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The Sane Abandoned Me

Chapter 16

Me, Clary and Gerard were all sat on the field on our free period. Well actually I was sat on Gerard's lap but still.

"Cringe, I think I will go throw up now!" Clary complained motioning to me and Gerard. Gee continued hugging me close and snuggling into my neck.

"It's not as if we are full on PDAing." I objected.

"That is your idea of PDA! I mean have you guys even kissed yet?" Clary countered.

"We're saving it." Gerard explained looking at me intently. "To make it special."

"Barf! If only Orlando were here! Speaking of Orlando, where the fuck is he?"

"I don't actually know." I replied.

"Everyone's ditching! You know I haven't even missed one day of school!"

"And I'm proud of you Clary!" I exclaimed jumping off Gerard's lap into hers.

Gerard looked sad for a second then pulled me back grinning.

"Okay, I get it I'm leaving!" Clary announced, standing up and brushing the grass off her clothes. We both waved as her red head bobbled off.

"We had better go too actually." I sighed turning to Gerard.

"Wait a second." He said grasping my wrist.

"What is it?" I asked, running my hands through his thick hair and making it stand on end.
"I was going to ask if...if you could come out to dinner with me, Mom and...and Mikey." He stated. "Will you come?" He continued almost pleadingly.

"Of course I will! Don't sound so worried!"

"It's just I didn't know if you'd want to come because...because well because of Mikey." Gerard mumbled playing with his hands.

"I'm not scared Gee." I stated, touching my small nose to his crooked one.

"Okay then I'll pick you up at eight!"

"Oh my gosh Gee!" I proclaimed.

"What?" He asked tilting his head to one side.

"You have another date!"


I looked in my full length mirror at my floaty black dress. I picked up my bag, when I got a message:

Guys we need another outing!

Yas we do!

Hey, we could watch Frank, Ray and Gerard practice?


Any reason you guys wanna do that? ;)

You can talk Serena! (Ryan)

Who cares what their intentions are, I wanna see them practice!


Guys I'll ask Gerard tonight, see ya!

I practically skipped down the stairs and out the front door. I knocked on Gerard's door and Mikey answered. I gulped then forced a smile.

"Hey Mikey!"

"Hey Daisy!" He greeted, stepping aside to let me in.

"Gerard's having a shit." Mikey explained.

"Noice." I replied laughing a little.

"I AM NOT!" Gerard shouted playfully, galloping down the stairs wearing a black suit with a red tie. He stopped when he saw me and stared.

"Alright Gerard stop drooling!" Mikey teased. Gerard body tackled Mikey to the ground. They play fighted on the floor, I stood cheering Mikey on when their Mum came into the hall. She took one look at her sons and sighed.

"Boys, honestly."


We were all sat at the table and had just ordered our food.

"How's school going Mikey?" I asked.

"Great actually, I love computing."

"He's a nerd." Gerard remarked.

"What ever do you see in Gerard, Daisy? I mean your so pretty and he's so...well."

I laughed so hard that I had to take a sip of water to calm myself.

"Now now boys, play nicely." Their Mum scolded, but she was fighting her laughter. "So, Daisy what are you doing at sixth form?"

"I'm doing Drama, English, Photography and Psychology Miss Way." I answered.

"Oh, call me Donna!"

"What do you do for a living Donna?" I asked.

"Mum's a painter." Gerard answered.

"A pretty shit one." Mikey murmured but we all heard.

I placed my hand on Gerard's thigh protectively and he placed his hand over mine, biting his lip. Then suddenly stood up in his chair. "I need some air." He stated chucking his napkin down. I followed him out of the restaurant door, into the night.

"Are you okay Gee?" I asked him as he turned his back to me sighing deeply and stretching his arms into the air.

"I'm okay." He assured me turning around and pulling me close. "Because you're here."

"Eww gross." Mikey groaned behind us, making the both of us jump."Please don't be all lovey-dovey in front of me."

Gerard grinned at his younger brother then delicately placed his hands on my cheeks and set his lips on mine. A million tiny fireworks went off in my head and I went far far away.

Mikey groaned and left us alone.

Gerard broke the kiss then whispered. "I'm sorry if that wasn't special, I just wanted to piss Mikey off really."

"It was perfect." I assured him, rubbing my thumb across his bottom lip.

"You know I do really like you Daisy."

"I know that Gilbert." I chuckled.

"Umm Okay." Gerard said looking a bit confused. (Marilyn would get it) "And I want to be with you, like properly...so I guess what I'm trying to say is. Will you be my girlfriend? My gfizzle. My-" He babbled.

"Of course I will, but on one term."

"And what is that?"

"Never say 'gfizzle' again."


"You guys wanna play D&D?" Mikey asked excitedly.

I was about to answer when a familiar red head bounded into the room.
"Clary?" I asked surprised.

"We need to go check on O like now!"

"Okay I'm coming." I burst out looking for my shoes. When your best friends in trouble it doesn't matter that you are dropping a date with the hottest guy you will most likely ever meet.

"How will you get there?" Gerard asked not missing a beat. Me and Clary exchanged a worried look.


"I'll drive you!" Gerard declared.

"With what?" Mikey asked.

"Mom's car."

"Won't she kill you?" I asked, I didn't want to get him in trouble.

"What she doesn't know won't kill her." He replied, getting his shoes on also.

"It'll just make her wish she were dead." Mikey breathed.


Clary and I stood outside Orlando's door; Gerard said he'd come back for us in an hours time.

"Let's do this kid." Clary urged walking towards the door with me behind her. She knocked loudly and a man with blonde hair and a beard answered. I recognized him as Bob, Orlando's brother.

"Hey Daisy." He greeted. "Oli is upstairs, but beware he's in one of his moods." He added pulling a scared face.

Me and Clary trekked up the stairs and entered Orlando's room. He was laid on his bed a look of despair plastered on his face and his eyes puffy.

"Orlando!" I gasped rushing over to him. He looked surprised then broke into fresh tears. Me and Clary both sat on his bed and I rubbed his back.

"O, tell us whats wrong!" I begged.

"I can't." He whimpered.

"Of course you can!" Clary insisted.

"We won't tell anyone." I added.

"I'm so sorry Daisy." Orlando cried.

"What why?"

"I kissed Jack, I kissed Jack and he rejected me and called me a fag and I'm so stupid!"
"What a fuckboy!" Clary yelled enraged.

"Oh my gosh, Orlando you have nothing to be sorry for!" I exclaimed pulling him into a hug.

"But I kissed your ex-boyfriend!"

"Yeah EX-boyfriend, its fine and as Clary said he is a fuckboy and he had no right to treat you like that."

I felt revolted. How could I have thought Jack had ever changed?

"Maybe I am just a stupid dirty fag." O continued crying into my shoulder.

"Don't ever say that Orlando Pepe Shaperd!" Clary ordered fiercely. "You are fucking perfect okay?"

"But I'm such a mess."

"You want to talk about messes? Try beginning your transformation into a man and your parents don't even know." Clary stated.

"Or try being stood up by the boy who you thought was the one only to find out that he was beaten as a kid and self harms daily and also being terrified of his younger brother."

We all looked at each other all of us basket cases and we were all giving ourselves the creeps.

"Maybe we can get through this together?" Orlando mumbled.

"You bet we will! We're going to fucking Berlin in a week so we all need to pull ourselves together."

"We can do it!" I shouted hugging them both tightly.


I'm updating today as well as Thursday because I have work experience which means no homework B)



Thanks for reading! :)

GerardSlaay GerardSlaay

That was such a great ending! Thanks for sharing this story with us! :3


Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B


Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B