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Trigger warning

Gerard’s POV

I was sat in the doctors surgery waiting for my name to be called when someone walked in and I looked up and saw Rella walked in.
Rella looked round and all the colour drained from her face.
Rella walked up to the desk and signed herself in and she walked gingerly over to me and sat next to me.
“The hell are you doing here?” I said quietly and Rella looked at me.
“Can ask you the same.” Rella said and I looked more closely and saw a slight bump which Rella tried to hide.
“Jesus Rella you’re not pregnant are you?” I whispered and Rella looked down and nodded slightly.
“I’m sorry.” Rella whispered as she looked down.
“It’s okay, we’ll talk about this after our appointments, go and get something to eat and a drink.” I said and Rella looked at me and nodded as she smiled at me.
The name board beeped and I looked up and saw it was for me and I got up.
“Want me to wait out here for you?” I asked and Rella nodded and I walked to my doctor.

“Gerard, haven’t seen you for a while.” My doctor said and I smiled.
“So you phoned to say you’re pregnant, congratulations.” The doctor said and I smiled again.
“Thanks.” I said quietly.
“What you here for today then?” The doctor asked.
“Too see how far along I am and to see if baby is okay.” I said and the doctor nodded as she smiled.
“Think you know know what to do.” The doctor said and I walked over to the table and lead down and let the doctor do their test.
After they had done their test I sorted myself out while they looked at the test.
“This isn’t your first pregnancy is it?” The doctor asked and I shook my head.
“Nope this is my 5th.” I said and the doctor looked at me.
“What can I say I like pooping out babies.” I said and the doctor smiled.
“Any problems with those?” The doctor asked and I shook my head.
“Nope, all of them was normal.” I said as I looked down and picked at my nails.
“Okay, So you are 10 weeks along.” The doctor said and I frowned slightly but smiled at the same time as that was round about the time of mine and Franks wedding anniversary.
“That cleared that up.” I said and the doctor chuckled slightly.
“So I’ll book you in for all your appointments you need and you know what to do during your pregnancy as well I take it.” The doctor said and I nodded.
“Just take it easy and do nothing stressful, don’t worry my husband will make sure I’ll hardly do anything for the rest of this pregnancy.” I said and the doctor nodded.
“Okay I’ll see you in 2 weeks when we can have a scan of baby.” The doctor said and I smiled as I got up.
“Thank you.” I said and walked out the room just as Rella was doing the same.
“Come on trouble, let’s go and get some food.” I said and Rella smiled sadly as we walked to one of our favorite cafes.

“How far along are you?” I asked as we waited for our food.
“I’m just gone into my 5th month.” Rella said sheepishly.
“5 months! Rella Why didn’t you didn’t you come and talk to me about this.” I said and Rella sighed.
“I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me and telling me that I fucked my life up and that I had to get rid of the baby.” Rella said as she looked at me.
“Sweetie, you know I would never be disappointed in anything what you kids do. Yeah maybe 16 is young to have a kid but I can’t really say much since I was still a kid myself when I had Seth. I would never I mean never tell you to get rid of your baby if you don’t want to get rid of it.” I said and Rella smiled.
“I understand what it’s like being at your age and having a baby.” I said and Rella nodded.
“I do have to ask if this was t because of something serious like rape.” I said and Rella smiled and shook her head.
“Nope this was a mistake which was consensual so don’t worry about that dad.” Rella said and I sighed in relief.
“So why was you in the doctors then? You hate those places.” Rella said as she had some of her drink.
“So I could be pregnant as well.” I said and Rella almost choked on her drink.
“No fucking way. Seriously, dad I’m so happy for you.” Rella said and I smiled.
“You don’t think it would be odd though?” I asked and Rella shook her head.
“Nope, it will be nice if babs had someone to play with them.” Rella said with a smile on her face and I couldn’t help but smile with her.
“How am I going to tell Pa? I mean he’s scary at the best of time when he is mad god knows what he’ll e like when he finds out about this.” Rella said and I smiled.
“He isn’t that scary, he’ll support you like like how I’m going to support you and be with you every step of the rest of your pregnancy.” I said and Rella smiled widely at me which I returned to her.
“So who is the dad and is he going to be part of babs life?” I asked and Rella sighed.
“So you know I was going out with Josh, while it’s his kid and he wants nothing to do with babs so it’s just going to be me.” Rella said as she looked down and I reached out and put my hand on top of hers which made Rella look at me.
“Well he is a cunt for leaving you and babs as he is the one who is going be missing out in everything. You’ve got me and pa to support you and everyone in the family to support you. You’re not alone in this.” I said and Rella smiled and our food came and we ate it.
“So I have my gender scan next week, want to come along and see what babs is?” Rella asked as she looked at me as we walked home.
“Yes! I want to know what my grand baby is.” I said and Rella smiled and I could tell this was the first proper smile she has smiled in a long time.
“I hope pa isn’t going to be too mad at me.” Rella said quietly as we got home.
“Yeah he’s going to be mad to begin with but I’ve got your back and I’m pregnant as well so he won’t be mad for too long.” I said and Rella smiled at me and we went indoors.

