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It's Not Lovin' If It’s Just Fuckin'.


Gerard Way, a sweet, slightly nerdy 17 year old with shoulder length black hair and slightly too pale skin, was sat on the bleachers with his sketch pad in his lap. His pencil scratched urgently over the paper as he tried to get the image in front of him to form. His subject, as always, was his best friend since kindergarten, Frank Iero. Gerard would never admit that he wanted Frank and him to be much more than friends, but there it was, his love for the other boy drawn quickly, over and over in Gerard’s book...just the latest of many such books. Gerard could practically draw Frank with his eyes closed now, but no one would ever see the pictures...they weren’t good enough, and Gerard could never let Frank know how he felt anyway.

Looking up at the soccer team doing their practice, or rather at Frank practicing, Gerard sighed heavily. Frank wasn’t so much practicing right now as he was flirting with...the coach. It wasn’t the first time Gerard had seen Frank flirt with someone, it wasn’t even the first time he’d seen him flirt with a teacher, but what was worse, was that the teacher was apparently into it. Again, not the first time.

Gerard was well aware of how many students, and teachers Frank had bedded, because Frank had a habit of telling him everything...and he wasn’t even vaguely discreet about his hook ups. Gerard frowned and looked back at his drawing. He frowned more, annoyed at himself for letting his fantasies spill out on the paper...the image was one that would NEVER HAPPEN!! He tore the image of him and Frank entwined in a warm embrace out of his book and screwed up the paper before stuffing it in his backpack...that’s enough daydreaming of the impossible for today. He closed his book and tucked it neatly into his bag and zipped the bag shut...just as the coach blew his whistle, ending the after school practice.

Gerard looked up, just as the coach slipped a piece of paper into Frank’s hand and winked at him. Gerard looked away, he didn’t need to see that. He stayed where he was cause he knew that Frank would come over when he was finished changing, and Gerard wasn’t about to follow him into the locker room like a creep.

Sure enough Frank shouted across the field.

"Hey Gee, be out in a minute!"

Gerard looked over with a smile.

"I’ll be h..."

But Frank was already disappearing into the locker room and probably didn’t hear him.


Gerard sighed, Frank was probably in there getting off with one of his team mates already...again, wouldn’t be the first time. Leaning back on his seat, Gerard closed his eyes and daydreamed...cause even though it hurt, it was the closest thing he could get to being with Frank.

(time passes)

Frank came out of the locker room after a very quick mutual handjob and saw his best friend dozing on the lower bleachers. He chuckled as he made his way over to him. He leaned in close and whispered into his ear.

"Wake up sleeping beauty..."

Gerard heard Frank calling to him and he smiled, moaning softly in his sleepy state. Frank chuckled again and leaned in even closer to his ear.

"Well I guess I need to give my sleeping beauty a kiss to wake him up."


Gerard whined in his sleep. Frank smiled and placed both hands on either side of Gerard, boxing him in. He leaned in and pressed his lips to his softly. Gerard felt warm, soft lips against his. He smiled into the kiss, a small moan escaping between them.

"Open your eyes beautiful."

Gerard frowned slightly as he felt himself pulled out of his dream. Slowly, he opened his eyes...and was met with Frank's. OH FUCK!...please don’t let me have drooled, or worse still...moaned?


He said quietly, yawning and using the moment to wipe at his chin...just in case.

"Hey Gee, have a nice nap?"

Frank hadn't moved yet to let him up.

"Soooo what were you dreaming about...or who? Some good looking hot stud?"

Frank wiggled his eyebrows at Gerard. Gerard froze for a moment, then frowned, pushing his hands hard against Frank’s chest.

"None of your business..."

He stood up, grabbing his bag and turning away.

"Let’s just go if you’re finished with..."

He waved his hand in the general direction of the locker room door.


Frank frowned. Gerard had never acted like that before.

"Come on Gee, I was only kidding..."

Frank's voice was coming out as a whine. He hated to upset his best friend.

"Please don't be mad at me?"

His eyes were lidded and scared like a puppy's who had been scolded. Gerard sighed, rolling his eyes. He turned back to Frank, slapping on a tired smile.

"I'm not mad Frank, just kinda pissed that you woke me up just as it was getting good..."

He winked.

"Come on, we gotta go or my mom's gonna skin us...you know how worried she gets if we're late."

If Frank was a sad puppy before he was now a hyper excited one. He leaped down from the bleachers and as soon as Gerard touched ground, he scooped him up. Gerard shrieked, grabbing onto Frank's hoodie for dear life.

