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I felt a light shift in my bed. I fluttered my eyes open back at a familiar pair of eyes staring back at me with enthusiasm plastered across them. Fall grinned ear to ear as she shifted in the bed more to get under the covers better. I sighed as she scooted closer.

“Spill-” I rolled my eyes “-I know something happened between you and Frank!”

“Nothing!” I exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes at me as she said, “Bullshit! You were gone all night-”

“Until midnight.” I corrected her.

Fall sighed and continued, “Fine, whatever. But you were still gone that whole time with him! What happened!?” She bounced around in the spot she occupied.

Once again, I rolled my eyes as I said, “Nothing! We smoke a couple of joints, raided his kitchen, watched I Love Lucy, and some where in the middle of that, I fell asleep and so did he. That's why I was home so late.”

“M-hm-” she gave me an annoyed stare “-yeah. I'm sure that's all that happened. I bet that short motherfucker rocked your world.”

“Fall!” I exclaimed. “I don't like him like that... Christ, I barely can stand him sober. I mostly got the hots for Gerard.”

Fall giggled uncontrollably as she replied, “Oh wow... the Storm's tagging up for the Way's. Interesting. If we ever move out together and they moved out together, we could carpool to get laid.”

I smiled. “Yeah-” I pushed her “-get out. I need to get ready for today.”

“With Frank?” She asked.

I huffed. “No! With-” I grinned “-with Gee.”

Fall took a deep inhale of air happily. “No fucking way!”

“Yes fucking way!” I giggled. I feel like a cliched giddy school girl. Time to twirl my hair around and chomp down on mint gum.

Fall climbed out of my bed and made her way to my door. “Have fun-” she cleared her throat “-oh, and be happy. I saved your ass last night. I told mom and dad you were having a bad day and you've been hanging out in my room.”

I chuckled and told her thanks. I jumped out of my bed and read my alarm; eight forty-two. I turned off the alarm and got in the shower. I blow dried my hair after I got out of the shower. I sat around in my towel and did my make-up as well. I eventually made my way back into my bedroom and picked out my clothes for the day.

I decided to go the all black route. I got on my Misfits shirt that says “Mommy, can I go out and kill tonight?” in red with the infamous logo at the bottom. I slid on my favorite black skinny jeans that have intentional holes across them. I slid on my high top red chuck's and a black zip up hoodie.

I grabbed the things I needed; my small wallet and a piece of paper with my house number on it along with my parents work phone. I still didn't remember their numbers and I didn't have my cell phone yet, so I guess it's better if I kept it like this. I checked myself over in the mirror and I smiled; I felt like I looked decent.

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I began to eat a cereal bar when I looked over at the clock. It's almost eleven, he'll be here anytime now. I felt my stomach start to quiver; I'm excited. Way, way, way, way too excited.

“Is this a date?” Fall asked and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

I gasped and said, “For fucks sake-” she giggled “-you scared the shit outta me.”

“Don't be so antsy.” Fall punched my shoulder lightly.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Whatever. And no, this isn't a date... at least, I don't think so?” I started to question myself; is this a date? “I mean, he showed up at my window last night to ask me about today... if that means anything?”

Fall clapped her hands excitedly. She bounced around as she said, “Holy shit! It's a date! Winter! It's a date!”

“No it's not!” I exclaimed, getting embarrassed. The doorbell rang and I took off in the living room. “You! Hush! Not a single word!” I yelled back.

I quickly opened the door to Gerard. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He looked absolutely sexy. He wore the black leather jacket that is pretty much his signature thing along with a pair of black skinny jeans, black shoes, and a black t-shirt with Black Flag's logo on it.

“Hey Gee,” I said, like I was lost. Ten points to Gryffindor from Winter Storm for being awkward.

Gerard chuckled and said, “Hey there, Winnie. You look stunning.”

I bit my lip and said, “Thanks, you look good yourself.”

He waved his hand in the air towards me and said, “No, no.” Gerard smirked. “Ready to go?”

I jumped out of the front door and closed it behind me. “Yep.”

We walked over to his black Honda and I jumped into the passenger seat. I asked him where we were gonna go, but it was a surprise he said. Gerard gave me full access to all of his CD's and tapes in his car for my to play. I ended up just picking my shirts band; the Misfits.

After about twenty minutes of blaring the Misfits, we pulled into the parking lot across the street from the beach. I looked over at Gerard who had a huge grin plastered across his face. He leaned forward towards the radio and turned down the music.

