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Spirits of the Dead

Perfect-Simple Plan

Frank's POV
"Guess who's a solitary man?" was displayed on my screen, the message being fom of course, Gerard Way. I quickly type a nervously "What happened?" and waited for a reply. But, two minutes turned to twenty minutes, and twenty minutes turned to two hours. He never replied. I guess he just headed to sleep, since it was probably a long day for him. It was getting late so I called it a night.
Gerard's POV
I was at my third beer now, jamming out to Dust to Dust by The Misfits. I got a notification, signaling that Frank had sent something. "What happened?" was displayed on my screen. I debated over texting him back or not, I mean, I don't want to talk about it, and besides I'm drunk. Time passed and I was now on my seventh beer, crying my eyes out. Why did she do this? Was I not good enough? I hope I don't wake up tomorrow. Was my last cry, before I passed out.
Unfortunately I did wake up, with a great fucking headache, how nice. I groaned and checked the time, 6 o'clock it read. I decided to get some pain killers so I stood up, but quickly regretted it once I did. I felt like vomit was coming on my way, and I was right. I ran to the restroom and threw my guts out. I guess Mikey heard me since he was now rubbing my back with some pain killers and a glass of water on the counter of the sink. "Here Gee." He said, handling me the glass of water and pain killers. I rinsed my mouth and took them. "Thanks Mikes." I was so embarrassed, I didn't want for my little brother to see me like this. I felt tears come to my eyes and Mikey quickly hugged me. I cried and cried on my little brothers shoulder. "It's okay Gee, calm down." He whispered smoothly, while rubbing my back once again. After a few minutes I managed to get myself together and explained to him what had happened between Lindsey and I. "I am truly sorry for that bro, but hey what's done is done. She chose to cheat, she chose to let you go. There's nothing that you can do now. And she doesn't deserve any of your tears, you will show her how strong you are. Because believe me, you will find someone else better that would appreciate you. You could stay home today, I'll inform mom that you're not feeling good." he said. "Thank you Mikes, I appreciate it. Also, I'm fine. I have a project today and my partner is depending on me to present it with him. His name is Frank, and if it wasn't for him I wouldn't know that Lindsey had been cheating on me." I replied. "How come?" "Well, he was the one that gave me advice. He said that I should go to her house and see what's up, and try to fix things with her." "Well if you say so, just be careful." "I will little brother. Now, If you excuse me, I'm going to take a shower and clean this toilet up." "Okay, love you." "Love you too Mikes." I responded. I cleaned the toilet while making gagging noises because come on, how disgusting. Then I undressed myself and turned the shower on. I moaned once the warm water hit my back


I actually cried a little while writing this chapter. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Please comment what you think about my story so far, It would mean a lot. <3
Yours, Bloodsucker.


@axl killjoy
Hope that's a good thing! I just updated, I hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

Thank you! Just updated, hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

I'm dying!

axl killjoy axl killjoy

Fucking awesome

@axl killjoy
Well then I'm fucking glad!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331