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The Only Hope For You Is Me

Chapter 14

*Frank’s POV*
The man in the suit looked up when the three people entered. He walked about three steps towards the middle of the room and nodded towards a guy with bright blue hair, who took out his gun and fired a shot towards the ceiling. Silence fell over the room.
At this point I had already figured out the strategy of this guy. He wanted something from us and he was going to make sure that we obeyed by scaring the shit out of us. And I knew that it was going to work. I reached towards Gerard’s hand and held on to it. This is when I noticed: Just about two hours ago I had been blushing and not being able look in his eyes. Now I felt like he was the only thing I could hold on to. I seemed to me that I had known him a lot longer than two days.
The man in the suit looked around and waited about five more seconds before he started talking.
“My name is Jake Polanco. I’m going to try to make this short. This is not a democratic place anymore.”
Then he went on and explained to us that he was going to rule the base. His crew, as he called the people in military clothing, was going to enforce his will with weapons. There were going to be lots of rules, which would be explained to us later. The thing which was to be done next was the rearrangement of the rooms. House number one would only be for him, house number two for the crew and the rest of us were going to be crammed into the other ones. He also explained that very well-behaved people might have the chance to join the crew.
I was somewhat relived. I had expected for all of us to be killed, so this didn’t seem too bad at the moment. But I still knew it was.
Gerard somehow managed to make them assign us to the same room. I was so tired, when I stumbled through the door. The room was a big one, made for eight people. This resulted in the comfort of having a bathroom attached, which we should be able to use properly, as soon as the water supply was ready. There were twelve people going to stay in the room, so the crew made us to get two bunk beds from the building number one.
When we came back I fell asleep in my bunk instantly. I noticed Gerard adjusting my blanket, when I drifted off.




No problem! Thank you for your replies though!

Luca Luca

Oh junk! Sorry, I didn't see that you had already finished it...

Keep writing of course! You were asking what we wanted to read? Well, maybe you could go more in depth with the disease, like how it killed them, and how it's results effected Gerard/Frank on a deeper level. Just some suggestions though. Thanks :)

Please don't worry about your English! It's better than most of the American writers. :)

Btw, i was @Famouslastsentence but i had to change my name :/

Frerard-Pikey Frerard-Pikey