“You're an artist... I'm an artist-” Gerard grinned “-so I thought, 'Why not have an art day?'”

I smirked and said, “Really?”

He nodded his head lightly. “Yeah, no one comes to the beach during this time of the year except for the weirdos in the Polar Bear Club-” I gave him a confused look “-you know, the idiots that swim in cold as fuck water during winter.” I giggled. “I got sketching stuff and painting supplies in the trunk.”

I kept my smirk on my face and jumped out of the car with Gerard. He pulled out two folding chairs and a couple of towels. I watched as he slung the towels over his shoulder and adjusted the towels to pick up two blank canvas's. I reached into the trunk and pulled out his black messenger bag and a pile of sketch books.

We made our way to the beach and Gerard told me, “I've always wanted to paint the beach, but never really had the balls to do it myself.”

“You can definitely come get me anytime to paint, Gee.” I lightly bumped into his shoulder with mine.

After we picked the most perfect spot we could find, we set up base. We placed the towels in front of the folding chairs where our art supplies rested. We got the large canvas's set up for us to paint with. Gerard started out with a sketch and I started out with painting after an outline; go big or go home.

We talked for hours and hours. I think we forgot about lunch and just kept talking to each other whilst we painted the beach in front of us. By the time the sun had started to set, I was almost completely done and Gerard was finished already. We didn't go crazy with the painting, just something simple.

After a few minutes of silence, he told me that he'd be right back in a few. I attempted to complete my painting as he took miscellaneous supplies that I didn't need back to his car. I was pretty excited with the way my painting was coming out.

Gerard came back after fifteen minutes with a box of cheese pizza. I finished my painting before he came back and we slammed the shit out of the pizza. After eating the whole box of pizza, I slipped off my shoes and socks. I had this sudden urge to do something stupid after sitting still all day long.

I jumped out of my chair and told Gerard, “Look, I'm gonna go swimming.” I pulled out my wallet and list of numbers and gave them to Gerard. I took off my hoodie and chucked it at Gerard.

“W-wait,” he stuttered out. “What?”

Before he could protest, I idiotically dove right into the cold as fuck ocean. I closed my eyes and floated under the water for about a minute before jumping back out of the water. I pulled my hair behind and away from my eyes as I heard Gerard laughing at me in the distance.

“Girl!” He yelled. “You're fucking crazy!”

“But you love me anyways!” I yelled back, diving back into the water.

I know it's probably the dumbest thing you could do; dive into the cold water while it's starting to become nighttime. But you know what? Fuck it.

I popped back out of the water, farther back that I originally was. Gerard yelled, “Hey! I'll be right back, I'm gonna take the rest of the crap to my car. Don't let any sharks eat ya!”

“Leave the towels!” I replied. “Please!”

I swam around in the water. It was incredibility cold at first, but it started to feel really nice after sitting in it for a while. I float on my back, staring at the sky that was starting to become darker with every passing minute.

“Winnie!” Gerard called out for me. I floated upright as he continued, “Ready to go home?”

I giggled and said, “Yeah, hold on.”

I swam back to shore where Gerard was grinning. He was holding onto my jacket, my shoes and my towels. I took one and muttered a shaky thank you. I dried myself off as well as I could before he took the soaked towel and handed me the other one.

“I swear-” I looked up at him “-if you get sick, it's not my fault.”

“Oh hush.” I chuckled.

We walked back to the sidewalk to make our way back to the parking lot where Gerard's car sits. Before we hit the pavement, Gerard reached over to me for a hug. I didn't realize what was happening until he picked me up as I wrapped my arms around him.

“It'd break my heart if you stepped on glass or something,” Gerard shyly said.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding onto him tightly. “Thanks, Gee. I'm sorry your getting wet.”

“It's alright-” he giggled “-we'll just kick on the heat in my car.”

And that's what we did. He gently placed me down and I jumped into the passenger seat. We drove home with some mix tape blasting music I didn't recognize with the heat kicked up as high as it could go. I felt my head getting light and I knew I was going to be sick here shortly. Oh well.

We pulled up in my driveway and I started to get my shoes on. Gerard cleared his throat and said, “Um, if you want, I can hold onto the paintings until they've completely dried?”

I slid on my last shoe as I replied, “Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks.” I grinned over at him and finished with, “I had a lot of fun today, thank you.”

Gerard waved his hand at me before passing over my wallet and list of numbers. “No problem, anytime. I had a lot of fun today, too.”

