Way Gerard No Way

This story is so good omg

ronivengeance ronivengeance

poor Mikey he didn't realize