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No one will hurt you(On hold)


It was around six, Mikey and His parents were in a heated argument, but for the sake of Alexia kept their voices low enough.

"Okay, But you knew I was leaving tonight, I've had these plans for a week now and you guys only decided today that you were going out?" Mikey spat disapprovingly "We're sorry Mikey If it's that big of a deal to leave her alone with him then just don't go" His father shrugged "No, I can't just cancel!" His voice got slightly louder, Which ended up startling Alexia out of sleep.

She listened to their argument behind closed doors. She heard all she needed to though.
Mikey was leaving her as well as his parents, which left her with Gerard...

She doesn't know exactly wat it is bout him, she just doesn't really feel safe without Mikey around. And that look Gerard gives her just screams the look her one other foster brother gave her....

XxFlash backxX

The basement was cold... The small light from the crack in the door cast eerie shadows on the wet concrete floor.

Alexia shook as Timothy made his way down the metal steps. His heavy boots clunk with each step, making her shake in fear.

The look in his dark green eyes made her sick, Greedy and dark. He made his way towards her, the stench of whiskey on his breath.

"Hey there" He flashed a toothless smile as he caressed her cheek, She closed her eyes tight as his dirty hands felt her all over, touching and groping, Pulling and stretching.

"I know exactly what to do with you. When my old man told me you were a pretty young thing, I wasn't expecting this" She kept her eyes screwed shut, but the moment she heard his belt unbuckle they opened in fear. Looking up she saw he had discarded his pants and was now right in front of her face with his member.

"Suck it you dirty slag" He commanded, and when she didn't move he forced it into her mouth and down her throat "Suck or you'll regret it" tears flow down her cheeks as she was forced to pleasure him. When she thought it was over she was abruptly ripped up by her hair and pushed forcibly against the wall and her pants and panties were ripped away from her.

Forcefully he shoved his still erect member into her and she cried out in pain. Earning a slap across her face "Shut the fuck up whore" His hand came up and squeezed her throat viciously. It wasn't long after till she passed out from pain.


The look Timothy always had in his eyes was the same on Gerard got in his, Which made her sick just thinking about it. But she'd learnt that it was easier just to comply than to fight. And if Gerard wanted his way, He'd have to get it.

Her door opened and she quickly shut her eyes, pretending to sleep, She tried her best not to flinch when the bed sunk behind her "Lexie" Mikey's soft voice brought a wave of serenity to wash over her and she allowed a small smile to take place of the former frown she was wearing "Mmmmh What time is it" She sighed rolling over to face the boy she's grown to trust so much "Do you think you can keep Gerard in line for the next three hours?" He smirked, Alexia shrugged "I could try" She forced out a giggle but Mikey saw right through it "Are you okay?" his voice was none less than concerned "Yeah, So... Three hours?" Her voice was dry, Mikey nodded in confirmation resulting in a sigh from Alexia... "If there's a problem" Mikey started taking her phone from the bedside table and typing something into it "Do not hesitate to text me, I'll be home as soon as possible" He smiled and kissed her head "Okay." He nodded.

Walking out of her room Mikey caught the tail end of His mother's speech towards Gerard basically ordering him to not set her off and to make sure she eats.

With that, their parents walked out the door "If I so much as get one text from her saying you did something, I'll beat your ass, Do you understand me?" Mikey threatened looking at Gerard "Calm down Mikes. I'm not the monster you make me out to be" The older boy rolled his eyes, Mikey mumbled something under his breath before walking out of the front door into the rather brisk March air.

It was now Gerard and Alexia alone in the house, Sighing to himself he flopped down on the couch and flicked on the T.V. shortly after he heard small feet pad out of one room and into another, waiting a few moments he then heard her feet again, this time getting closer. Peeking over his shoulder he saw the small girl standing there timidly "Can... Can I have some w-wa-ter?" His heart shattered at how scared she seemed to be talking to him.