I opened the passenger door and leaned back in, “I'm gonna keep this towel, alright?” Gerard nodded his head and I continued, “I'll give it back soon. Be safe getting home, Gee.”

“Will do, Winnie.” Gerard smiled a sweet and innocent smile as I closed the passenger side door.

I walked up to my front door knowing that my sister was going to bombard me with questions as soon as she saw me. I kept the semi-wet towel hung over my shoulders as I walked inside. I slid off my shoes at the front door and made my way upstairs. Before I could make it to the very top, I heard muffled giggles. Someone else was in her room, probably Mikey. I shook my wet hair around for a second before going to Fall's room.

“... you gotta be kidding me! This is Winter!?” Someone giggled out.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I busted open the door and Fall sprawled over Frank and what he was holding. I dropped my towel and pranced over to them on the bed. She kept her body covered on top of Frank and I tried pushing her away.

“Fucking Fall! What're you showing him?!” I exclaimed.

“No!” Fall giggled out.

Frank groaned and said, “You're wet and smell like the ocean!”

I ignored his comment and pushed Fall onto the floor and pushed Frank onto the bed in one swift motion. I jumped on top of him, straddling his waist under me and in between my legs. I leaned for to tried to grab the book he was holding away from me above his head.

Frank giggled out and said, “She's seducing me! Save me, Fall! My virginity is at stake! Save me from the sex demon!” I rolled my eyes at that comment.

I gasped at the album of baby pictures Frank was holding. I yanked them away and glared at Fall. “I know this was yours and moms doing.” she giggled. “I will murder you.”

“Whatever! It was all moms idea!” Fall exclaimed, rather loudly.

“It was!” My mom muffled yells rumbled through the house.

Frank giggled and said, “Your mom insisted that I saw how adorable you were.”

”Were?' I questioned with venom in my tone. “Fuck you! I still am the sexiest piece of woman to walk on God's green Earth.”

Fall and Frank roared with laughter. I held the book up the in the air and started to stand up but Frank grabbed me by the waist, holding me down. I tried to wiggle out of this position and pushed Frank's hands away from my waist, this only caused him to move towards my hips more.

“Frank! Get off!” I yelled at him, starting to beat him with the baby book.

Frank gave me this grin. It wasn't like any type of grin that I've gotten from him before and I knew exactly what this grin was. I stopped beating him with the book and tossed it to Fall. I stopped resisting as leaned forward into Frank's face.

We were merely centimeters away from kissing when I said, “You want me, don't you?” in the sexiest whisper I could come out with. Fuck this, I'm going to sexy route. Thank you Jesus for blessing me with a vagina and boobs.

I could hear Fall scrambling around the room behind me trying to figure out what to do as I ran my fingers up Frank's sides. He gasped out and I sighed out a cute giggle, still trying to be sexy. Of course, I'm just fucking around with him, but Fall and Frank don't know that. I have no desire to get in bed with Frank.

“W-what?” Frank stammered out, highly confused.

His eyes were wide, like a deer in headlights. I swear to fucking God, it took everything I had in me not to just crack up and piss myself from laughing so hard. But, I didn't, I kept my composure throughout this facade. I deserve a fucking Grammy for this performance. I'll make sure to thank my fans, Frank, and Fall.

I leaned a little to the side, letting my semi-wet hair touch his chest. Dear lord, this was getting interesting. I heard Fall starting out to say, “Win-winter... come on, no... not in my ro-room.” she was nervous, fucking stuttering like crazy.

I immediately pressed my lips to Frank's neck, hearing him gasp out, “F-fuck! Get your sister, dude!”

Frank's hands held onto my hips tightly and tried to move me away. Fall yanked on my legs from behind, trying to get me off of Frank. I bit his neck hard by accident. I was hearing him gasp out again as he was trying to push me off. I held my teeth against his neck and decided to just go with it. Frank scrambled with Fall to try to get me off.

“What the hell!” Fall yelled out, finally noticing I'm biting his neck.

“S-she's biting m-AH!” Frank gasped out (it seemed more like a moan, really) when I bit him harder. I removed my mouth from his neck and looked at the bite marks that were most likely going to bruise.

“Sweet,” I muttered, jumping off of him.

“What the fuck was that!?” Frank exclaimed, sitting up on the bed.

