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S-I-N, I, S-I-N

Chapter 5: Fan-Bloody-Tastic

After the nurse had seen to my ankle and given me a cold pack to put on it she concluded that it wasn't a sprain and I'd just hurt it a little when I fell over.
It'd be okay in the morning and the cool pack was to keep down any possible swelling that might occur.

Gerard had stayed with me, talking the whole time to the nurse and completely ignoring me even though I tried to start a conversation a few times.

I wanna know what's up with him, I don't know what it is exactly but he gives off this weird vibe, I can't explain it.

Oh well, I shouldn't push my luck, so far he's the only good looking guy on campus and I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Still, when I'd met him in the church he was really nice and talkative, enough to make me feel chatty and now that I wanted to talk to him he was ignoring me.
The hell, dude?

Aren't priests supposed to be nice all the time to everyone?
Is there something I'm missing because that's what it feels like right now.

While they'd been talking I stood up and went to the door, it was getting dark. I remember him mentioning something about dinner time being at six and I didn't know where the dining hall was.

I'm hungry, I haven't eaten all day and I really wanted to go and get something because I don't think they had room service.
I tried clearing my throat, seeing if he'd respond to that which he didn't at all and continued to talk.

"Gerard." I said his name quietly, hoping he'd hear me the first time and I wouldn't have to repeat myself.

He either didn't hear me or ignored me and continued chatting to the nurse while I stood there with my arms crossed and my ankle throbbing slightly.

"Gerard." I repeated, feeling slightly weird about calling him by his first name, at all the churches I'd been to you always had to say 'Father' first.

"Excuse me, Father Way." I said sarcastically, now that just felt completely inappropriate, it was weird calling him Father Way and I didn't like it one bit.

As much as I didn't like it, it seemed to work and Gerard turned around to look at me, a light smile playing across his face.

"Yes?" It was annoying how polite he could be because it made me feel worse for thinking mean things.

"Can you show me where the dinner hall is so I can get something to eat?" He mumbled something to the nurse before nodding and slowly walking over to me.

I opened the door and walked out with him following me, to be honest I could have probably figured out by myself where the hall is but I wanted to look at him just a little longer.

He was slightly ahead of me as we made our way down the path and without his face to distract me I noticed what he was wearing for the first time.

Skinny leg jeans and a leather jacket, is a priest even allowed to wear those?
Shouldn't the school be really pissed off because of that and isn't a priest supposed to wear trousers and a really boring jacket?
That's what I'd learnt from church anyway.

And he's wearing black boots as well.

It's like you've found a rockstar and put a priest collar on him, along with a disturbingly pleasant attitude when he's feeling talkative.

Now with my brain finally wearing off from the shock of realising that I'd be perving on the guy performing the schools daily mass I got to think like me again.

How come he gets to dress like that while I'm stuck wearing a boring uniform?
If I don't get to wear my sneakers I swear to God I'm going to murder someone, so far the only thing going for this school is him.

The girls will undoubtedly be snobby, up themselves a-holes and my room is the most boring thing I've ever seen in my whole life.
Then on top of that there's the school musical that I heard someone mention, they are kidding themselves if they expect me to sing and dance.

"You probably could have found the dining hall by yourself but I'm feeling hungry as well." He told me, sticking his hands in his pockets, I understood what he was talking about immediately.

I'd been reading a pamphlet about the school on the taxi ride and the teachers apparently ate in the same room and at the same time as the students.
I think it said something about all sharing prayer and eating at the same time brought them closer to God.

My parents made me pray before I started eating which could get really annoying when you were able feel your stomach growling. If I didn't do it right the first time they'd make me go over it again and again until I got it right.

We stopped outside a set of double doors and Gerard glanced at me before pulling both of them open.

About 800 girls halted speech and turned to look at us at exactly the same time so it was kinda creepy.
Actually it was a bit Children of The Corn.

I felt everyone stare at me which I didn't like one bit, I've been stared at plenty of times in multiple situations but right now it felt like they were judging me.

"What are you all lo-" Gerard put a hand over my mouth to shut me up before I could finish my insult.

"We respect each other here." He murmured his green eyes boring into mine before removing his hand.

"Hello, Father Way!" Half the girls called out in synchronisation which was completely creepy.
Almost as creepy as the fact they were calling someone who was no more than eight years older than them 'Father Way'.

"Hello girls." He called back before walking over to someone and leaving me standing there, some tour guide.

Feeling kinda cranky at having him just ditch me like that I stalked over to the area to get my food.
Thankfully it was the get your own kind so I didn't have to make pleasantries with a cafeteria lady.

I also didn't have to explain why I wasn't getting anything with meat on it which was a breath of fresh air.

"What's your name?" I jumped at the voice suddenly appearing behind me and with a sigh put my tray on a bench, calming down.

I turned around, it was a teacher or some other kind of staff so I probably couldn't just say my name was Lainey.

"Elyria Colfort." I told the woman and she nodded before putting her hands on her hips.