"You don't have to ask" His voice came out quiet, he offered he a small smile in which she returned and disappeared into the kitchen.

However she didn't make her way to the living room like he had hoped, Instead, she took a seat at the small island in the midle of the kitchen and slowly sipped on the water.

She didn't hear Gerard shut off the T.V. or hear his feet and they ascended into the kitchen, so when she saw him out of the corner of her eye she jumped, causing the glass to fall out of her hand and collide with the tile flooring, glass shattered everywhere and the small amount of water that was still in the glass created a small puddle.

Alexia's eyes widened and she let out a sharp gasp, falling to her knees she tried her best to ignore the fact that she had landed on a shard of glass and that it was now lodged in her knee. She was more focused on frantically picking up the glass pieces off the ground, attempting to see through blurred vision.

"I-I'm s-so-orry" She choked out as she scooped up the glass, trying her hardest to get all the pieces, and cutting her hands up in the process "I-m Sorry, Ger-rard, please don't tell Donna and d-on-led" Gerard had never seen any of the previous kids act this way, especially over a 50 cent glass "Please, I'll replace it I'll, I'll-" "Alexia" He whispered form in front of her. Slowly he grabbed her wrists to slow the distressed girls' movements "Stop, It's okay" She shook her head quickly, attempting to break free of his iron grasp.

The eldest boys eyes widened when he saw the blood slowly descending from her Knee and he tried even harder to stop her "Lex, stop, you're bleeding" His voice was urgent "Please... Please don't, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." She was visibly shaking now. Needless to say, Gerard felt bad for this girl. He wondered what previous caretakers had done to her for her to react like this over a broken cup. That thought alone caused his blood to boil.
He pushed that thought aside though and focused on the panicking girl in front of him.

"Alexia, Look at me" His voice was soft, something Alexia wasn't used to. Slowly she stopped her frantic movements and looked into Gerard's worried eyes "Don't tell them" He whimpered and he sighed "I promise I won't" He said back, even though he knows for a fact that his parents wouldn't care. Her eyes widened once again when she looked down at the mess of glass, Gerard figured it was because she saw the blood, but when he followed her gaze, he saw the cup she had broken just happened to be the one Mikey claimed to be his favorite when he was ranting this morning.

She started shaking again and this time the clearly worried boy pulled her into a hug in attempts to calm her down "Oh no, Oh God. I didn't, I'm sorry" Gerard shushed her as he rocked the small girl back and fourth.

Alexia's knee and hands were still freely bleeding, But Gerard didn't care about that. He only cared about calming his new sister down. "Alexia, It's okay, He's not going to care" She let out an audible sob but nodded her head nonetheless.

"How about we clean you up now, Okay?" the petite girl nodded, allowing the man she's slightly scared of, to help her up and lead her to the bathroom.

Gerard cleaned and wrapped her knee and Hands. Then helped her to the couch proceeding to clean up the glass water and blood. Finally joining her on the couch.
Despite everything that happened and How sweet Gerard had just been, she still found herself flinching. "Is there anything you want to eat?" His voice cuts the silence, Sighing Alexia looked up towards the intimidating boy she has to call 'brother' she didn't hate him. She couldn't hate anyone with higher authorities, she was just threatened by him "Uh... An apple maybe" Her voice was small "That's all?" Nodding meekly she pulled the hood of her sweater over atop her head.

"So what's my punishment" the slight shake in her voice was enough to break Gerard's heart, Horrible thoughts crossed his mind when she asked that question "What are you talking about?" he shifted so he could see her better "Usually there's a consequence..." She mumbled as she shrunk away from him "You... You don't have to be intimidated by me..." Gerard held disappointment in his voice "I'm intimidated by everyone, don't take it to heart... If I'm here long enough I might warm up"

They were brought away from their conversation when the front door opened. Alexia's eyes widened as the footsteps came down the hallway "Did you keep him in line?" Mikey asked with a wink, Alexia's face went white but nodded anyway. She couldn't help but feel her anxiety kick in as he stepped into the kitchen, Gerard noticed this and rested his hand on top of her's.