In one swift motion, I jumped off the bed and picked up the baby book. I trotted over towards the door and picked up Gerard's towel. I turned over to a confused looking Fall and a sexually frustrated looking Frank.

“You guys are so easy to fuck with-” I smirked “-like I'd ever want you.”

Frank and Fall looked at each other shocked and Fall spat out, “Dude! You just gave him a hickey for the shits and giggles of it? I don't believe that bullshit!”

I shrugged. “Pretty much. It's what you both deserve for looking in my baby books. I hope you felt as awkward as I did doing that Fall. His boner was poking me like crazy.” I rolled my eyes. “I was waiting for him to dry hump me.”

Frank jumped out of the bed, darting after me saying, “I didn't have a boner!”

Fall giggled and I took off outside of the door, sliding in to the wall opposite of her bedroom door. I'm still kind of wet and my clothes dragged me down as I took off for my bedroom. I burst into it, chucking the towel and book onto the floor. Frank pushed open the door and picked me up bridal style.

“Put me down!” I yelled out, kicking around.

“No!” Frank kicked my door shut and locked it.

He threw me onto the bed and jumped on top of me. He positioned his self between my legs slightly and dropped his arms around my sides. I began to flip the fuck out. I started kicking and pushing him away, not knowing what's going to happen next. I brought my hands up to his face, smashing it together. I pushed him away, trying not to laugh at his dumb, smashed looking face.

“I'm not going to do anything!” Frank yelled out between his smashed lips.

“Like fuck you aren't! You're trying to have my babies!” I yelled out, starting to giggle.

Frank busted out in a fit of laughter and I dropped my tight hold against Frank's face but I kept my hands on his cheeks. We laughed for a few good seconds and if no one knew any better, they'd walk in on this scene thinking that we were about to 'make love' or some shit like that.

I started to mentally slap myself as I stared into Frank's eyes. We held a stare for a few long seconds that seemed like hours. I felt my heart beat faster and faster and my breath quickened. I could see this was happening to Frank, too. I bit my lip and quickly looked away from him. I dropped my hands from his face to my sides.

We both flinched and looked over when we heard a loud bang on the door followed by, “Winter! Frank! Like seriously you two!?” from Fall on the other side of the door. “The most hot and cold people I know, I swear,” I heard her mumble.

Frank and I didn't say anything and locked eyes again. But this time when we locked eyes, Frank didn't waste any time before leaning forward and kissing me. Honestly, I didn't think about what was going on between us in that moment. I kissed back, bringing my hands up to his face again, trying to hold him closer to me.

What the fuck am I doing? I'm kissing the fucking antichrist. Okay, I'm over exaggerating, but still. I know somewhere deep down, I do have little feelings for him but I know that I think about Gerard more than I do Frank. I should've pushed him away; this is becoming too confusing.

We went at each other like fucking horny dogs. Frank pushed his self on top of me as I pulled him more towards me by wrapping my legs around his waist. I moved my hands from his face and around his neck. This was crazy good and really, I didn't want it to stop. I'm enjoying this too much.

Another loud bang from the door came from Fall as she said, “Seriously guys... are you fucking?!”

I heard my mom yell out, “Whose fucking!?”

I dropped my hands and pulled away from Frank. “Go away!” I yelled out at Frank, pushing him away.

Frank stood up, looking shocked. I jumped up from my bed, looking back at it. It was slightly wet from my clothes and I sighed out. I looked back at Frank who still looked shocked. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

“Not a word, got it?” I told him quietly and he nodded.

I walked over to the door and opened it. I dramatically fell into Fall's arms complaining that he was beating me around. Fall giggled and held onto me. I looked over and glared at a still very confused Frank. Once again, I deserve a fucking Grammy.

Fall pushed me off of her and said, “Mom says you should probably go home soon.”

Frank scrambled around in his brain, trying to find the words in his vocabulary to respond with. “Uh, y-yeah...” Smooth. Real smooth.

Fall glanced over at me and said, “Jesus, what the fuck did you do to him?”

“Me!?” I exclaimed out. “He threw me around like a rag doll!” This wasn't a complete lie.

Frank finally clicked back into reality and said, “Hey, I'll see you guys later.”

He pushed passed Fall and myself and literally ran for the stairs awkwardly. I stared at my sister with my mouth wide open, looking like an idiot. She knitted her eyebrows together and pushed me into my bedroom. Fall turned around and locked my door.

“Tell me about you and Gerard first,” she said as she spun around.