"FRANK! Put me the fuck down you ass!"

He squealed, though he was laughing a second later.

"Come on princess, your royal steed will get you home in no time."

Gerard giggled.

"My royal steed?!...giddy up then pony."

He could moan about being called 'princess', but he was in Frank's arms, so what did he really have to complain about? Frank ran across the parking lot to his car and somehow managed to get the door open and place Gerard on the seat gently. Gerard giggled.

"You know I can walk...I'm actually quite good at it..."

He put his bag down by his feet then looked back up and smiled softly.

"But thank you Frankie."

Frank smiled and knew that Gerard had forgiven his silly behavior once again.

"Anytime Gee, anytime."

He shut the door and then got in on his side and drove them to Gerard's house to hang out for the afternoon.

(time passes)

"You gotta come Frank, the whole team is going!"

"Yeah, but you guys all have dates and I just don't do that."

"Don't let that stop you."

Gerard watched the exchange from his usual place on the bleachers...it wasn’t that he particularly wanted to go to some stupid party where everyone would be getting drunk and making out with each other, but he kinda wished they would at least ask him to join. But they were Frank’s friends and Gerard was just his hanger-on...they wouldn’t ask. He wanted Frank to say no and just go round his like every other Friday night, but he couldn’t say that...he didn’t want to come off as a clingy bitch.

"There’s gonna be booze, weed and lots of people looking to get fucked."

A boy that Gerard thought was called Alfie, or maybe Alex, said with a wink, nudging Frank’s shoulder knowingly. Gerard sighed...so much for their Friday movie night.

"I'll think about it. I kind of have plans."

Frank looked over at Gerard and smiled. Gerard smiled back slightly, then looked back down at his sketch book...he didn’t want it to seem like he was eavesdropping.

"Cancel them man...this thing’s gonna be awesome!..."

Alfie/Alex cheered loudly, punching at Frank’s arm.

"What could be more important than getting drunk, high and laid?!"

Gerard wished with all his heart that Frank would say him, but he knew that wouldn’t happen.

"An early birthday party."

"Who’s?...all of us are going to Josh's bash...don’t tell us it’s a family thing."

Alfie/Alex raised a challenging eyebrow at Frank.

"Family friend."

Frank knew that Alex would never understand something like that since he never had a real best friend. Gerard wanted to be somewhere else...anywhere else.

"Shit dude, blow it off...not like it’s your mom!"

"Look, if it gets over early I may come by, but sorry man I can't just not go. It's not like there won't be a party next weekend, I can just go to that one."

"True, but Josh said Tom's gonna be there and we all know you been trying to bang him forever. Come on, he’s only going cause Josh told him you’d be there."

Alex wasn't lying. Frank had been trying to get to Tom for a while now and this would be the perfect opportunity.

"Ah man...look, let me see what I can do alright?"

"You won’t regret it...I heard Tom sucks dick like a vacuum cleaner."

Alfie/Alex winked with a smirk and now Gerard really didn’t want to be there. To avoid listening to whatever was said next, he shoved his sketchbook back in his bag and got up, making his way quickly off of the bleachers and heading toward the locker room, head down so he didn’t meet anyone’s eye.

Frank turned around, but Gerard was gone. He shrugged, he would talk to him later.

(time passes)

"How was school son?"

Don was doing dishes and preparing dinner when Gerard arrived home and Donna was working a double shift at the hospital. Gerard shrugged off his bag and slumped onto one of the chairs at the kitchen table.


He mumbled, eyes on his hands in his lap. Don watched as his oldest pulled out his book to start homework. He wished that both his boys had it easy, but Michael was the one born with the gift of high intelligence, which was why he was at a boarding school for gifted children, part on scholarship and part on the family's finances. Michael was still working on Grants though to help releave the burden on the family. Sometimes Don didn't know which son had it better.

"So watcha got for homework today?"

"Math and social studies."

Gerard said flatly, not looking up as he stared at the equation in front of him...that he had no idea how to do.

"Need some help? I have a bit of time before I have to baste the roast."

Don put the towel down after turning off the water. He sat across from his son. Gerard nodded, not looking up. He knew if he looked up then his dad would want to know what was wrong and even though Don was 100% supportive of Gerard, and even though he and Gerard’s mom were the only two people who knew how in love Gerard was with Frank, he still didn’t want to talk about it right now.