"I'm Miss Archer, I believe I have you in my maths class. Would you like to explain why you're fifteen minutes late for dinner? I'll have you know that one of the school codes is punctuality." Well she's a bitch, there's no other way around that and she's my math teacher as well?

"Hello, Genevieve." Gerard said, walking up to us but only talking to Archer.

"A moment Father Way, I'm lecturing Miss Colfort here on the importance of punctuality." Despite seeming very serious when she was talking to him the thirty something year old was looking rather flustered.

"She understands just fine and she would have been on time if I didn't have to take her to the nurse’s office. Lainey hurt her ankle earlier." She looked from Gerard to me, I smiled at her smugly before her eyes went back to him.

"Very well then, make sure you're here on time tomorrow night." I nodded and said something that sounded vaguely respectful before turning back to the food.

"Thanks." I told him, putting a scoop of something that looked like mashed potatoes on the plate on my tray.

"I actually came over here to get some food, not to talk to Genevieve but it worked out." He smiled to himself as he put food on his plate which made me frown, I felt kinda insulted.

I've never in my life had a guy turn me down or not be interested in me and Gerard's attitude towards me wasn't one I liked.

I preferred to be the one who turned guys down and as long as Gerard didn't like me me I'd remain determined to get him interested.
Besides it's not like I had anything else to do while I was here, he could be my main source of entertainment.
A theological scratching post.

"Gerard would you like to sit with me?" I asked him once I'd finished filling my plate with a variety of food, mainly healthy choices.

"Alright, I'd you'd like me to." He put some meat looking thing on his plate and I frowned but not obviously enough for him to notice.

Gerard walked ahead, gesturing for me to follow which I did while looking at my plate. My stomach was growling loudly as Gerard walked towards the only empty table.

"Father Gerard come and sit with us." A group of girls sitting at their own table which was almost full waved to Gerard and I felt confused.
Was I the only one who called him Gerard?

"Sorry girls but I'll be sitting with Lainey today." He told them and they looked at me for a moment, glaring daggers before turning back to their food.

Apparently they aren't the only ones who think he's ridiculously good looking and apparently they aren't the nice, goodhearted Christian girls the headmistress thinks they are, no surprise there.

Gerard and I stopped at a table, he politely pulled a chair out for me, before sitting down on the other side.

Without thinking I immediately started eating the food that tasted surprisingly good considering how bland it looked.

After two mouthfuls I realised what I was doing and slowly lifted my gaze to see Gerard the priest who seemed to be rather insulted by what I was doing.

"I'm supposed to say a prayer aren't I?" He nodded, I sighed before putting down my fork and going over the process I'd hoped to avoid now that I've moved to a boarding school.

"Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen." I said half-heartedly with my hands together, trying to get it over and done with as fast as possible.

"Happy?" I asked, sounding exasperated, Gerard raised an eyebrow before mumbling a yes and picking up his fork.

I hated praying whether it was before a meal, before bed or at church on a Sunday.

We ate quietly and I tried to come up with something to say to start a conversation. I couldn't think of much that a priest would be interested in, they're too goody, goody.

"What bands do you like?" His eyebrow went up again, yeah that was a stupid think to ask since I knew we wouldn't have anything in common.

"Have you heard of -"

There was the sound of chairs crashing to the ground, stopping Gerard from finishing his sentence.


Great story!!

Jackie Jackie

You're welcome, keep up the good work! (also laughing at how long I discussed Gerard's dick size in the comment)

Hey and thanks, it's nice to get some feedback and genuine thought. I got chapter seventeen edited by someone else since I didn't have the time and they ended up making some changes that I didn't particularly agree with then after some thought changed it but only the copy on Wattpad so this is basically the whole story and its earliest and worst.

I'll be going over this story at some point with a scrubbing brush and cleaning it up so it's good to have comments like this to show me what I need to focus on.


That first sex scene makes my list for the hottest I've ever read (and you have no idea how much dramione (harry potter ship name) I've read. The reason I point out dramione is because there are SO many AMAZING writers within that subsection so if I compare you to them that is a good thing :) However, I think you got the measurements wrong on Gerard's dick size. 10 inches is beyond ridiculous, the female uterus is only 5-7 inches. I know you are from England though (Lainy said 'mum' instead of 'mom' and 'queue' instead of 'line' and 'jumper' instead of 'sweater' even though she's supposed to be American but those were the only idiosyncrasies I've caught other than that you did a really good job using American lingo the time she said 'mum' was the first time I even thought you may not be American) so that's understandable that you misjudged the conversion but 10 inches is about 25 centimeters (the average male penis is 5.6inches or 14.2cm). Having been someone who has lost their V-card there is no way in hell 10 inches would be at all pleasant... It is a mere two inches short of sticking a ruler (1 foot or 12 inches or 33cm) up my vagina (yeah ow). That just took me out of the REALLY nice sex scene a bit so perhaps maybe have him be around 7.5 inches? (19cm) That way he is a VERY well endowed, while still being realistic. Other than that I thoroughly enjoyed your story (I love the premiss of Gerard being a Priest, a nice change up to the usual Teacher Gerard), update the sequel soon please :)

That's rad! I'm going to the Melbourne one ^~^