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Dear diary...


Frank's P.O.V.:
I was walking nervously on the studio while Ray recorded, I had been calling Alex all morning but her phone was off. I hadn't spoke to her for two days, neither did she text me or posted something on MySpace.
Gerard walked in, he was late.
"hey, sup?"
"Not much, Ray's recording the solo for Famous Last Words, they said it sounded icky so he's doing it again"
"Ah, great but I didn't mean that. What's up with you?"
"Why do you ask?"
"You look concerned and... Your shirt is inside out. What happened?"
"It's Alex, I haven't heard from her for about two days, it's... I don't know"
"Do you think it's Bert?"
"I don't know, last night I picked up this magazine it said he would be released in about 8 months or probably a year. Lisa, on the other hand is free already, she escaped the mental asylum"
"Frank, don't worry she's fine. I've known Alex for a while. She's probably just resting or painting or she could be with Lynz"
"Yeah I guess, she's... I don't know, she's been-"
"Depressed, yeah, Lynz told me. Chill, everything'll be okay. Want me to call Lynz and ask her if she's seen Alex?"
"Yeah, that would really help man..."
He nodded and started dialling, he paced from side to side waiting for someone to answer.
"Her phone is off too, they're probably together with Bandit. Chill."
"Okay... They're probably sleeping too..."
"Yeah, Bandit probably kept them up"
Suddenly, someone walked in the studio.
"Hi, my love."
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to see you, aren't you glad to see me?"
Ray stopped playing guitar and rushed out the recording room along with the producer.
"I'm calling security, Lisa"
"Where are your wives?"
I felt sick to my stomach, she'd done something to Alex, Lynz and Bandit. Gerard lost it.
"Look you annoying fuck, if you ever touch my wife or daughter I swear to-"
Gerard got cut off by the sweetest voice in the world, followed by a baby laugh and Lynz's voice.
"Alex for fuck's sake! You're okay"
The producer had called the police, they came in alongside Alex and Lynz, the place was packed.
"Mr. Iero, I'm officer Morgan, I'll be in charge of this young lady. She'll be taken into custody, no mental asylum and is going to be judged for breaking her restriction order. This shall be quick, we'll contact you or your rep soon. Thank you for calling, sorry for interrupting. Guys, take her."
"Thank you, officer"
We shook hands as the other cops took Lisa away from us. Gerard and Lynz were with Ray in another room, laughing at Bandit. Alex was leaning towards the door. She closed it behind her, we were left alone.
I was so glad to see her I hugged her and kissed her deeply. She put her hands in my face and smiled.
"Frankie, close your eyes"
"What? Why? Are you playing a prank on me? Are you-"
"Do you trust me?"
I closed my eyes, both intrigued and nervous of why were we playing like that.
"Alex, if you pull my pants down or make me eat something I'm gonna have a heart attack. Not even kidding"
She giggled, grabbed my hand and placed a small box in it.
"Open your eyes"
"What's this?"
She stood there, silently.
"Open it, I'll be in the other room"
She kissed my forehead and left winking at me.

Alex's P.O.V.:
I walked out of the main studio room feeling really nervous, I had out the pregnancy test in a box inside a box.
"So..?" Said Lynz
"So what?" Asked Gerard
"Yeah, what's going on, Alex?" Asked Ray while holding Bandit in his arms.
"I gave it t-"
Frank walked inside the room quietly and made my put my legs around his waist.
"I fucking love you, do you know that? I love both of you"
"We love you too"
"What?! Frank?! What?! Alex?! Lynz what?! IS BANDIT GOING TO-"
Ray still didn't understand a thing while Lynz just laughed and nodded.
Frankie let me down and wrapped his arms around my belly, "We're pregnant, I'm going to be a punk ass dad"
Everyone included Bandit was excited and jumping around. She had no idea what was going on but seeing her parents happy made her giggle and lift her arms. I was excited and overwhelmed.

Lisa's P.O.V.:
I walked to the recording studio I knew he was in. Security guards were taking a coffee break without facing the front door, fools. I was about to get in when I saw Frank's awful wife. She was with another girl and a baby, they were getting her stroller ready and talking. I walked closer to them to listen their conversation.
"I don't know Lynz, that seems too direct"
"Well then, how are you expecting to do it? Putting it on a word puzzle on the New York Times like Frankie I'm pregnant!"
She was carrying his beautiful baby. I had to get there before her and tell him I'm pregnant with his baby, yeah he'll believe that. Or maybe that I already had it or that I had an abortion. Yeah.
I ran inside and walked towards the studio.
There he was, my beautiful baby, looking hot as always.
I want letting him have a kid with that bitch, I need to stop this.


hey guys, uodate is heeeere :)
i have more time now. I finished my semester so FREEDOM.
ill be uploading in a few hours, need some sleep.
hope you like it




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No, Rays fro lost volume..THAT CAN'T HAPPEN!!
Serious note, Bad Frank. Why would you do that??

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Ellie-phant Ellie-phant