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Meet me on the battlefield

Chapter 20 Mikey's POV

*~*Mikey Way*~*

The second I said my name, a hand reached out and slapped my face. My face went to the side, and stayed there for a long moment before I could force myself to move it back center. Why the hell did he just hit me?
"You are not Mikey Way!" my captor said, looking angry.
"Yes, I am," I said, a little wary of his hand when I saw him raise it.
"Boss," the man, Leto, said from his corner, stopping the man's hand halfway, "he says his name is Mikey Way, why would he lie-"
"He's the enemy, of course he lies!" I watched the man clench his jaw and force himself to take a step back. I looked at his face closely, how it looked familiar, but yet so strange. "And I'm in charge here, if you're going to take his side, then get the hell out."
"You're starting to sound like Bouvier now," Leto said with a smirk, and I was surprised the man didn't hit him.
His gaze turned back to me, and he crouched down until he was eye level with me. "Once again, what is your name?"
"I told you, it's Mikey Way!" I cried out when his hand met my face again, hitting twice as hard as the last time. My hand on my shoulder dropped to my lap, which hurt in itself. "Why the hell don't you believe me?"
"I know Mikey Way, and you aren't him." The man growled, sounding almost confused and unbelieving, and soon my eyes met his hazel ones. His eyes struck such familiarity, but I couldn't think of where I'd seen them before.
"Calm down, sir," Leto said, stepping forward to grab the scary man and drag him outside the tent.
"What the hell, Leto?" the man yelled, and it was easy to eavesdrop on him.
"You need to calm down, you're not going to get anything if you just scare them the whole time!"
"I can't calm down, he's lying about his name. He has to be."
"Why? Why can't he be Mikey Way?" Leto asked sounding like he knew something. I wondered if he always spoke like that.
I looked over at Alex then to Frank who wasn't meeting my eyes. "Why do you think he freaked out?" Alex whispered, and I shushed him.
"Because my brother's name is Mikey," the scary man said, barely audible from where we sat, but I heard it. Frank and Alex both looked at me, I could feel their gazes on me.
The wait for them to come back in the tent was long. I felt my mouth go dry while I waited. Was it really him?
When the tent flap finally opened, I looked up at the man, who was looking angry at me.
"Gerard, is that you?"
The man was silent and watched the color from his face visibly drain. "How do you know my name?" he asked, his voice a little shaky, which was different from his threatening voice.
"You're Gerard?" Frank asked, sounding and looking unconvinced. "You two look nothing alike."
"What are you implying?" The man asked, snapping at Frank.
"That you two are brothers," Frank said, sounding smug. Once again, he was going to get us killed.
"He's not my brother," the man said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than anything. I was starting to recognize as Gerard. His eyes were the same, and his facial features familiar also. It was the same face, except dirtier, that I had seen eight years ago. It had to be. They ever had the same name.
"You don't sound so sure," I said, quietly, not wanting to risk getting hit again. "How would I know your name if you weren't my brother?" I asked after he didn't hit me, raising my eyes to meet his. He looked shocked.
"Tell me something only my brother would know," he said finally.
I thought for a long moment. What would he expect only me to know. "You left home when you were twenty one years old-"
"Everyone in the surrounding towns knew that," Gerard said, crossing his arms over his chest. "They knew why, too, so don't even try that one, Mikey."
I cursed under my breath, thinking again. I could feel Frank tense up beside me the longer I took. "When you were ten years old you were riding horseback and you fell off and landed in its waste." He still looked unconvinced. "When you were trying to impress Lindsey into agreeing to go to the theater with you, you lied about who you really were, saying you were a successful farmer and had your own land because you believed dad was going to die and that he left the farm to you in his will."
"...Mikey?" he asked in a quiet voice, and I saw that he believed me, even just a little. I could feel the line between me losing my life tonight and living disappear. I knew that I would make it through the night, or at least Gerard wouldn't kill me.
"I told you my name's Mikey Way," I said quietly, and he looked at me.
"My little Mikey? All grown up," he said, sounding a little sad, "and fighting in the war..."
"Not by choice," I said with a little laugh, which hurt. I felt the tension in the room leave when Gerard crouched down and wrapped his arms around me. I cried out, he hit my shoulder, which still hurt a lot.
"Sorry." he mumbled. "I can't believe it, my little brother."
"So this is your brother?" Leto asked from his corner. All four of us looked over at him, and he was grinning. "Keep your word about fixing things between the two of you now."
I watched as the two of them shared a look and Leto's grin just grew wider.
"I'll go get us some food, Gerard, don't kill any of them without me, you know how much I like doing that sort of thing." He left, taking his gun with him. I was relieved when he left, something about him just screamed 'I could kill you a thousand different ways with my hands'.
The tent was silent for a moment, a very uncomfortable silence.
"What else would only my Mikey know?"
