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Runaway Scars and The Getaway Mile

Chapter 10: I Got A Bulletproof Heart

I woke up to an intense pounding in my head that nobody on earth should be subjected to.

Not even draculoids and that's saying a lot.

My mouth felt dry, my head hurt, my muscles hurt and I feel like just opening my eyes would cause me agony. But I had to get up so it's not like I really had any other option than to just make like a bandaid.

I opened them quickly, my eyes registered sunlight coming in a window and within seconds the pounding in my brain got ten times worse.

"Gah!" I put my hand over my eyes to shield them from the sun then sighed from happiness as I stopped being blinded.

Slowly I moved my hand away from my face but kept it at the ready in case I needed to shield my eyes again.

It took a moment or two for me to realise where I was.
It wasn't the middle of the desert and that was for sure, there were too many walls around me and articles of furniture.

So my brain matched it with the only thing I could possibly think of, this is Sunshine's place.

I could tell by the clothes that were all over the place, most of them looking likes her's, some I didn't recognise and good god and mother mercy please tell me that's not Fun Ghoul's jeans.

Well I know what they were doing last night, or who, I think who would be a much better word.

I was laying on the floor of her basement that I'd gone into when she helped me get some clothes.
I was on a ridiculously plushy carpet that didn't go with the post apocalyptic landscape outside and two other Killjoys were asleep next to me.

Jet was on the couch next to the carpet and Kobra was fast asleep against a wall without looking like he'd be waking up anytime soon.

Then there was Party who was laying next to me, under me actually since I'd fallen asleep draped over him but he was asleep as well, making me wonder what the time must be.

I sat up and I felt something fall off me, I turned around and it was Party's jacket.
Now noticing it I looked back at him and he'd taken it off to put it around my shoulders, he was such a sweetheart even though he could be crazy sometimes.

My whole body felt kinda sticky and I touched my arm, yeah I was definitely sticky. Of course wondering why I felt like that I went for the next obvious choice, sniff myself.

I smelt sugary and slightly bitter at the same time.
Now I remember the person spilling a drink on me last night when Party had been carrying me bridal style out of the club.

I looked around for my jacket that was off and it was nowhere within sight, maybe it's in the car although I don't remember taking it off.

Ugh my skin is so sticky, it's disgusting I just want to be clean again.

Didn't Party say something the other night about Sunshine having a shower at her place?
Yeah I'm pretty sure he did although I had no idea where the shower was and if it was alright for me to use it.

I'd be happy to just have two minutes in a shower with some fresh water so I can wash someone's spilled drink off me because currently I smell and feel like a beverage.

I stood up and tried to think through the pounding in my head, I needed to get some of that Ambrosia stuff to get rid of my headache.
This must be what a hangover feels like, I didn't enjoy it I can easily tell you that.

There were a pair of sunglasses on the floor and I picked them up then put them on, my eyes stopped hurting so much now that they were shielded from all the bright light.

Next thing to do, ask Sunshine where the shower is located and if she has any Ambrosia.
I know a droid probably wouldn't need that stuff but from what I'd collected she had Ghoul over her often and he'd probably need it so she had to have some.

Since the last time I'd been here I'd only gotten a chance to look at the basement and the living room area I had no idea where her bedroom would be.

I noticed a door behind the stairs that led to the upper part of the building and wandered over to it.

The door was cracked slightly and there was no light coming from the gap but I guessed it was her room.

Did androids even sleep anyway?

Hoping that I wasn't going to walk into something that would scar me for life I slowly opened the door and peered in.
Then almost started laughing.

Ghoul was lying on the floor, presumably naked, with a blanket from the bed over him and three androids on the ground next to him. Sapphire, Poppy and Rose.

For gods sake, Ghoul.

Then there was Sunshine on the bed completely covered from neck down by a giant blanket.

Well I think I found her room.

I stepped into the room and slowly walked over to Sunshine's side of the bed.

I'd just stopped when she opened her eyes and looked at me, instead of looking sleepy like most people when they've just woken up she looked very awake immediately.

"Good morning, Electric." She said, stretching her arms under the blanket and looking next to her, probably expecting to see Ghoul who was actually on the ground.

"Morning, Sunshine. I was wondering if you had any Ambrosia. I have a really bad headache." That was the first thing I brought up, I want to get rid of this thing immediately.

