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@Join the Masquerade
I love MCR as much as the next guy, and they may not be as manufactured as the pop bands of today, but in the end, they are still a band comprised of attractive men aimed at a certain demographic that do especially well in one particular genre, I even if they got back not purely for the money, no doubt it would be a gargantuan factor in the grand scheme of things.

It did make them very unhappy a lot of the time, but they've all said, at one point or another, they loved being in the band, and I don't doubt that reliving some good memories with a huge cash payoff sounds bad to any of them.

Call me back when you can use grammar and punctuation correctly.

JeanValJean JeanValJean

Guess we just differ then with our opinions. No one can be right; we don't know the guys personally. I believe that if there was big enough reason to stop doing the band, with everything it created, then it would be a big enough reason to never go back to it. Otherwise, why didn't they just go on hiatus? They've made it pretty clear imo that they won't be going back to it. It created a lot of shit for them, ending the band - I mean, this is a band that people claim to have "saved their lives" and that gives them reason to keep living and such. Imagine having to say "look guys we aren't doing this anymore". I'd have been shit scared people would be upset by that, suicidal, even. It'd put you in such a bad place, feeling like an absolute shit for destroying something that so many people claimed to need in their lives. But they did. And I don't think they would have, had it not been for a very, very good reason, one good enough to leave it ended forever.

@Lindsey Way

No, they aren't getting back together - that was confirmed by Frank Iero on twitter in his response to a questioning fan.

ThePetekeyPrep ThePetekeyPrep

Ah dude thx it's not like a month has passed already lol

Lindsey Way Lindsey Way

I think that if they get back together, great. but getting our hopes up will probably lead to more pain...
I'm really proud of how we've managed as a fandom. We've stayed together. We've stayed together strong. I think the break up has taught us (me, at least) about how important we are for each other.

i did an interview with frank in germany (i work for a magazine) and after the actual interview i had a little chat with him. they're not getting back together, trust me.


I 100% agree and yeah, the brake up was rough on everyone, but it also bonded everyone, if they do get back together or have a reunion at some point, they'll come back to a fan base bigger and stronger than ever.

at the end of the day, I think we need to focuses on not letting their name die out and fade because of what they've done for us and the messages they bring, rather than nagging them to get back together, and forgetting to enjoy what they brought to our lives

toro way iero toro way iero


I 100% agree and yeah, the brake up was rough on everyone, but it also bonded everyone, if they do get back together or have a reunion at some point, they'll come back to a fan base bigger and stronger than ever.

at the end of the day, I think we need to focuses on not letting their name die out and fade because of what they've done for us and the messages they bring, rather than nagging them to get back together, and forgetting to enjoy what they brought to our lives

toro way iero toro way iero