“How could you be so fucking stupid Rella!” Frank shouted loudly at Rella and I just rolled my eyes at Rella.
“I thought you had a bit more sense in you not to get pregnant at your age.” Frank ranted and I stood up and put my hand on his arm which made him look at me.
“Rella is pregnant now you can either be happy for her or you just ha e to suck it up because Rella or that baby are going no where. You know I made a promise to the kids that if they got pregnant I would never do what my parents did to me and I’m not choosing between you or the kids because you know what my answer will be and that answer will break my heart if I ever had to choose.” I said and Frank took a deep breath and looked back at Rella.
“How far are you?” Frank asked trying to stay calm.
“5 months.” Rella said sheepishly.
“5 fucking months. How the fuck can you keep being pregnant for 5 months and not tell me or your dad about it.” Frank said.
“Well telling you now is going so fucking well only dad seems to understand. Maybe that’s why I didn’t want to tell you that I am pregnant. Because unlike dad I don’t know if you would want me to get rid of the baby.” Rella said loudly and I noticed her putting a protective hand over her bump.
“I wouldn’t tell you to get rid of the baby, I’m not that fucking heartless Rella.” Frank spat and Rella looked at me for help as Frank was fuming now.
“Go outside and have a cigarette and calm down.” I said softly to Frank and he looked at me.
“Go and calm down, getting angry at Rella isn’t helping matters.” I said and Frank sighed loudly and looked back at Rella but I made him look at me and I kissed him.
“Go, I’ll be there in a minute.” I said quietly and Frank nodded and walked out and I looked at Rella who looked like she could cry.
“He hates now doesn’t he?” Rella sobbed and I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug which she returned.
“He doesn’t hate you, just upset but let me talk to him and he’ll get his head round it soon. It’s just a shock that’s all, to the both of us but we are going to be here and support you okay.” I said and kissed the top of Rella head and she sniffed and looked at me as tears rolled down her cheeks and I wiped them away.
“Don’t cry okay, you are a strong young lady and you are going to be a amazing mother okay.” I said and Rella nodded.
“Stupid hormones.” Rella said and I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Couldn’t agree with you more.” I said and Rella smiled as she stepped back and she walked out the room and I watched her and I went outside to sort Frank out.

“What the fucking hell is the matter with you.” I said as I sat next to him and Frank blew some smoke out of his nose.
“I don’t know, I thought our girls have a bit more sense then getting pregnant at their age.” Frank said quietly as he looked at me.
“It’s just Rella and she said it was a mistake but she loves her mistake she going to have that baby and she is going to love it to death. As for Fae she is only 14 and I think she has a bit more sense than get pregnant.” I said and Frank said.
“It wasn’t from something bad was it as she’s a pretty girl and you know what the guys are like around pretty girls.” Frank said and I smiled at him.
“No it wasn’t from anything bad, it was consensual the baby wasn’t from anything bad.” I said as I looked down and thought of me with Seth.
“Hey, Rella isn’t you. She’s got our support and love to get her through this.” Frank said as he rested his hand on my knee and I put my hand on top of his.
“I’m still mad at her for getting to 5 months without telling us.” Frank said and I chuckled slightly.
“She’s been very grown up about it, I don’t think we would even know now if I didn’t find her in the doctors. But she would of had to tell us soon as she’s starting to show and we would be asking questions.” I said and Frank smiled.
“How did you get on at the doctors?” Frank asked and I looked at him.
“I’m 10 weeks.” I said and Frank smiled.
“In a couple of weeks I find out if baby is healthy or not.” I said and Frank lent forward and kissed me which I returned.
“The baby is going to be fine.” Frank said quietly and the back door opened and Phoenix came out and sat with us.
“It true that Ella is pregnant?” Phoenix asked using our nickname for Rella and I looked at Frank who shrugged his shoulders.
“Have you asked your sister?” I asked and Phoenix nodded as he smoked his cigarette which made me roll my eyes at him but he ignored me.
“Yeah I did and she said she was but I don’t believe her.” Phoenix said.
“Well she is pregnant s you better be nice to her.” I said as I stood up and went inside and went to see Fae since I haven’t really seen much of her lately and I was getting worried about her.

