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From past to present and hopefully future


Gerard's POV:

I walk in and look for table 15. Sure enough someone is sitting there. Quite pretty. He has black fringes hair, a few piercings and so many tattoos. He looks vaguely familiar. I walk up to him and sit down.

"Hello, are you Pansy?" I ask shyly. He looks up to me and smiles.

"Yeah, hey Party. Sorry, I was just looking to see if that guy has any social media. I want to see what he looks like now or if his art made it into art shows. His art was amazing. I wish I could do art as good as him. He's beautiful and amazing and perfect." He says. His voice hits me like a truck. I definitely know him but from where? He seems infatuated with this person.

"Describe him to me, I mean only if you want to." I say. His eyes brighten and a smile appears on his face.

"Okay but don't fall in love with him because I hope I can ask him out someday. He was tall compared to me, he always wore a black suit with a blood red tie, he had long raven hair and he sang like an angel. I wish I would have told him how beautiful he was." He says kind of sadly. I smile a little.

"Kind of sounds like me when I was a kid. Except for I sing like a dying walrus." I laugh a bit. "What was his name if you don't mind me asking." I ask and he looks a bit nervous.

"His name was beautiful and suited him perfectly. His name was Gerard." He says.

"Yeah?" I say because I thought he was talking about me. Wait was he? He looks at me confused. "What's your name." I ask quietly.

"Frank. And you?" He asks. Could it be?

"Frank Iero?" I ask and he nods. I glare at him. "Fuck it can't fucking be. Fuck not again." I say as I cower back into my seat.

"What's wrong Party?" He asks.

"Don't even fucking remember me Frank? Fuck, I thought I got away." I mumble under my breath. I continue backing up and glaring at him.

"What? No? How did you know my last name? Please don't back away, I won't hurt you." He says as he tries to move closer to me.

"Stay the fuck back Iero. You hurt me too many times to count. You used to call me faggot or dickslut or fagboy. Well I have news for you asshole. My fucking name is Gerard Way." I spit at him as I run into the bathroom and lock myself I a stall. There is only one escape now and I'm looking right at it. It's called bleach. I hear pounding at the door.

"Gerard, I'm so sorry. Please don't do anything in there. You know how bad I feel about hurting you." He says with a slight strain in his voice.

"Take a hint from what I'm doing and drink bleach motherfucker. Now you get to see what you finally wanted to see all those years. You get to see the weak bitch that you picked on die. Right infront of you. Fuck you Frank and see you in hell." I say as I open the bottle of bleach and tip it back into my mouth. I start drinking. The door breaks open and Frank smacks the bottle out of my hands. Tears running down his face.

"CALL AN AMBULANCE!" He yells out. "Please Gerard, stay awake. I can't believe I fucking caused this. I never wanted this to happen." He says crying louder. Fuck he knows how to act but I can see clear through this.

"Fuck you. Just let me die, or do you want to see me suffer. I can see through your lies now Frank. Fuck off monster. You told me to kill myself, maybe this time I will be successful unline the other times." I sputter out.

"I want to be with you Gerard. Me hurting you was acting and lies, this is real. I really do love you Gerard. I never meant it. I wouldn't believe that you would ever try. Oh god I fucked up big time. I'm so sorry Gerard" is the last thing I hear before everything goes black.



Thanks so much! I have a few very long updates coming soon. I think I’ll be posting one or two within a span of a few hours so get ready!

AlexInMCRland AlexInMCRland

I'm so happy you're back and feeling better!! I didn't realize how many of your stories I read until I saw all of alerts!!

domebedward domebedward

DM me! Your ideas are great! This will be perfect! Tell me more! God I'll probably have a whole other book just dedicated to this! XD

AlexInMCRland AlexInMCRland

Thank you. That means a lot.
I'm really enjoying this. Also the girls totally have a dossier on Uncle Mikey. They just KNOW what he's up to. It contains notes that they took with their unicorn crayons in their unicorn note book. And quite a fewVERY PROFESSIONAL drawings *(drawn by Gee)* of Uncle Mikey petting a unicorn. Hello evidence!! And their slightly less professional drawings from when *(Gee and Mikey)* were little *drawn by both boys*. They're going to catch him!! They just want to pet a unicorn. Is that to much to ASKKKKK?

domebedward domebedward

Yes! I have to find a way to add that in! My god! You are a genius!

AlexInMCRland AlexInMCRland