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Spirits of the Dead

I love you-HIM

Frank's POV
Gerard pulled over at a Starbuck's and smirked to Gerard knowing he was craving coffee. But, I couldn't blame him, I was also craving it. By the time I was about to open my door, Gerard was standing there, and opened the door for me. I blushed feeling so lady-like. "Why thank you, you're such a gentleman." I teased him with a horrible fancy lady accent. He bowed down and closed the door once I was out of the car. "Why thank you, mam. My mama showed me and taught mw well. I have her to thank!" He said with a country accent. I couldn't help but snort. We both laughed all the way to the cashier at Starbuck's, of course receiving stares from people. We ignored them and ordered our preferred coffees, then took a seat at the tables in the very back. "This is a really good place to have your date, may I say." I said. Gerard looked confused then laughed as if I had said a joke that he got after one hour. "Oh no! This isn't where we will spend our date! We just stopped for coffee to head where we really are going!" He said. I made an 'O' shape with my mouth and nodded. "Oh, I see! I just thought this was our date that's all." I said laughing nervously. "Don't worry, I understand." He said holding my hand over the table. "Gerard, Frank!" An employee yelled out our names, meaning our coffees were ready. We stood up and got them, making our way towards Gerard's car afterwards. With Gerard opening the door again as well. We drove and drove until we stopped infront of a book store. I turned towards Gerard again, admiring him because we went to a bookstore. I really enjoy reading. He smiled at me and we got off the car and grabbed hand when we entered the little cozy bookstore. "Okay, so here's the deal, we both grab a book, and next date we discuss it here. How does that sound?" He asked when we greeted the cashier. What he said was the most magnificent Idea I had ever heard for a date, in my opinion. I enthusiastically nodded. "Of course! God I love you so much!" I said attacking him in a tight hug. "Glad the feeling is mutual!" He said enthusiastically as well. We let go and went to find our books.

~~~~~~~~~~Skipping the part where Gerard and Frank looked through the aisled of amazing books.~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A hour passed and we were now paying for the books that we have chosen. Gerard said we were going to go over them once we were both at our own homes. I nodded and agreed. We switches the bags, consisting our books. The cashier smiled brightly at us and wished us good luck on our relationship, which we thanked oh so gratefully! We got in Gerard's car again and just when I thought our date was over and we were heading home, Gerard parked infront of my work. I looked at him confused, which he obviously noticed since he explained himself. "We are now going to do the same with Vinyls. We both choose one and then we hear it at home while reading each other's book." He said. "Seriously Gerard I love you! Thank you so much for giving me the best date ever!!" I yelled hugging him again. "I'm glad love, I love you too, words couldn't even explain the love I have towards you." He said while kissing him, oh so nicely.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! And for reals who else agrees this is the best date ever!? Also, most of you guys don't, but if you enjoy MIW and have an Instagram, you should follow Liferuinedbymiw . I'm one of the admins and the account has barely developed, but it would be rad if you guys follow it! Thank you!
Yours, Bloodsucker.


@axl killjoy
Hope that's a good thing! I just updated, I hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

Thank you! Just updated, hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

I'm dying!

axl killjoy axl killjoy

Fucking awesome

@axl killjoy
Well then I'm fucking glad!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331