For a few minutes, nothing was said, and Alexia started thinking that maybe she'd be off the hook.

But her assumption was proven wrong when Mikey yelled.

"What THE FUCK!?" It sounded more concerned than angry, but Alexia didn't know the difference "Gee what the hell happened?!" Mikey yelled walking into the living room "I'm sorry" Alexia ended up sobbing out, she sunk off the couch and onto her knees. Gerard was quick to follow. Meanwhile, Mikey stood confused in the archway of the kitchen "Lex, Look at me" She shook her head, shying away from Gerard "I didnt... I di-dn't mean to bre-ea-ke it" She was shaking like crazy again, Mikey's eyes widened "I don't give a fuck about the glass, Who got cut?!" The younger boy panicked. Gerard pulled Alexia into his arms "It was Lexi, I cleaned her up though, she's fine"

She nearly jumped out of her skin when Mikey placed her hand on her shaking shoulder "M-M-ik-ey I'm s-orr-y" he pulled her away from Gerard and held her protectively "No one is mad, Okay? Its a stupid 50 cent glass. I can buy a new one" Mikey whispered into her ear, holding her in protective arms.Monday was the day Alexia was least excited for, She had to start at Gerard and Mikey's school.Which meant new people. And Old Bullshit.Morning came all to quickly.

It took a while longer to calm her down, in the mean time Gerard was in the kitchen cooking. Neither Mikey or Alexia were confident in his cooking skills, especially after the story Mikey told her about when his brother almost blew up a microwave because he forgot to take the poptarts out of the package. This caused Alexia to laugh, only slightly.

The rest of the night was spent with small talk and a movie.

Tomorrow was a day Alexia was least excited for. She was starting at Bellville high. It shouldn't be any different, Ignored. No one bothered her, Just acted like she wasn't there. Hopefully, it would at least stay the same in that aspect.


Morning came all too quickly in Her opinion. Shortly after she woke up she was racing to the bathroom. Anxiety gripping at her chest, suffocating her.

The sudden heaving caused Mikey to wake up. Sighing he made his way to the bathroom. Causing Alexia to let out a startled squeak "It's just me" He whispered, placing his hand on her back, frowning at the fact he could feel her spine. "I, I can't... Mikey. I don't want to" Her voice shook as she spoke "Yes you can, I'll be by your side all day. No one will touch you" Mikey said sincerely, Alexi shook her head "I'm not worried about that, That's never been my problem, They usually just ignore me It's just the fact of people in general" Her voice was low "What year are you in?" his voice came out scratchy "Eleventh" A smile spread across the tired boys face "Same, You'll most likely be in my classes, at least one" Nodding she sighed again "I suppose I should get ready" she reached up and flushed the toilet.


The anxiety was back again, But Mikey held Alexia's hand on her right, and Gerard took her left, At this point she just needed the safety they boys were radiating off, The protective stance they took and they all walked hand in hand into the school, It didn't mean she was any less afraid of the tall boy with the raven black hair. Squeezing her new brothers hands she let out a shaky breath.

The school on the outside was big. And the inside was no different. Lockers taller than Gerard and Mikey stood on either side of the halls, only stopping when a classroom door was in its way or a set of bathrooms.

"Ahhhh! Gerard Mikey!" a teacher with long brown hair said excitedly "Good morning Mrs. Ballato" Gerard smiled up at her "This must be Alexia" She gestured towards the scared girl between the two boys "Th-Thas me, m-ma-m" her voice was nothing above a whisper. Mr. Ballato frowned slightly but soon recovered "Right, Mikey Take her down to the register's office so she can get her timetable, Gerard come with me please"

Going their separate ways Gerard sighed, It was probably about his overdue art assignment that was supposed to be handed in the day Alexia arrived at the Ways house...