I got to Fae door and knocked and the door opened where Rella looked worried about something.
“Don’t come in Dad.” Rella said and I frowned at her.
“Why?” I asked seriously and Rella looked behind her.
“He has to know Fae.” Rella said and I heard Fae sniff loudly.
“Let me in now Rella.” I said seriously and Rella sighed.
“Sorry Fae, I have to do this. Just don’t flip out Okay dad.” Rella said as she stepped back and I walked into the room as saw Fae’s arm was red with blood.
“I don’t understand why you doing this Fae?” I asked feeling tears in my eyes.
“I’m sorry.” Fae whispered and the door shut as I walked over to her.
“Why did you come and talk to me about it. You know I understand this but I can’t help you if you don’t open up and talk to me.” I said softly and Fae started to cry and I pulled her into my chest and held her.
“You have enough problems with Nix and now Rella and you have your own problems and you shouldn’t be worrying about me doing this to myself.” Fae sobbed as she pulled back and looked down.
“Yeah Nix has his problems but we can manage him and Rella is the same. My problems don’t matter as much as yours and your siblings problems do. I worry Fae, everyday I worry about you guys.” I said and Fae looked at me.
“Tell me why.” I said softly.
“I feel so different to everyone at school, Rella and Nix have their friends and I have nobody and if I think I have a friend it’s like they go as soon as they come.” Face said as she sniffed.
“Different isn’t always bad Fae, you have Nala as a friend.” I said and Fae shook her head.
“Since she got with her boyfriend I’m just nobody in her eyes.” Fae said quietly.
“That can’t be true, she’s your best friend. Have you even spoken to her?” I said and Fae shook her head.
“Well send her a text after I’ve cleaned your arm up.” I said and Fae nodded slightly.
“Sweetie look at me.” I said and Fae looked at me.
“Nobody is worth a mark on that gorgeous skin of yours, nobody okay. Me and pa are always here for you if you ever need to talk to someone. Don’t think that we’re not because we are and never think that nobody loves you because that isn’t true as everyone under this roof loves you.” I said and Fae smiled.
“I feel so stupid.” Rae said quietly.
“Don’t feel stupid, learn from this okay. Never go down this road because it’s a dark and horrible place to be in and I would never wish it on anyone.” I said and Fae nodded.
“Now let’s clean this arm up and you text Nala.” I said and I cleaned Fae’s arm up.

After a long busy day I was glad to go to bed.
“So that’s Rella pregnant and Fae self harming what else can these kids throw at us.” I said as I enjoyed a soak in the bath with Frank.
“Fae is what?” Frank asked.
“I went to check on her and I knocked on the door and Rella answered it and she pretty much told Fae that I had to come in that that’s how I found out that Fae is self harming. I mean are we really that bad of parents that our kids can’t even come and talk to us?” I said and sat forward and got out the bath and wrapped a towel round me and walked into the bathroom.
“Babe we’re not bad parents, the kids know they can talk to us.” Frank said as he followed me.
“Then how come it took Rella 5 months to tell us she is pregnant and Fae never told us about her self harming.” I said as I looked down.
“I’m sure Rella has her reasons and now we know we can support her the best way we can as for Fae we can only do the same too her.” Frank said and I looked st him.
“But I don’t want our children to feel like they should run to a bit of metal and hurt themselves rather than them talking to us. We’ve both been there and done that and we said to the kids we would support them with whatever they throw at them. I feel like I’ve failed them.” I said as I started to cry.
“Baby don’t cry. The kids know we are here and I’m sure that Fae would of come to talk to us when she was ready to talk to talk to us.” Frank said as he pulled me into his side and kissed the top of my head.
“You haven’t failed the kids, the kids know to come to you if they ever need anything but they need to learn how to stand on their own two feet.” Frank whispered and I looked at him.
Frank lent forward and kissed me which I returned.
“So we’re going to have 2 screaming babies in the house soon.” I sniffed and Frank smiled as someone knocked on the door.
“Go away we’re busy.” Frank said and I slapped his chest.
The door opened and Rella walked in.
“Can I talk to you two?” Rella asked and Frank sighed and sat between my legs as Rella walked over and sat on the bed.