"Yep, in the kitchen cupboard over the sink. Got a bad hangover huh?" That was a fricken understatement, I'd only had three drinks and I had such a bad pounding in my head I felt almost suicidal.

I think Ghoul's actually going to kill himself because of the headache he'll have when he wakes up, it's gonna be a real bitch.

"Yeah, it's fucking awful. Just one more thing, I'm kinda sticky, some idiot spilt their drink on me last night and uh." I suddenly felt awkward about asking her if I could use her shower but I knew I had to.

"The shower's upstairs, outside, around the back. The sun should have heated up the water by now so enjoy." She smiled at me warmly before wrapping her blankets around her and inching to the side of the bed, looking at Ghoul.

"Alright, thanks." I said to her before leaving the room and closing the door quietly behind me.

How the hell did the three androids end up here?
I don't remember them being in the car and how else would they get to Sunshine's place?

It doesn't matter I need to get some of that Ambrosia before my head explodes over the walls and the ceiling.
I pushed the glasses I was wearing up the bridge of my nose and walked up the stairs as quietly as I possibly could.

It was very bright upstairs but I was able to deal with it with the help of the darkened glasses so I immediately headed to the kitchen.

There was nothing in there really, no fridge, plates, stove. Nothing that most people would have in a regular kitchen but droids probably don't eat so maybe that's why she doesn't have one.

I opened the cabinet above the sink just like she said and sure enough there was a bottle of Ambrosia there.

Having no idea what the dosage was I just did what worked for me yesterday when I had a headache and a bunch of bruises.
I swigged it straight from the bottle.

Seconds later the pounding in my head was gone and my eyes stopped hurting at the tiny pieces of sunlight that crawled behind my glasses.

Now no longer needing them I took the sunglasses off and put them on the bench and put the bottle back where it belonged, in its cabinet.

Okay off to magical shower land because I refuse to be sticky for any longer, it's gross and I don't like it one bit.

I checked out the front window to see if there was any dracs outside and when there wasn't I went out the front door.

The air outside was dry and hot and felt exactly like you'd expect the desert to feel in the morning, so not like a tropical rainforest.

Humming one of the songs I heard last night I walked around the back of the building and saw the shower.
It was larger than I expected and had some kind of wood around the sides, making it enclosed with only a darkened plastic curtain over the front.

In most situations I'd get into the shower with at least my underwear on but right now I was sticky.
I wanted a shower and my give a fuck was at an all time low so I pulled my clothes off threw them on the ground and stepped into the shower.

I turned the water on and a couple of seconds later I was in pure bliss, I fucking love showers, I've decided that now and I never want to leave as long as I live.

The water was warm, it made me feel clean and best of all it got rid of the stickiness from that drink someone spilled.

There is nothing in the world that could feel better than a shower, except maybe eating something tasty for breakfast instead of Power Pup.
That reminds me I'm probably gonna have to eat that again today.

Insert my internal sigh of teenage frustration and angst here.

I wonder how often the Killjoys shower. It's not exactly like they have a lot of opportunities since they seem to be doing something new every single day.

None of them seemed to smell bad, Party actually smelt rather good, I'd noticed that after waking up lying next to him.

It only took one small thought about Party for me to spiral off into thinking about him.

I'm so glad he didn't get hurt last night at the nightclub, if he got dusted I'd never forgive myself and if Revolver had managed to dust him then he wouldn't be living much longer.

God I hate that bastard so fucking much, the hate I feel for him is more intense than anything I've ever felt before, well with the exception of he bubbly feelings I get when I look at Party Poison.

I don't know how I could start feeling something for someone so fast, only three days ago he was someone I crashed into on the street.

Now he's someone I'd risk my own life over, it was cliche, I know but my heart loved it so much.

From what I'd seen so far he was crazy and used a ton of words I didn't understand.
He confused me and was a total goofball at times like when he'd throw me over his shoulder but he also had a huge heart.

No that's not supposed to be a metaphor.

I sighed and closed my eyes as the water ran through my hair, trying to think of something other than Party.

His grin appeared in my head and I felt a smile come to my face as some wind blew in the curtain.

"Gravity, don't mean too much to me.
I'm who I've got to be. These pigs are after me, after you. Run away, like it was yesterday when we could run away, when we could run away. Run away from here." I sung the words to song from last night, I didn't remember or know the rest of the lyrics since I'd been distracted with what happened when Neon called out to him.