"Sure. I don’t know any of this. I think they did it when I was at the doctor last week."

He pushed the work sheet over to his dad.

"Ah, well let's see if we can work this out together shall we?"


Gerard shuffled round to the seat next to his dad and looked at the paper...the numbers and letters didn’t make much sense to him. He hated algebra. For the next hour Gerard and Don worked through his homework, only stopping so Don could baste the roast. When the timer went off for dinner, they were done and Don could tell that Gerard understood the work now.

"Will you set the table for me son?"

"Sure dad. I’ll just put my stuff away."

He put his homework into his bag and zipped it up, then stood and headed up to his bedroom. Right then all he wanted to do was lay down and sleep, to put today and Frank’s teammates out of his mind...but he couldn’t. Putting his bag on his bed, Gerard sighed, then headed back downstairs. He walked into the kitchen and set about laying the table.

"Will mom be home for dinner, or is it just us?"

He asked quietly.

"It's just us champ, sorry, but she has a double shift..."

Don brought the pan with the roast in it surrounded by fresh spring vegetables. He sat at one end of the table with Gerard next to him. He carved a piece of roast off and placed it on Gerard's plate. He let him get his own vegetables. They settled in to eat.

"So did you decide what you want for your birthday yet?"

Gerard shrugged, chewing on a piece of carrot. He swallowed, then sighed.

"I don’t know. I’m not really feeling it, y' know?"

"I had hoped that Michael would be able to come down for it this year, but he is testing to see if he can skip the next grade..."

Don didn't think that was a good enough excuse. Honestly, he wished the brothers were closer, but between the intelligence and the three year difference, there was not much hope. Gerard sighed.

"That would’ve been nice, but his grades are more important than my birthday. I’ll Skype him in the evening, maybe."

He stabbed a piece of potato and put it into his mouth. He hoped his dad didn’t hear the disappointment in his voice, he’d tried hard to hide it.

"Gerard...please don't be mad at him."

"I’m not dad. Sorry, I’m just tired..."

He pushed his plate away, the food barely touched.

"I think I’m gonna have an early night. I’ll do the dishes in the morning, Ok?"

He stood up from the table, still not looking up.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Hold that thought Gerard."

Don got up to answer the door.

"Hello Mr. Way."

"Well hello Frank."

Gerard was always happy to see Frank, of fucking course he was, but right now he wasn’t sure he could hold a normal conversation with him without crying, or blurting out something incredibly embarrassing and possibly damaging to their friendship. He took a few deep breaths, then slapped on a happy smile as his dad and Frank walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Frankie. What’s up?"

"Hey Gee, you disappeared after school so I figured I would pop over and say hi. Am I interrupting dinner?

"No no son, we just finished, come on in."

Gerard knew he wasn’t getting his early night now.

"Frank, help me with the dishes?"

"No no no, you two go hangout in your room Gee, I'll take care of the dishes. Frank you are in luck, I have brownies ready to go in tonight."

"I look forward to them Mr. Way, thank you."

"Yeah, thanks dad..."

Gerard headed toward the stairs, not looking either his dad or Frank in the eye.

"How was practice?"

He asked absently as they reached the first floor and walked toward his bedroom. Gerard yelped as Frank moved fast pulling him into his room. He pushed him on the bed and straddled his legs.

"Now, tell me what's wrong Gee."

"Frank get off me."

Gerard said, urgently trying to push Frank off before he could alert Gerard's cock to the situation.

"Not till you tell me what's wrong."

Frank leaned over and pinned his wrists down. Gerard struggled to break free, his breath getting faster and his eyes starting to water.

"Nothing to tell, just get off me."

"Gee...I know you. I know when you are upset about something. You can't hide from me. Best friends remember?"

Gerard stilled...yeah, 'friends'.

"I...I heard you talking about a party Friday..."

He couldn't meet Frank's eyes.

"You...you should go. You've wanted to...get with Tom for ages. You should go."

He said quietly, eyes down. He didn't want Frank to go to the party, but he had no right to stop him. He wasn't entirely sure why he was encouraging him though.


Monday was Gerard's birthday and Frank promised he would stay over all weekend.

"It's just Friday night Gee. I'll come over after the party and we can pick up where we left off on Saturday. Is that cool?"

Gerard nodded, a smile slipping onto his lips.

"Yeah ok, that's cool. I'll make cookies while you're...getting laid."

"You better not, I like making cookies with you."

