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Just Give Me All That Pain.

Chapter 2


"Why are you so retarded, Elizabeth" Tyler spat angerly over the roaring sound his engine made as it turned over, I bit at my nails anxiously preparing for his verbal attack "I can't even begin to fathom your stupidity, how the fuck do you get lost?" he interrogated "I'm sorry" I in-audibly squeaked out. "it's a big school" I continued, no response.

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, the only sound being emitted was the static from his car-radio being heard over the hum of his old car.

Don't worry Elizabeth... you'll be home soon... I reassured myself, only to be proven wrong when Tyler didn't take a left turn.

"I thought uh... I thought you were dropping me off at my house?" I stuttered nervously "Well you uh... thought wrong" he mocked snarkily. "I'm not letting you get away with your ignorance you dumb twat." My face heated in embarrassment... why can't I learn to just behave, I'd get punished a-lot less.

The moment we arrived at his house he forcefully yanked me out of his car and into his musty apartment, that I swear he never cleans, and Instantly there was a harsh slap across my cheek forcing my head to one side "You have got to be one of the most useless human-trash bags I know" he insulted "A worthless fucking slut, I have no clue how your parents even love such an utter cow" his words hurt more than any beating I'd ever take, mentally scarring me... he propelled my body down to the ground possessing an immense amount of anger.

"Fucking scum bag!" he continued his verbal attack paired with his physical one, for every insult that was spat a swift kick was delivered to my ribs.

He gripped my arm tightly again and wrenched me up, squeezing extremely hard... no-doubt leaving bruises. "What do you have to say for yourself, cunt?" he demanded fiercely "I'm sorry... sir." I swallowed thickly, trying my damn hardest to not tremble or let any sign of weakness show.

"You'd fucking better be" he glowered threateningly "Now go fucking clean up, you look like a whore." he shoved me toward his scummy bathroom with a distasteful look in his eyes.
I shakily set my phone down on the counter and untangled my messy hair and wiped the smeared mascara from under my dull green eyes... taking a couple well-needed breaths before I exited the bathroom again, as I descended down the hall my phone buzzed... untimely enough if was Frank...

"Hello...?" I answered almost soundlessly "Liz? Why are you being so quiet what's up?" I internally cringed as I heard Tyler ask who I was talking to "Listen uh Frankie... I'll call you back when I'm um, home" I stuttered out, giving him no time to respond before I hung up, just as Tyler rounded the corner "Who the hell was on the phone you broad" he demanded "Just my uh my mum, she um wants me home now... if that's okay?" I lied, praying to god he believed it.

He relaxed his face slightly and nodded "Well, wouldn't want to keep her waiting why the fuck are you just standing there?" he growled, once again gripping my arm, which no doubt had bruises littered up and down my porcelain white skin.

The drive back to my place was tense, Tyler's shoulders were stiff and he was white-knuckling the steering wheel. Every so often he would let out a breathy sigh through his nose and grip the wheel tighter.

By the time we finally arrived at my house I was relieved, to say the least, but that only lasted a millisecond before I heard Tyler's agitated voice "Whe the fuck is that faggot on your porch?" he interrogated, my whole body went rigid as I spotted Frank, looking rather concerned, with a cigarette between his fingers.

"That's uh... Frank, You remember him right?" I held my breath, waiting for his outburst. "I told you not to fucking hang out with that queer" he spat venomously, I cringed trying to think of an excuse "His mum is best friends with mine, that's probably why he's here..." I mumbled.
"Whatever, go be a slutty whore. You'll have consequences tomorrow sweetcheeks." he then pulled my face roughly and forcefully kissed me. "Now get out of my car bitch." he wasted no time in shoving me out of his car and proceeding to speed away.