"I'm shooting out of this room. Because I sure don't like the company. Stop your preaching right there 'cause I really don't care and I'll do it again." Someone sung and I opened my eyes slowly then completely froze.

I blinked a couple of times to see if my brain was just making up stuff for my eyes or if my imagination had gotten completely out control.
It hadn't.

"Party what are you doing in here?" I said, still not moving, body why won't you let me fricken move?

"Currently, I'm enjoying the view." Well that was easy for him to say, at least he had some underwear on.

My brain was annoying the hell out of me right now.
One half of it wanted to start screaming, running into walls and hyperventilating. Another part decided I should be totally chilled about the whole thing because it was no big deal.

Mind you I was having this whole internal dilemma butt naked.

"Could you please get out of the shower right now?" I asked him, it wasn't really even asking, it sounded more like I was begging him to go away.

"No, in case you haven't realised yet I got covered in that persons drink last night as well. My skin's all sticky and I need to have a shower." I kinda pitied him from that but I still wanted him to leave.

"I'm naked now could you get out?" It was fucking obvious that I was naked and I felt like an idiot for stating the obvious but I felt like it'd get him to leave.

"You know." Party crossed his arms over his chest.
"Here in 2019 there's something new and dangerous happening every day, people change, war is ongoing and everyday we're at risk of getting ghosted." I was failing to understand how this related to him getting into the shower while I was in here and naked.

"Yet you freak out over something like being naked in the shower with me here. Over half the Zones and at least half of Battery City has seen me naked." That's not really something you should want to brag about I think, never mentioning it is a good choice though.

"So calm down, you're naked, the world isn't going to end because of it." I've said this before and I'll say it again, that's easy for him to say, he's wearing underpants.

"Besides it's been ages since I've last seen a real life girl without clothes on, I don't actually remember the last time. You're very different looking compared to an android. You look soft which is nice." My cheeks slowly started going red as he continued talking and I regretted the decision of not wearing underwear in the shower.

"You're very beautiful." He murmured, his eyes drifted from one place to another, making my face get redder and redder.

I really wanted to run away and go screaming back inside. As big as I said the shower was it wasn't big enough for me to get past Party without some skin touching and that was not something I wanted to risk right now.

Instead I just turned my back and stared at the wall, hoping I could disappear into it which wouldn't be happening.

"Just have your shower and leave." I told him, this is the most awkward thing to happen to anybody in the history of the universe.

"You have a very cute ass too." He added and I turned around and glared at him, angry enough to completely forget I was naked.

"Don't talk about me like that." I said, slapping him on the arm which caused him to start laughing.

After I hit him I turned to face the wall again, with my jaw clenched. He knew exactly what to say to make me upset, he also knew how to make my heart beat faster.

"So what was it you were saying about liking crazy redheads?" He asked and my face went red again, I'm really going up and down the scale of emotions today.

"Nothing." I mumbled into the wall, I think I'd rather have just stayed out of the shower and remained sticky than be in this position right now.

"It wasn't nothing, it was definitely something." Party poked me in the side and I giggled a little which fractured my serious facade in about five seconds.

"I don't know, I like you a little bit." I laughed then immediately wished I could take back what I'd said.

I did not mean to say that at all.

"Oh do you now?" I turned my head in time to see him wiggle his eyebrows at me which looked kinda ridiculous but cute at the same time.

"Shut up, I can like whoever I want. Don't judge me." I told him angrily puffing my chest up and crossing my arms which didn't look that serious on me while I had my body facing the wall.

"I'm not going to judge you. Although you should have told me earlier so I could ravish you on the dance floor or we could just do it right here." My eyes went wide, he started laughing and I turned in time to see him run a hand through his hair under the water, my insides melted.

Holy fuck did be read my mind?
I don't know who I am, I might have been a slut or I might still be a virgin but with the way his eyes were on me right now I could only think of two things.

One part of me wanted to tell him to fuck off.

The other half wanted me to jump on him and ravish him on the shower floor or he could have his way with me, it didn't make a difference.

"I'm actually not joking but in all seriousness I like you too, you should've brought it up earlier. You can tell me anything you want." A small happy grin came to my face and this moment would've been perfect if I had clothes on.

As for him, I didn't really care about the amount of clothes he wore, he looked good either way.

"Have you finished showing yet?" I checked because no matter how giddy I felt I wanted him out so I could finish my shower.

