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Spirits of the Dead

Don't you worry child-Swedish House Mafia

Frank's POV
As I entered my first class, not before kissing Gerard goodbye, I noticed a new face. He was wearing all black, with a band shirt whom I don't know. He was also really pale, had eyeliner around his blue eyes, and wore a black beanie. He seemed quite interesting. I made my way to the back of the class, and sat beside him. 'I'm guessing you're new here?' I asked politely. 'As a matter of fact, I am. I'm Ricky.' He replied, extending his hand towards me. 'I'm Frank, nice to meet you.' I said, shaking his hand gratefully. 'Nice shirt Frank.' He smirked looking directly towards my shirt. I had completely forgotten that I was wearing my Misfits shirt. 'Oh, you like them!? That's rad! Although I don't quite recognize the band from your shirt.' I said. He chuckled and looked down at it, staring at it admiringly. 'You know I was expecting that. It's called HIM, also knows as His Infernal Majesty. They are a finnish metal band and they're really great! I totally recommend them to you!' He said excitedly. He looked rather cute saying all of that since it looks like he really loves the band a lot. 'Well judging by the way you talk about them I'm guessing you really love them. I'll definitely hear them soon.' I smiled. 'Alright class settle down. We have a new student with us, Richard, can you come up here?' Our teacher said. Ricky groaned and muttered a 'It's Ricky' at her in which she ignored. 'Hey,' Ricky waved at all of us once he stood infront of the classroom. I smiled and waved back, not knowing why. 'My name is Richard but please do call me Ricky. Uh.. I like satanic music and yeah that's it.' He said confidently. I couldn't help but snort at the last part, so badass. Our classmated just stood there staring at him, and my teacher returned him to his desk. 'Okay...so, yeah, welcome him with kindness and respect. Now our lesson of today.' The teacher said, rather akwardly. 'Priceless man, priceless.' I said once Ricky took a seat on his desk. 'Thank you, thank you.' He said bowing down and smiling. I really like this guy.


Well hello guys! I know this chapter is rather short, but I wanted to know what you guys thought about it. Thank you for your amazing suggestions!<3
Yours, Bloodsucker.


@axl killjoy
Hope that's a good thing! I just updated, I hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

Thank you! Just updated, hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

I'm dying!

axl killjoy axl killjoy

Fucking awesome

@axl killjoy
Well then I'm fucking glad!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331