Frank cracked a small smile and eased up a bit on Gerard's wrists. Gerard kinda missed the tight restriction. He mentally facepalmed at the thought and prayed his cock wouldn’t react...though he could feel it twitching in interest. He hoped Frank didn’t feel it.

"Fine, I’ll just watch a movie then...better?"

"Not Star Wars right?"

"Course not, I wouldn’t watch it without you..."

Gerard giggled.

"I’ll probably watch some chic flick...Beaches or something."

"No, cause I need to sing to you!..."

Frank started to warble an off key rendition of Wind Beneath My Wings to Gerard, holding his hand like a microphone and being fully dramatic.

"I can flyyyyy higher than an eeeeeagle, cause you are the wiiiiiind beneath my wiiiiiiings!"

Gerard laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Ok Ok!...I’ll watch something else just...stop singing."

Frank stopped and looked down at his best friend.

"I love you Gee, you know that right?"

Gerard swallowed, his smile slipping a little. He nodded.

"Yeah, I know."

Just not the way Gerard wanted him to.


Frank leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.

"Come on, let's go play Mario Cart till the brownies are ready."

Gerard smiled weakly and nodded as Frank got up off of him.

"Sure, just give me a minute. Can you set it up please?"

He got quickly up from his bed and headed to the bathroom, not waiting for an answer. Once inside, he locked the door and moved over to look in the mirror above the sink. He stared himself in the eye.

"Pull yourself together you dick. It’s Frank!...you’ve been best friends since forever, so don’t do something dumb like expressing your Goddamn feelings in front of him now. Don’t ruin the one good thing you’ve got..."

He sighed heavily, dropping his own gaze.

"It’s not like he’d ever want you anyway."

He felt tears threatening and fought to regain control of himself. The door flew open surprising Gerard as Frank ran in.

"Sorry Gee, I suddenly had to piss and it was not gonna wait..."

Frank ripped his pants open and took out his limp cock just as the first drops came out.


Frank was taking one of those pisses that feels like cumming. Gerard’s eyes widened before he forced them away.

"Uh yeah um ok um..."

He stuttered then quickly left the room, returning to his bedroom and begging his cock to stop hardening.


He muttered, urgently trying to erase the image of Frank’s cock from his mind...it really wasn’t working. Hearing the flush, Gerard jumped onto his bed and lay down on his belly, groaning as he squashed his bits slightly. Now he just had to stay like this til his hard-on went down...it was going to be a loooooong night.

(time passes)

Frank was drunk. Frank was stoned. Frank was currently getting a blow job from Tom at Alex's party.

"Fuck baby, do that again with your tongue."

Tom pressed his tongue flat against the underside of Frank’s cock as he moved up to the head before digging his tongue into the slit...he really enjoyed sucking cock.

"If you keep going baby, I'm gonna blow my load and we can't fuck."

Tom took Frank to the back of his throat one more time, then pulled off with a wet pop, saliva dribbling obscenely down his chin. He didn't wipe it away.

"Come on then Frankie boy..."

He said in his strong London accent, smirking up at the other boy.

"Come fuck me while the night's still young."

Frank watched the naked boy get up from his knees and settle on the bed a few feet away. He spread his legs provocatively and gave Frank that come hither stare. Frank shucked his jeans the rest of the way off and then his shirt.

"Baby, I am going to ruin you for anyone else."

"Promises promises."

Tom smirked, fisting his cock slowly. Frank leaned over and licked a stripe up the boy's cock.

"One you can take to the bank, now face down and show me that beautiful ass of yours."

Tom caught his breath, then wriggled over onto his belly and shuffled up onto his knees, pushing his ass up into the air while keeping his chest on the mattress and his face in the pillows. He turned his head a little so he could see Frank and wiggled his ass at him.

"Y' mean like this?"

He smirked.

"Yeah baby, just like that."

Frank looked at the boy like he was a piece of meat...cause he was and Frank was gonna consume him. He crawled up on the bed pushing his face into the boy's ass. Tom moaned loudly, fisting the sheets and arching into the delicious feeling. Somehow he’d known that Frank would be good at this. Frank pulled back and smacked the boy's ass. It was firm in his hand as he gripped it.

"Fucking taste so good baby, can't wait to get my cock inside you."

"Then don't wait. Hurry up and fuck me Frank."

Frank smacked his ass again.

"Ah ah ah, who's in control here baby. me or you?..."

Frank grabbed the lube and squirted it on his fingers.

"I think for that I'm just gonna make you wait longer."