"Nope I'm still sticky. See?" He pressed his hand to my back and I squealed not expecting him to do it but he was definitely still sticky.

"Since you've told me something personal how about I tell you something?" He suggested and I considered that maybe this awkward situation was worth it.

"Alright, go ahead." I replied, I didn't really know what he could tell me but it would probably be interesting.

"Only if you stop trying to merge with the wall and face me." Now he was being cruel, I told him that I liked him, and was completely honest but he was adding conditions.

"This better be freaken good." I said to him before turning and facing him. I wasn't feeling as uncomfortable as I did five minutes ago but it was still a bit weird.
I need to remember that out here I'm living day to day, I won't even know what's going to happen to me until it does.

"Mmm." He looked me up and down once with a very serious face then bit his lip, oh god.

"Stop being a pervert!" I yelled at him and he started laughing again, oh his jokes were just hilarious.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell you. That song you heard the other night, the one I sang, it's called Bulletproof Heart. I wrote it myself, I wrote it for someone actually." I knew it, those lyrics sound way too personal for it to be just some randomly written song.

"Who'd you write it for?" I wanted to know that more badly than anything else.

"Just some really beautiful dust angel." He stuck his head under the shower head for a moment and I tried to think of a response.
I should have known he wouldn't tell me the flat out truth.

"Come on, tell me." I sounded a bit whiny at the end but I didn't really care that much.

"Depends, would you do a pirouette?" He was now just being completely ridicules I might as well humour him. It won't kill me.

I spun very fast because he hadn't thought to tell me the speed and I stood in front of him again.

"Okay now who is it." I was ordering him to tell me, I was getting tired of the game he was trying to play.

"How about you guess? She's got these strange coloured eyes, kinda green, sorta blue, a little bit grey." I sighed, of course he wasn't going to tell me. I've had enough of this, I'm gonna get dressed.

"Never fuckin' mind." I said, taking a step forward, pushing around him and reaching for the curtain.

Then in a typically Party Poisonesque fashion his arms went around my waist and he half picked me up which is tricky to do when I didn't have clothes on and happened to be wet it was almost the same thing with him except he had underpants on and which made no difference.

But currently his skin is touching mine, very much and uh, I don't think of mind if I was facing him.

"Alright I'll tell you. She has amazing coloured eyes and purple hair that's also green and she swears her head off."

He just described me, he wrote that amazing, beautiful song for me?

"So get me out of my head, cause it's getting kind of cramped you know. Coming ready or not. When the motor gets hot we can do it again." He sung a couple more lines from it and my mind went over the line he said to me at the club.

"What was the second line in it?" I asked him, he was quiet for a moment and still had yet to let go of me.

"I got a bulletproof heart. You got a hollow-point smile. Me and your runaway scars got a photograph dream on the getaway mile." I smiled at the words, he wrote that for me. That is possibly the greatest way to hit on a girl ever.

I turned my head to the side and he was looking at me with a huge grin on his face, god he's gorgeous.
His face started moving towards mine and I closed my eyes.

"I swear I heard someone out here." A voice said and Party's mouth immediately stopped advancing on mine and the next second my back was on the wall with him facing the curtain.

The only problem being that he was standing much too close to me and I'm not saying that because I like my personal space.

I'm saying that because we were touching skin and uh, I wasn't wearing a shirt and it was kinda really fuckin' awkward right now or at least it was for me.

Someone pulled the shower curtain open and it took my eyes a moment to adjust.

"Haha, holy shit look what I found!" Ghoul yelled out to the guys and I now wanted I melt into the wall if I could.

Sunshine, Jet and Kobra walked over and stared at us even though Party and I weren't really doing anything.

"Party? Electric?" Kobra looked more surprised than anyone else and my face just went bright red.

"What were you two doing?" Ghoul asked with a smirk, putting his hand on his hip.

"We weren't doing anything, just having a shower." Party told them, managing to stay a lot calmer than me which wouldn't have been that hard.

The shower was still turned on and running so water kept falling onto Poison and I making this seem even less like what it actually was.

"Party and Electric, are together OMG, naked as fuck K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love then comes them shamelessly screwing in the shower." Ghoul sung, sounding slightly off tune while not even going with the actual song.

I wished I had my ray gun with me.
I wanted to ghost him.

"Ghoul go away right now." Party said in a voice that was much darker than I was used to, he actually sounded really angry.

