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The Only Hope For You Is Me

Chapter 13

*Frank’s POV*
Gerard looked at me. We didn’t have to discuss the issue. We both didn’t want to be responsible for anybody’s death. The panic came back and tears started streaming down my face in silence. Gerard’s face turned white and he hugged me.
We climbed down the tree. I was so scared; I just wanted to know what was going to happen. Walking out of the forest, I took Gerard’s hand. He squeezed it and looked me in the eyes. Then we exited the forest. The woman approached and handcuffed us. She pushed a gun in my back and told us harshly to walk towards the compound.
I heard the guy behind us. He had walked about 200 meters to the right and started shouting again. I was hoping that the other two missing people would care like Gerard and I did.
The walk went by quickly, since I really didn’t want to arrive.
After a few minutes we turned right and entered the building number 3. The woman opened a door and pushed us in a large room. People were sitting on the ground everywhere. In the far right corner there was a guy wearing a suit. He was surrounded by about ten people, who were wearing the same outfit as the woman who had brought us here. It seemed to be from the military.
We were ordered to sit down. Hunched down in a corner, we tried not to stick out. About five minutes later a man in military clothing brought in two other people.


This is short, because I am tired.



No problem! Thank you for your replies though!

Luca Luca

Oh junk! Sorry, I didn't see that you had already finished it...

Keep writing of course! You were asking what we wanted to read? Well, maybe you could go more in depth with the disease, like how it killed them, and how it's results effected Gerard/Frank on a deeper level. Just some suggestions though. Thanks :)

Please don't worry about your English! It's better than most of the American writers. :)

Btw, i was @Famouslastsentence but i had to change my name :/

Frerard-Pikey Frerard-Pikey