I started to get undressed. I grabbed a pair of pajamas to change into. “We did scenery paintings and painted at the beach and talked all day. It's so nice being around him Fall, I'm starting to really like him.” I said this in a very dreamy kind of voice but then fucking Frank's face popped up in my mind. I felt angry at myself instantly.

I pushed Frank to the back of my mind and the intense kiss along with it. I don't want to be close like that with Frank, ever. I just wanted to be friends and nothing more. I didn't want him like I want to be with Gerard. Frank's a wild boy and Gerard's a calm and gentle man.

“Aw!” Fall exclaimed. “So, it was nice, yeah?”

I nodded my head and hummed, “M-hm. It was really nice.” I slipped on my clean, dry pajamas and sat on my bed next to Fall.

Fall smirked and said, “I like how you have this sweet date with Gerard and you come home to do weird shit to Frank.”


“I didn't do anything!” I defended harshly.

Fall cracked up like it was the funniest thing ever. “You gave him a freaking hickey!” I rolled my eyes as she continued, “I heard you two in here! Now spill!” My face was red and I knew it. I probably looked like the biggest idiot ever.

“He-” I cleared my throat, trying to find the words “-he uh... he kissed me.”

The reaction I got from Fall was something I didn't expect. She snapped her fingers in a cliched and stereotypical 'black woman' way with her lips puckered out as she said, “”Mm, girl-” I laughed at her fake ghetto accent “-barely been here three weeks and you got all these bitches crawling for you.”

I laughed and replied, “Nah... I wish I had something like you and Mikey,” I waved my hand in the air in thought. I giggled as I said, “Sweet and innocent... not complicated.”

Really, what they do have is this cute little 'hard to get' relationship. They would hang out 90% of the free time we had together, make it obvious they wanted to date each other, and then act all shy like nothing happened. It was the cutest fucking thing since fat babies in cow costumes during Halloween.

Instantly, Fall's ghetto impersonation dropped and she bit her lip. “Mikey,” she grinned a she spoke his name. It was the cutest thing ever. “He asked me out on a date during the Thanksgiving break next week.” Don't you like how quickly the topic changed?

“Really?” I asked her excitedly; she shook her head. “That's awesome! I'm happy for you.”

Fall grinned and stood up from my bed. “Well, if you don't mind-” she raised her arms in the air to stretch “-I think I'm gonna go to bed. Frank wore me out today.”

I rolled my eyes and giggled. “Why was he over in the first place?”

Fall walked over to my door and turned around as she said, “He came over with Mikey to hang out. Mikey had to go home early and Frank just stuck around for a while waiting on you.”

Before I could say anything else, she darted out of my room. I flopped onto my bed, huffing out like a five year-old in a temperamental fit. I got a feeling that these last three days this week before break are going to be something else.


I already have up to chapter 8 written and it gets better x) I know that some of this chapters are REALLY long (some are almost 11 pages in word) but the upcoming chapters are going to be smaller than the previous chapters because we're getting to the main point of the story come around chapter 9, which I'm half way done writing! :D
in other news.... FOUR MORE YEARS! I voted for Obama for my first election and I am SO excited he got re-elected! I'm super excited about our first openly gay senator! AND the passing of marriage equality in multiple states along with the recreational use of marijuana! I can't wait for the next four years :D :D :D :D :D


Amm... Maybe... Update, pls..?
NekoNeko NekoNeko
@Hollow Point Smile

You're not allergic to nuts, are you? My mom puts walnuts in them omfg they're so good lord jesus help me.
and thank youuuuu! :D I was about to post the next one, but blame work for that one ;-; I love their relationship too! It reminds me a lot of me and my friends and I molded it to be like that c: AND YES HAHA BUBBA. I love that too haha.
Ahhhh! Number one fan ;D thank you!
FrankIero FrankIero

Ahhhh chesh please do mail them to me :3 I would love shum amazing brownies ^.^ Oh but this new chapter is ama-shing! I´m loving the realtionship between Frank and Winter, though it kinda makes me feel bad for little Bubba (yes I had to use that amazing nickname) Im not sure why I feel bad but I do >.< Oh and, Im your new #1 fan!
@Hollow Point Smile
aw thank you sweetie <3 :D my mom makes some orgasmic brownies omfg i will mail them to you and you will die from amazement. I'm about to update here in the next few minutes, dear :D!
FrankIero FrankIero
Hehe... orgasmic brownies.... I kinda want some now xDD Good job though! Please update soon