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Spirits of the Dead

Gone With The Sin-HIM

Gerard's POV
I was now literally shaking and sweating due to my nerves! I'm standing in front of Frank's front door, waiting to grow the balls to ring the doorbell. I thought about the conversation that my mom gave me right before I left the house. "I swear to God Gerard, don't mess this up! Frank is such an amazing person that you're lucky you have him in your life! Treat him how he deserves to be treated, because I sure as hell know that he will treat you as you deserve to be treated! So, go now. And remember don't mess this up!" She said. She was right though, I picked up my finger to the doorbell but the door was opened by a very happy looking Linda. "Gerard! Come on in. Frank would be ready in just a minute." She said letting me in her house. I smiled and greeted her as well. "Linda, how arw you? And that's perfectly fine with me." I said. "I've been fine, thank you honey. How about yourself?" She asked leading me towards the living room to take a seat. "I've been fine as well, thanks to your amazing son!" She 'awed' and was about to say something but was interrupted by Frank coming towards where we were sitting. You know those commercials were the girlfriend is walking down the stair with her dress and makeup ready for prom and her boyfriend is waiting for her and once he sees her it's like a fucking rainbow and shit? Well that's what I was feeling. Seeing Frank with his usual outfit, black skinny jeans, a band t-shirt, black converse, with his cute hair, and wow his fucking makeup, made me feel like that guy. It was like If I can't get over his beauty, which I absolutely don't mind if I say so myself! "Hello...Gerard!" Frank's voice interrupted my thoughts. He was now waving his hand infront of my face trying to interrupt me from my trace. "Uh uh yeah! Sorry!" I quickly said, coming to my senses of me staring at Frank admiringly for god knows how much time. "It's fine." He said turning pink, he was definitely blushing. "Awe!" Was heard from Linda. "Okay okay boys! Time for some photos!" She exclaimed while going into the kitchen to most likely get the camera. "Sorry for that, but my mom insisted since she really likes you and she wants to 'take pictures so we could look through them when we're old and have our own grandchildren' as she said." Frank told me, while looking down out of embarrassment. "Don't be. I think it's cute to be honest! And I don't know, maybe we will." I said winking at him. He laughed while turning red, and that's where Linda came in with the camera. "Okay, so Gerard put your arm around Frank and you both smile brightly!" She said, while clapping her hands. We did as we were told and countless of photos later we were heading towards the car. "Buckle up!" I announced. He laughed and put on his seatbelt. "So, where are we going!?" He said bouncing on his seat. "You'll see." I said, smirking while seeing his pouting face.


Hey guys! Sorry about the short chapter and kind of late update! But, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. My apologies for any typos. Thank you for the love!
Yours, Bloodsucker.


@axl killjoy
Hope that's a good thing! I just updated, I hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

Thank you! Just updated, hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

I'm dying!

axl killjoy axl killjoy

Fucking awesome

@axl killjoy
Well then I'm fucking glad!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331