"Shouldn't I ask you something to make sure you're actually my brother?" I asked back with a little attitude. He glared at me, and I shrunk back a little. Just because I was convinced he was my brother didn't mean I still wasn't scared that he could kill me. He was different from the Gerard I remember except for physical appearances.
"Do you really want to go there? Just because I'm supposedly your brother doesn't mean I haven't killed people before." I believed him on that.
"How about that when you were growing up you wanted to be an artist?" It was his dirty little secret. He had told our parents that once, asking them to get him a canvas and some paints, and they just laughed at him and decided then and there to send him off to law school. "I'm running out of things to say here."
"It's...okay..." Gerard mumbled, "I think I believe you. I just can't believe...my little brother is all grown up. You've changed a lot in eight years, I can hardly recognize you, although now I see the family eyes..." he started trailing off as he reached the end of his sentence. Alex and Frank were both quiet beside me, I almost forgot they were there until Frank coughed. "Tell me about mom and dad, are those bastards still kicking?"
"Alive and well," I said, "or they were as of about a year ago." I debated on saying that I was kidnapped and forced into the war, but I decided not to. "What about you Gerard? You just...left that day, and I hadn't heard from you since. I thought you died, because I thought you would come back when nothing worked out."
Gerard chuckled. "Things worked out for me, Mikey. Very well, until this stupid war happened." I waited for him to continue. "I'm a lawyer, a very successful one at that. Jared, he was the man just here, I got him out of going to prison even though he had numerous charges against his name. I got him out with the promise of community service. Not that he did any, but I got him out and that was it."
"What about you and Lindsey?" I asked, careful about my words. I didn't know if they were still together or not, although I can confess I was sort of hoping they weren't.
"We've been married for, what is it, seven years no?" Gerard zoned out for a moment. "We had a daughter, Bandit, who's the apple of my eye. Actually..." Gerard smiled sadly, "you don't care. I shouldn't even be talking about myself to the enemy."
"I'm your brother, Gerard," I said, sincerely, "I wouldn't kill you. I'm glad to know you're alive."
"Then why didn't you try to stop me that day?" Gerard asked suddenly, his voice very quiet. The question took me by surprise.
"I...It's stupid Gerard, let's just forget about it-"
"Tell me why or I'll shoot your other shoulder." Gerard even reached for his gun to emphasize his point.
"You never told me your brother was so violent," Frank piped up next to me, and for the third time, I was sure he was going to get us killed.
"Shut up. Why didn't you stop me, Mikey?" he asked again and I swallowed nervously.
"I didn't like Lindsey, at all." I said quietly, afraid that at that moment he was going to kill me. "Whenever you left the room, she bossed me around and treated me like filth when I was nothing but kind to her. I was the only one there who at least acted to like her and she was the meanest to me. I wanted you to stay, I did, but I didn't want her." I said, looking down at my lap. I waited for the bullet to meet my head, but it never did happen.
Gerard's gun went down and I felt relief wash over me. "Did people start talking about us? After we left? What did they say about us?"
"Why do you care?" I asked, "it's the past. We're here, together, Gerard, what does the past matter?"
"I need to know!" Gerard yelled, and I flinched back.
"They called Lindsey a whore, okay? They said you two would never make it, and that you'd be crawling back up on the doorstep in a week. Mom started to get worried when that didn't happen, don't even accuse me of lying. She was set on travelling the world to look for you before dad got sick again, and by the time she got better, she didn't seem to care anymore, like she accepted that fact that you were gone."
Gerard looked down at his feet for a long moment. When he looked up, he was frowning. "I guess I was right when I thought no one at home cared about me."
"Except me."
"Now I know that." He smiled at me. "Tell me about yourself, what have you been up to these past few years?" Gerard asked after a moment of silence.
So I told him everything, starting with how I met Frank and moved in with him, got jobs and numerous places, and went all the way until when Bryar gave us the mission of scouting out the camp. "We've been watching you for days and you've never noticed us. How oblivious are you Unionists?"
"Very." There was a moment of silence before someone came crashing in, a new face I hadn't seen before, which wasn't surprising, but I was expecting Leto to come back with food.
Gerard turned around, "David, what's wrong? Calm down and breath."
The man, David, took a moment to control his breathing. "It's Pierre, he's dying."
I saw Gerard's face drain of all color, and he looked at me. "When I send in the next guard, act hurt and that I've been getting information from you," he said, pointing at me in particular. I nodded and they ran out, his last words that I heard him say were "Lead the way."


sorry for not updating! it just would never let me log in so i couldn't :/
but i'm back now :)
i'm glad you liked the story! :D
Yes. Yesyesyes. Thanks for finally updating! One of my favorite FanFictions on here. Hope you'll write some more hint hint wink wink c:
falloutlies falloutlies
Oh my God this is AWESOME!!!!! You're a great writer. Update pleeeeeeease update!!
falloutlies falloutlies
@fake sunsets.
haha, it's okay.
I'm really glad you like it :)
westolethefire westolethefire