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Spirits of the Dead

Stressed Out-Twenty One Pilots

Frank's POV
"Hey" was displayed on my screen, showing that Gerard sent it. I was panicking! Why would he want to talk to me? Better question, what does he want to talk to me about? Shakingly, I typed a simple "Hey" back, almost mispelling it. I waited and that's where my phone notified me that I had a new message of Gerard. "So umm..sorry if I'm interrupting or bothering you, but since you offered your help, can we talk now? Or it could be later of you'd like. It's cause I really need someone to talk to about my personal problems, and I seem to trust you for whatever reason." I smiled knowing that he really wasn't used to this, and blushed when I saw that he trusted me. "It's fine man, you're not bothering at all. And right now would be fine with me and I'm glad you trust me:)" I replied less nervous. "Okay, so you know I'm dating Lindsey right?" Lindsey the amazing girlfriend of Gerard Way. "I am aware of that, yeah." "Well her and I have been having problems towards our relationship lately. She's been distant. She's not the same girl I fell in love with anymore. Whenever I want to see her or hang out she's always busy doing god knows what. She's just not the same lately. And I've been having problems eating and sleeping due to those problems. I've loosen a lot of weight, and I am restless." I felt tears beginnig to form on my eyes, it really hurts me seeing someone suffer like that. I wipe the tears away and reply to him. "I'm really sorry to hear that, I've never pictured you going through this at all. But, I guess life is full of surprises. I recommend to talk to her. Invite her over or simply go to her house without giving a notice so you could surprise her. It's not healthy that you both have problems especially if you're getting affected by it, by not eating nor sleeping." "I know it's not healthy, my parents and my little brother, Mikey, had been asking what's going on but I just tell them that I am fine. I just feel like I will be considered a fuck up if I do tell them. And I will consider your advice, I appreciate your time on hearing my problems. Thank you Frank." "You have to tell them Gerard. And you are no fuck up. It may feel that way, but you're not. You've been keeping your problems inside of you that you forgot how to pull them out of you. You're scared you'll be judged but you won't be trust me. And okay it's no problem I'm glad I helped:)" "You really did. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Frank." "See ya, Gerard." Poor Him, I thought to myself. I yawned, and sighed once I realized I could go to sleep.


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Sorry if it was short, I'll do a long one tomorrow:)
Yours, Bloodsucker.


@axl killjoy
Hope that's a good thing! I just updated, I hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

Thank you! Just updated, hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

I'm dying!

axl killjoy axl killjoy

Fucking awesome

@axl killjoy
Well then I'm fucking glad!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331