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Spirits of the Dead

Solitary Man-HIM

Gerard's POV
As I woke up the next morning, I had a feeling this day wasn't going to be good. I don't know what made me feel it, but I did. I decided to shrug it off remembering that I still have to go to school. I got dressed, got my backpack and all my supplies that I need for school and headed upstairs. Upstairs? You may be wondering. I said upstairs dince my room is the basement, more privacy and more room. I greet both my parents and my little brother, Mikey, with a kind good morning. They all return the favor and mom passes me a plate of pancakes. Isn't she the best? I quickly downed them down, and excused myself. I grabbed my keys and said goodbye to everyone and headed toward my car, where I started my journiey to school, blasting some Bowie along the way. Once I saw the familiar building I started slowing down, in order to find a parking lot. I quickly parked and headed toward my first period ignoring the stares from Lindsey's friends. I honestly can't wait till after school so I can talk to her.
~~~~~~~~~~~Skipping first classes. Currently in Reading class, where Gerard and Frank are partners.~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat down next to Frank already exhausted from this day. I gave Frank a small smile and he returns the greet. I wonder if he thinks I'm a jerk. I mean, I am one. But, I wasn't always like this. I used to be nerdy, always having a new comic book to read. I used to collect classic old movies, but now I don't. Ever since I started dating Lindsey, I've changed, and she has changed too. I fell in love with her because aside of her beauty, she was fearless, a badass chick. Now she's just another one of her friends. All girly-girl, with a lot of make up. I guess people do change. I sigh and realize that Frank had been staring at me. "What?" I ask bluntly. I didn't meant for my tone to come out like that but it just did. After seeing Frank's hurtful face I knew I should apologize. "I'm sorry man, I'm just really exhausted and all I want to do is talk with Lindsey to fix all this bullshit." I saw Frank give a sympathetic face towards me and smiled. "It's okay, I totally understand. But, you can't let your emotions control your attitude. It is not healthy." He said. "Yeah I know, I'll work on that." I smiled and give a small chuckle. After our little conversation, we decided to start working again our poem. I have to admit, Frank and I make good partners. Our poem was indeed really dark and poetic. We both fanboyed about it, until our teacher interrupeted us. "Seeing that it is 2 minutes before the bell, I just wanted to say a very quick announcement. As I see, everyone is already finished. So, being friday tomorrow we won't be doing work. We will be presenting our poems in front of our class with our partners. Be ready!" Then the bell rang. Just one hour left. I gathered my papers and said bye to Frank and headed to art. It was a very interesting class. All I kept drawing was a punkish boy, but I couldn't figure out why. Finally after a long hour the last bell rang. I was the one that was first to leave since I just wanted to go and talk to Lindsey. I waited till I see her, and that's where I saw her, along with her annoying friends. I hid in the corner to avoid beeing seen and they walked past me. Giggling all the way. I saw Lindsey wave bye to her friends and turn red after a comment that one of her friends said. I didn't heard it at all. I waited a couple of minutes so I could give Lindsey a heads up so she could arrive to her house. After I felt it was the right time, I quickly headed to my car and drove towards her house. I decided to park one block away just in case. I was standing in front of her house, and seeing from what I was seeing she was home alone, since her parents cars weren't there. I started debating to knock the froont door, or climb through her window. Climb by her window it is. Luckily, I already knew how. In the beginning of our relationship I used to sneek in so we could hang out and cuddle now we barely do that. I climbed with the help of the tree that was right next to her window. I took a look at her window and almost fell once I had seen what was happening. Lindsey making out roughly with a guy I don't recognize. So this is what she had been doing whenever she had said she was "busy." I got so angry I quickly climbed down and went to knock at the front door. After 7 knocks she finally answered. Theres she was. The girl that I fell in love with. With makeup smeared across her face. Hickeys on her neck. I gave a small sinister smile. "Hello Lindsey." "Uhh..h..hi.Gerard, what are you doing here?" "Well babe, I came to see you. I've been missing you like crazy, and you always being busy, I decide to pay you a visit." I chuckled at her scared expression. "May I come in?" I said. She hesitantly opened the door for me to walk inside. I took a look around knowing that this would probably be the last time I will be here. "So what were you up to? Makeup lessons?" I laugh. She nervously laughs and was about to answer, but was interrupted by a voice and footsteps. "Babe who's at the door?" A guy was making his way downstairs, staring curiously at me. "Babe?" I asked pretending to be confused. "Gerard I can explain, it's not what it looks like." Lindsey quickly tries to explain herself. "Then I guess you weren't doing makeup lesons huh?" I angrily reply. "Nice to meet you, I'm Gerard Way. And if you're still confused, Lindsey has been cheating on me with you, If you hadn't knew." "Gerard stop!" "Stop what Lindsey!? I'm just trying to be nice by telling this guy that you're a cheater! Cheating on your 3 fucking years boyfriend! You know why I came? Because I was fucking worried about you and this relationship! I just wanted to fix us both! But clearly I won't be doing anymore! Have fun making out with this guy I'm done! Oh and congrats dude now you have to suffer depression and starvation while dating her!" I push aways a crying Lindsey and open the door. Slaming it on my way out. I run toward my car and start it heading towards the nearest store. I buy myself a couple of beers and head to my house. Once I had parked in my driveway I head in and go straight towards my room. I lock the door and quickly down the first beer. I blasted some Black Flag, and started jamming out. I know I'm going to regret this in the morning but I just don't give a fuck right now. I remeber about Frank and quickly typed him a message. "Guess who's a solitary man?"


I'm really sorry for the late update. So much had happened these past days. But, If I do recall I said I would do a long chapter so here it is! Hope you guys enjoy it, and please let me know what you think!<3 Also I just want to say that I really love Lindsey, I really admire her. But her part in the story had to be done. P.S. Sorry if there is any mistakes, I'm really tired right now but I just had to update. Thank you for reading, love you bloodsuckers!
Yours, Bloodsucker.


@axl killjoy
Hope that's a good thing! I just updated, I hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

Thank you! Just updated, hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

I'm dying!

axl killjoy axl killjoy

Fucking awesome

@axl killjoy
Well then I'm fucking glad!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331