"Hey Frankie" I attempted what I hoped was a believably happy smile, but alas it failed.
"I know what's happening," he said blatantly and I stopped in my tracks "You uh... whats um... I'm confused" I laughed awkwardly and he sighed "I'm not an idiot, Liz." he snapped and instinctively I took a cautious step back "See, that right there is what I'm talking about" he pointed an accusing finger at me "Frankie..." I laughed lightly "Nothing's wrong, we're just in a fight is all" I tried to brush it off as nothing. He gave me pleading eyes "You'd tell me if it wasn't fine... right?" he questioned "I promise"

It's not that I enjoyed lying to my best friend... but Tyler would kill me. Or worse, so it's just better to suffer from a few hits and abrasive insults rather than having my family attend my premature funeral...

I stared into his saddened hazle eyes a few moments longer attempting to analyze what he was thinking but my attempt was futile.

"Why would you assume something was wrong anyway?" I pressed, now curious if I was showing any signs, he sighed and looked down "Gerard said he saw something sketchy earlier after school, but he could have seen it out of context..." he shrugged, butting out his smoke and turning toward the door of my house "You coming?" he questioned "Yeppers"

"Oh, Frankie! Elizabeth! how was you're guy's first day of school?" my mother greeted cheerfully "It was good Mrs.Burch" Frank replied with a smile "That's wonderful! How about you sweetie" she directed her Hollywood-worthy smile in my direction... I swear she could be a model...

"My day was alright, boring though" I answered, picking up on of the cookies she had just made and handing one to Frank as well "Hey now, don't spoil your appetites before dinner! I'm making cheese and spinach enchiladas!" she said chastely "Don't worry Mum, we're only having one" to which Frank replied with an "Awe"

"Oh relax boy, you can have more after dinner, Sue and I set aside a dozen for you and your parents" my Dad announced as he walked out of his study "Hi Daddy!" I called out happily as I hugged him, un-ashamed I still called him 'Daddy' "Hia Pumpkin" he said gruffly, returning the hug "Hey there Mr.Burch!" Frank greeted "How are you, Frank?" my Father asked smiling "I'm doing alright, hows work for ya? Working hard or hardly working?" my father laughed at that "Always working hard" he replied with a wide smile.

After dinner, as promised. Mum let us take the plate of cookies up to my room.

"Are you sure nothing is going on?" Frank questioned while petting my all white cat, Misty. "I'm positive, Frank. If there was something I couldn't handle I'd let you know" I blatantly lied "Well if it's not, and you're lying for some reason, and you need a safe place to escape to... I believe Gerard is just down the road from Tyler's house." Frank informed to which I nodded, a tinge of guilt settling in my chest for lying to him.


I walked nervously through the hallway of the school, terrified that Tyler had found a way in... even though he had been graduated for two years now, the fear still lingered.

"Elizabeth!" I heard a voice call, causing me to jump out of my skin, I spun around quick but instantly relaxed at the sight of Gerard "Oh, Hey... Gerard right?" he smiled and nodded "In the flesh, um about yesterday..." He said awkwardly, I shot him a puzzled look "When I told

Frank what I saw, with you and Tyler... it wasn't my place and I didn't know the context behind the situation. I really shouldn't have brought anything up to him... I'm sorry." he stammered out, barely making sense.

The whole time his eyes refused to meet my own, he was fiddling with his fingers nervously, I laughed lightly "It's fine, No big deal" I smiled reassuringly, this seemed to calm him down slightly... thankfully.

"Oh, Gee! There you are!" a feminine voice squeaked and seconds later a pale-faced, black haired beauty with red lipstick popped up behind Gerard. "Hi, Lindsey" He answered in a bored tone "Who's this?" She examined with a distasteful look in her eye "This is Elizabeth. Frank's Best friend." she only hummed at that and gave me one last once-over before kissing Gerard on the cheek and sashaying away.


I have like several ideas where this is going but the only problem is I have to work up to them, IT GETS BETTER I SWAR GIVE ME 3~5 MORE CHPTERS!



I lost access to Party_Ghoul so I'll be moving this story, and possibly my other over to this account within this next week, In case you wanted to still read it, It has also be moved to wattpad if youd like to read it there just msg me for my wattpad username :)

Kobra_poison Kobra_poison

Whoa! This is good

cKayE cKayE

continue this is great :)

adreamforthedead adreamforthedead