“What’s the matter?” I asked as I rested my chin on Franks shoulder.
“Do you think I’m letting you down, by having this baby.” Rella said as she looked down and Frank shuffled forward and made Rella look at him.
“You aren’t letting us down, yeah it was a shock that you kept this away from us for 5 months. Did you really think we would be mad at you?” Frank said and Rella frowned at him.
“But you are mad though, Christ you literally shouted at me which you haven’t done since I was 13.” Rella said which was true.
“I was more shocked than mad, yeah I know I shouldn’t of shouted at you but it’s a bit of a shock when your 16 year old daughter says she’s 5 months pregnant. I mean how the fuck did you hide your bump for that long.” Frank now making a joke out of this which made Rella chuckle.
“I have a tiny bump, see look how cute my little bump is.” Rella said as she stood up and pulled her top up which showed her little bump.
Frank looked at me and to be honest I just wanted my baby bump now.
“Have you felt anything yet?” I asked and Rella shook her head.
“I think I felt them kick earlier.” Rella said and I smiled widely.
“Christ two broody people under the same, lord save us.” Frank said and I slapped his chest playfully.
“You can’t exactly talk.” I said and Frank just smiled at me.
“So you aren’t going to kick me out are you?” Rella asked as she sat back down on the bed and looked down.
“Baby you aren’t going anywhere okay. You can stay with us as long as you wish to stay with us.” Frank said and Rella looked at us and she had a few tears roll down her cheek.
“Don’t cry sweetie.” Frank cooed as he shuffled forward and pulled Rella towards him.
“I was scared that you would throw me out like what dads parents did.” Rella sobbed and Frank looked at me and I shuffled forwards.
“Me and Pa aren’t like those people. You know that we would not ever think about throwing you out especially at 16, anyway a lot have things have changed since I was your age and having a baby. You know me and Pa are going to support you all the way through this.” I said and Rella looked at me.
“Promise?” Rella whispered and I linked my little finger round hers and Frank put his hand on top of ours.
“Promise Baby.” Frank said quietly and Rella smiled as she sniffed.
“I need a drink, anyone else?” Frank said and me and Rella looked at him and shook our heads.
“Cool, I’m having a cigarette as well and I want you out my room by the time I get back.” Frank said as he walked out the room.
“It had to be for his looks you fell for because his timing for everything is shit.” Rella said and I chuckled.
“He can’t help it that he’s special.” I said quietly with a smile on my face.
“Are you two disappointed in me? Like I have good grades and I was going to go to college and get a good job and then have a family. But I’ve fucked that up for myself haven’t I.” Rella said and I moved a bit more forward.
“Not disappointed in you in the slightest, you are a strong young lady who like a challenge and this will be a 18 year long challenge but I promise you it will be the best thing you have every done. Yes you have good grades those grades will stay with you until you are ready to go back to school and study what you want to study. Just look at me, I had you lot before I was even 25 and I done that and now I have my dream job. It doesn’t matter what order you do things in, as long as you do the stuff you want to do that all what matters.” I said and Rella looked at me.
“I guess that’s true.” Rella said quietly as she smiled.
“How did you cope? Like juggling school with us lot?” Rella asked.
“It was fucking hard work, but I was lucky to have the full support of Pa. If I didn’t have his support at the time then fuck knows where we would all be now.” I said and Rella said.
“And the sleepless nights was a bitch and going to school very sleep deprived because of Fae was not the fun part. But it was worth, for me it makes me proud of what I have done and I can throw everything what people have said to me in the past back into their faces and show them I have my beautiful family and we are very happy 14 years down the line.” I said and Rella smiled and I looked up and saw Frank.
“Right misses, get the fuck out my room.” Frank said and Rella chuckled.
“Okay grumpy, just because you want to get into dads pants.” Rella said as she stood up and walked out the room shutting the door behind her.
“We was having a heart to heart asshole.” I said as Frank walked over and pinned me to the bed.

“Well you’re not no more.” Frank said as he kissed me which I returned.



is this being continued?

adreamforthedead adreamforthedead