"Oh-kay." Ghoul pulled the curtain shut and I sighed, that was really uncomfortable and embarrassing having them standing there like that.

Poison stepped away from me, I don't mind having him stand close to me but without a shirt in it's a lot different.

The curtain was suddenly pulled open again and Ghoul instantly started laughing, loudly too and I realised I had yet to turn around and face the wall.

"She's actually naked!" He yelled, walking off and leaving Party to pull the curtain shut while I growled swearwords.

"Don't blame him for being like that. He's seen tons of droids walking around naked so he thinks nothing of it. If it was just you in here he probably wouldn't even care. The only reason he's paying attention is because we're both in here at the same time." Party sighed and rested his head on one of the walls, I hope he was feeling as annoyed by them as I was.

Well it wasn't them as much as Ghoul. Sunshine didn't say anything and neither did Jet. Kobra didn't say anything suggestive or inappropriate and just looked surprised.

So yeah Ghoul was the leader of the inappropriate jokes although Party could easily take over with some of the stuff he's said.

I shuffled away from the corner with my back to Party Poison and stood under the stream of water.
I really don't care if Party's watching or not anymore, I wanna finish my shower and get dressed so I can go kick Ghoul's ass.

"Do you wanna finish what we started?" I felt Party walk over to me and I shook my head immediately even if I'd gladly jump on him, clothes or no clothes.

"Not while I'm naked." I laughed a little at the end, if I could get used to standing naked in the shower with a nearly naked Party Poison standing close to me the god knows what I'd do.

"Aw, don't be such a killjoy." I was already laughing but that made me almost drop on the ground.

"Hey I'm not just any killjoy, I'm a Fabulous Killjoy and on a side note, why are you wearing underwear in the shower?" According to centuries of tradition you were supposed to be naked when showering.

"I can take them off you want." I almost had a panic attack then and there.

"No, no that's now what I meant. Just why are you wearing them?" I was pretty sure Party was joking before but I wasn't feeling too confident of my belief.

"The guys have a habit of taking my clothes when I'm in the shower so I keep these on for when I have to walk from the shower and inside." Okay that explained everything, they seemed like people who'd take your clothes.

Then it hit me.

"Oh, shit." I turned off the water and without thinking of much other than what order I was gonna dust them in, got out of the shower.

"And they took my fucking clothes!" I yelled before realise I was now in the desert so I tried to cover up as much as I could with my hands.

Party's clothes were still there and untouched, they just took mine.
From here on out I'm going to be wearing my underwear in the shower although that seems rather pointless. The only people who haven't seen me naked yet are Kobra and Jet.

"Here." Party walked over to his clothes, picked up the shirt he usually wears then pulled it down over my head so it covered me up.

Despite it fitting him perfectly it was huge on me and hung past my hips easily, at least there's nothing showing now.

I thanked him with a smile then pulled my arms through the holes and adjusted the hem of the shirt.

"You know you're wearing clothes now." He commented and I remembered how I refused to kiss him while I was naked.

"You're right." I said then grinned, stood up on my toes and did the exact category of mean that I planned to stick with as long as I was here.

I kissed him on the cheek, then stood normally again.

"But I'm not fully dressed yet." I told him and my grin grew even wider at the semi disappointed look on his face.

"You don't play fair." He sighed but gave me a smile anyway as he slipped on his jeans and buttoned them up, I think I was getting to him.

"Write another song and I promise you'll get what you want." I really wanted to hear another song, I didn't want actually, I needed to hear another.

Party added his boots, his holster and ray gun then stood there with his jacket which he hadn't put on yet.

So basically imagine this from my point of view, Party Poison standing there with nearly all of his clothes on, with the exception of a shirt and his hair was wet.

He had to be the hottest being in existence.

"I'll hold you to it. Now lets go threaten some people." I liked how he understood my reason to be angry at them, some people would just pass it off as a silly prank but I was truly angry.

"Lets go then." I gestured for him to walk ahead of me and he did before starting up a conversation.

"Have you ever heard of the Zone 5 Fun Fair?"


omg I started reading this on wattpad before it was taken down. i'm so glad you posted it on here :)

*impaitently waits for chapter*

Hazel_Highlight Hazel_Highlight

Dang...I can't wait for an update :)

this is one of my favorite dd era fics ever omfg. it really is perfect.

quixotica quixotica


Acid Bullet Acid Bullet