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A Killjoy Story

OH WHY!?!?!

Ghoul's POV

I was so scared for him. I can't believe I almost lost him. I really hoped that he would be okay. I really did love him. He made me feel wanted and that I belong here. Charlie saved him and for that I am ever in her debt. But when I am with Charlie she makes me feel like Party does, Accepted. After she kicked me out of the room the seacond time I listened outside the door. After she left I walked in. Party didn't look to good but I tried my best to cheer him up but he wouldn't look at me. After a while I gave up and left. I heard laughing and followed the noise I had forgotten. I walked in on Kobra, Jet and Charlie all laughing. I walk in and they stare at me.

"He's alright" I told them with my voice slightly cracking

I told them and then went into a corner. They all stared at me. In that instance all negative thoughts rran through my head. Did she tell them? Is that why they are laughing? Do I have something on my face? All my insecruities were coming to my mind. They just stared at me. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of the room and outside. I ran behind the car and started to cry. I hated being paranoied but it was just the way I was. After a good 10 minute cry I snuck behind the diner. there was a little dumpster. Inside is where I keep my one object that brings me peace and acceptance. I opened the dumpster and crawled inside. In here I made my own private get away. I have a small matress and my guitar pansy. It is the only thing form my life before the pill. I sit in there and play for hours.

These are the eyes and the lies of the taken
These are their hearts but their hearts don’t beat like ours
They burn ‘cause they are all afraid
For every one of us, there’s an army of them
But you’ll never fight alone
‘Cause I wanted you to know

That the world is ugly
But you’re beautiful to me
Well are you thinking of me now (now)

These are the nights and the lights that we fade in
These are the words but the words aren’t coming out
They burn ‘cause they are hard to say
For every failing sun, there’s a morning after
Though I’m empty when you go
I just wanted you to know

That the world is ugly
But you’re beautiful to me
Are you thinking of me
Like I’m.....

I was playing when I heard knocking. I sat silent with the hope that they would go away. Then the door opened and Party climbed in.

"So this is were you run off to" Party said as he glanced around

I sat in silence to afraid to move

"Hey you okay all the guys are worried" He stared right into my eyes as he said this

I sat there I didn't want to go out there. I felt happy here safe. no one to laugh at me or look at me weird.

"Okay if you don't leave then I won't either. So what song is that? It sounded good." party said with a smile

I just sat there now I don't have a safe space. evnetually I got words out.

"What are you going here?" I whispeared scared if i spoke to loud the others would find me.
"Charlie's worried about you. You bolted out of the hide out and have been seen for three hours. Also I was a little scared what happened to you" He whispeared the last part hoping for me not to hear. but I heard him every word. When I did I blushed like crazy.

Gerard's POV

Ghoul left and I felt alone. i didn't know what to feel. I knew I loved him but i couldn't tell if it was like a brotherly love or if.....or if I actually loved him. After 10 minutes of contemplating I got up. My gut hurt but not enough to keep me in my bed. When I found he rest of the guys they just stared at me.

"Where's GHoul?" I asked loudly
"I don't know we were laughing about a time when Mikey was talking in his sleep and when Ghoul came in we stopped. He told us you were okay and then 2 seconds later he ran out the door. I don't know where he is?" Charlie slightly whimpered

We all sat around and were eating. i decided to go out and clear my head. When I stepped outside i heard a song travelling on the wind. I made my way around the diner and there was a dumpster. As I creeped closer I heard he song. I got into the dumpster and there was Ghoul.

"So this is were you run off to" I said as I glanced around

he just sat there with his hands wrapped around the guitar. Unmoving and silent.

"Hey you okay all the guys are worried" I stared right into his eyes as I said this

I noticed he didn't and wasn't going to leave.

"Okay if you don't leave then I won't either. So what song is that? It sounded good." I said with a smile

"What are you doing here?" He whispeared scared as if he spoke to loud the others would find him.
"Charlie's worried about you. You bolted out of the hide out and have been seen for three hours. Also I was a little scared what happened to you" I whispeared the last part hoping for him not to hear. but I noticed he heard every word. I saw him blushing like crazy


Now it's done


@Fun Ghoul
No big deal. I love it though.
JackofTrades JackofTrades
thanks so much u probably stopped reading because sometimes i only update half a chapter
Fun Ghoul Fun Ghoul
I remember beginning to read this one and then stopping for some reason... Either way, I'm picking it back up. There are a few mistakes, but it's still completely understandable. I love this. I honestly do. I love the idea of one girl saving the Fabulous Killjoys. You execute it so much better than I do though. Keep up the good work!
JackofTrades JackofTrades
@Fun Ghoul
Other than that, it is a great story. Good promt. Kudo's doll.
Mirror_Mayhem Mirror_Mayhem
Thanks ill fix it
Fun Ghoul Fun Ghoul