"Listen, Mrs, About my art assi-" Mrs. Ballato cut him off by raising her hand up "Mr.Way, Your mother explained everything, Don't you worry, You have until this Friday to hand it in" She smiled sweetly and the flustered boy. Art was his best subject and it wasn't like him to be late on an assignment and he felt terrible for it.

Meanwhile as Gerard was Talking to Mr.s Ballato, Mikey and Alexia were down in the main office talking to Mr. Malia, He was going over the rules, expectations, dress code and all the fun first day of school things no one really paid much attention to.

Once that was finished Mikey lead Alexia to her first class, Geography, To both of their dissmay he wasnt in that class.
"Now don't worry to much, There is this really nice guy in here, His name is Pete, I told him about you last night when I wnt over, He said he'd have your back" She frowned at him... Another boy? Wasn't dealing with two enough, She thought to herself, He couldn't have found her a girl?

"I know what you're thinking. But it's okay. He's gay and would want nothng to do with you. No offence" Mikey laughed. Nodding slightly she walked into the classroom and briskly walked to the back corner, Ignoring the odd looks she was reciving.

Aperently the whole 'Invisible' thing wasnt flying here. People knew she was here. They probably know about her life, They were now all judging her. They knew her weaknesses and will use it against her.

Shakily she sat down in her spot and sighed. "It's not as bad as it seemes, Trust me" A femail voice, which she was happy to hear, Snapped her out of her thoughts, None the less she still jumped "You're the new girl, right?" A girl with soft brown wavy hair and warm brown eyes smiled "Ye-ah... Alexia" She whispered, The unfamilure girl sat up straighter "Camila" She stuck her slim and out to meet Alexia's; Who cautesly took it. "But like I said, Not as bad as it seem's. I know it seem's like they're talking about you, but thats just because they are" Well this didn't make Alexia feel any better.

Her face fell "Oh! No! Honey not like that! It's only beacuse you're new, You're the latest buzz right now. That and you're the sister of two of the hottest guys in school" Camila chortled "That's their title?" Her face fluhed as she looked at the pretty brunet infront of her "Well, to most people in the school yeah. Not to me though. I'm already dating someone I think is ten times better" Camila gushed "Who? If you don't mind me asking" Alexia felt like she was imposing... SHe didn;t want to come off as a freak.

Camila got this huge smile on her face, "His name is Colson, He's got breath taking blue eyes and just... Mhh" She seemed to really love this Colson guy, Alexia thought to herself. No one could ever love her like that thoughg. If her own family didn't even want her why would anyone volinterily want to be with her.

Alexia and Camila's converstion got cut short by a boy with bright pink hair "Hey, Alexia, Right?" He seemed unsure "Yeah..." Alexia's heart rate picked up as nervousness set in "I'm Pete, Mikey's friend" Relaxing a little she nodded "Oh, Yeah he told me about you" she smiled shyley and he retured the smile, only bigger.

"Okay class, Were going to start off where we finished last. But first, Spelling" The whole class goraned except for Alexia who just sorta sat there awkwardly "Sir, Alexia is new and has no fucking clue what she's doing" Pete spoke up for the silent girl beside him "Right, But Mr. Wentz, Please refrain from using that laguage in this class, Thank you"

Everything was going good, Until the door swung open causing Alexia to nearly jump out of her skin. But her fear only lasted momentaraly until she saw a familure tuff of blonde and blue hair walk through the door, The same piercing blue eye's she thought she'd never see again; Josh, her best friend up until her parents forbid her to ever leave the house. Was standing right there. Infront of her again.


Whoop, There is prolly spelling errors like cray cray because this website is being hella slow for some reason????? So I apolojoise Because im grammatically declined and run off of a grammar checker, but im on my phone so I really hope you can understand my writeing. And how teribley my spelling is




imxnotinsane imxnotinsane

Again, one of the best stories I have ever read

Its like 2am in my country and i am reading this. Love it! I am excited for a new chapter

xxChristinexx xxChristinexx

