Spread my wings
Chapter 28
Lyn-z’s POV
I was so sick of being babied, by everyone, Joshes family, acting like I couldn’t take care of myself, like they thought I was incapable of getting a job. Jamia, treated me like I’m some child, like she’s my mother. At that point, that would have been the only person I would’ve let baby me. My mother, or my dad, but neither of them mattered anymore, neither of them wanted to baby me, there fore I would not be. I would pick myself up and be a grown woman without the people around me treating me like I can’t do anything.
I drove home thinking about what I had said to Jamia, after josh had taken us to his house, I picked my car up from his driveway then drove to my own. I thought about what Jamia had said back, and I wondered how much harm had really been caused between her and me. I didn’t want to lose her. She and I were tight, and I loved her dearly, I just really needed my space at that point. It was time for me to breathe a breath of fresh air. I figured this whole thing would just blow over in a couple days, at least that’s what I had hoped.
Lyn-z’s POV
I was so sick of being babied, by everyone, Joshes family, acting like I couldn’t take care of myself, like they thought I was incapable of getting a job. Jamia, treated me like I’m some child, like she’s my mother. At that point, that would have been the only person I would’ve let baby me. My mother, or my dad, but neither of them mattered anymore, neither of them wanted to baby me, there fore I would not be. I would pick myself up and be a grown woman without the people around me treating me like I can’t do anything.
I drove home thinking about what I had said to Jamia, after josh had taken us to his house, I picked my car up from his driveway then drove to my own. I thought about what Jamia had said back, and I wondered how much harm had really been caused between her and me. I didn’t want to lose her. She and I were tight, and I loved her dearly, I just really needed my space at that point. It was time for me to breathe a breath of fresh air. I figured this whole thing would just blow over in a couple days, at least that’s what I had hoped.
alrighty! here's the next chapter :3As you all know i would love to hear from you ^^
I love how you added real interviews, and real events, and dates,
and ugh, I just fucking love this so fucking much,
I spent my whole day reading this.
You made it sound like it is in fact what happened, if not somewhat close to what actually happen.
---sorry for the weridness, I just freaking love this.