He pressed his slick fingers against the opening and just traced around it with light pressure, but not pressing in. Tom groaned, burying his face in the pillows for a few seconds before looking back over his shoulder at Frank.

"Yeah, you're in charge...but I thought you wanted to get y' dick wet, not y' fingers."

"You just don't know when to shut up do you?...and since you don't know, I guess I'll control what comes out of your mouth."

Frank shoved a finger inside the boy hard.

Tom squealed, then moaned loudly and decided that now was a good time to stop talking and enjoy himself instead. Frank was pleased that the boy finally shut up. He teased him a little more, adding another two fingers easily. But honestly, watching his fingers move in and out of the boy, opening him up, it made his cock ache. He pulled his fingers out and slipped the condom on. He used the rest of the lube on himself and spreading the boy's ass cheek wide, placed his cock to the opening and pressed in. Tom groaned...'about fucking time', he thought...though he was too busy pushing back and making basic animal noises to say it out loud. Frank was in the zone now. This is what he did best. He reached over and smashed the boy's face into the mattress as he dug his other hand into his soft flesh, fucking him hard. Tom hadn't been fucked this good since he moved to the States with his mom a year ago. He absolutely loved it and was very vocal about that fact...vocal and loud. He didn't care if everyone within a mile radius could hear him.


Frank grabbed a fist full of the boy's hair and yanked it up.

"Yeah, that what you want, you wanna be my bitch? You want me to just take you anytime anywhere?"

"Yes!...GOD yes!"

Frank pulled him all the way up and wrapped an arm around his waist. He started to do short quick jabs to his prostate, but not enough to really hit it. He whispered into Tom's ear hotly.

"How would you like if I just walked into one of your classes in front of everyone and bent you over the desk and just took you. Show everyone what a whore you are."

"Please. Please I want that."

Tom couldn't think straight...not that he was anything close to straight anyway...he barely even knew what he was saying.

"Yeah, and you would take it too. Be such a good bitch for me."

Frank pulled Tom's head back and sucked hard on his neck, now delibriately slamming into the boy's prostate. Tom screamed out, his eyes rolling back as he shuddered with each heavy thrust. He really wasn’t going to last like this, and he didn’t even think he’d need to be touched to get there.

"Yeah, fuck yeah, so tight baby, so fucking tight."

Frank was really getting into the fucking now, but he was getting tired and losing his high. He doubled his efforts to make himself cum.


Tom yelled loud enough that he was sure they could hear him back in London, and came harder than he’d come in his life. Frank was enjoying the feeling of Tom's orgasm as it pulsated around his cock, setting him on the edge of too much. Tom fucked himself back onto Frank’s cock until he was empty and shuddering from oversensitivity. Frank shoved the boy back down and after fucking him a few more times, pulled out, pulled off the condom and finished cumming all over his back. When he was done, he tied the condom and chucked it...somewhere.

"You look good covered in my cum baby."


Tom panted a little.

"I always look good sugar."

He looked back and winked.

"I'm sure you do baby, but I have to get going."

That was the way it was for Frank. Fuck them and leave them. Tom pouted.

"Aww...but I was planning on letting you fuck my mouth and cum all over me. Won’t you stay?...I got more weed?...really good stuff too..."

He fluttered his lashes at Frank, turning onto his side and propping his head on one hand while reaching out to trace patterns on Frank’s sweat slick skin with the other.


Frank looked at the boy and then at the clock on the night stand. It was only nine. Still pretty early. He could go another round and then make it back to Gerard's.

"Alright, but let's smoke up first."

Tom grinned wide.

"I was hoping you’d say yes..."

He turned over to grab his pants up from the floor. He dug into the pocket and pulled out his stash, waving it in the air triumphantly.

"Ta da!...let’s get stupid, shall we?"

He winked and they settled in to have some more fun.

(time passes)

Gerard's eyes had been fluttering for a while now, his concentration on some old movie waning as he drifted toward sleep. He thought Frank would’ve been here by now, but maybe he’d just gotten held up. Gerard yawned and let his eyes close...he was sure Frank would be there soon, he wouldn’t let him down.


Hi there chipmunks, how’s you?

So to anyone still here...here’s the start of another new fic from us. Hope you enjoy.

Until next time...PLEASE COMMENT and peace out babies!


We'll be working on it soon.


Update soon? Pretty please?

misstrinity811 misstrinity811

Thanks, glad you like it.

I can't wait for the next chapter. Amazing so far!


cKayE cKayE