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We were friends until we were lovers

Chapter 8

Frank's POV:

"Our parents are at work right now, how's about we talk to them when they get home. They should be home at 6:00 pm" Gee says. I nuzzle into his chest and he pets my hair. Mikey sighs.

"I'm so jealous of your relationship. It's not even been a day and you two are so perfect for each other." Mikey sighs again. I pull him and Gee into another group hug.

"Don't worry Mikey. While we are out Gee and I will find you someone. I have a good friend who's bi, I think you might like him. He's probably at the mall today. He gets one day off of school a week so he can work. Today he is working. You'd really like him. We will talk to them tonight Gee. Thank you guys. You guys are the best." I say and kiss Gee and fist bump Mikey. "Just to let you know Mikey, he goes to a different school but he's trying to transfer. I already know you guys would make a good couple." I say with a wink. Gee playfully punches my shoulder.

"Hey, don't wink at my brother. You are mine. I don't like to share." Gee jokes and pouts. I wrinkle my nose and stick my tongue out at him. He scowls at me and I grab his face and kiss him.

"I better like this guy. You guys are so mushy. Your relationship is so cute. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually envious." He says and I giggle.

"Come on then. I'm taking you guys to the mall. He works at the record store. He's got tattoos like me and he likes the same music we do. He plays guitar like me and he's in a band." I say and drag them to my house. We hop in my car with me and Gee in the front and Mikey in the back. Gee and I hold hands the whole ride. "We're here!" I say and we walk in. We all go to the record store where I see my man.

"Yo! Frank! My dude! Who's your friends?" Pete asks. Mikey and Gee look at me in shock.

"This friend of yours is Pete Wentz?!" Mikey whispers to me. I smile and nod. They stare at me.

"Hey Pete! This is my boyfriend Gerard and his brother Mikey. Gee, Mikey, this is Pete. He was my only friend before you guys came around." I say with a giggle. Pete beams. I snuggle into Gee's side.

"It's nice to meet you Pete. I'm a big fan." Mikey says quietly. Pete laughs and pulls Mikey into a hug.

"Nice to meet you too Mikey! So why are yous here? Frank I know you skip from time to time." Pete says while slinging his arm around Mikey. Mikey blushes, hard. Gee and I giggle.

"Actually Peter. I was taking Gee and Mikey to a welcome to the city day. Wanted them to feel welcome. We also came to look for a partner for Mikey." I say and giggle again. Pete smiles again.

"One, don't call me Peter again you shithead. And two, what's your orientation Mikey? You are too cute to be straight." He says and Mikey blushed again. Gee laughs hard and so do I. Pete looks at us and flips me off. I return the favour. Gee kisses me and continues giggling.

"I'm pan." Mikey says quietly. Pete looks at me and I nod at him. It's a secret language we have. The sign was to say that Mikey likes him. Pete grins. Gee gives me a questioning look.

"Pete was asking me if he could ask Mikey out. You okay with that?" I whisper to him. He smiles.

"Fuck yeah. Mikey has had the biggest crush on Pete for ages. Ever since we heard his band." He whispers to me. He looks at Pete and nods at him. Pete gives us a thumbs up. We return the thumbs up. Mikey is sitting there looking confused.

"Yo, Mikey. I've been notified from a little tweety bird that you are looking for a good relationship. You wanna try us out?" He asks. Mikey blushed, then squeals, then smiles and nods like crazy. Gee and I are left in a giggling fit and probably look like we are high.

Mikey walks up to us and looks us both dead in the eyes. He smiles a huge smile and squeals like a teenage girl. "Gee, THE Pete Wentz asked me out! Can you believe it?!" He says to us. I smile and so does Gee.

"Go back to your boyfriend Mikey. Enjoy being with him. He likes you. He's a good dude. He's friends with my Frankie so he must be nice. Now shoo. Go have some time with him! Try and get a job there so you can work with him." Gee says and Mikey skips off. Gee smiles at me and holds my hand. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"He'll get the job. Pete owns the place with his band and family. Mikey is guaranteed the job. Pete looked at him and I can tell by the look in his eyes that he really likes Mikey. I haven't met the rest of his band yet but they all work odd hours. Now for us time. Let's go get you some Starbucks." I say and Gee smiles.

"How'd you know?" He said and squeezed my hand.

"Gee, you're practically a white girl. Other than you being my little emo. That and Starbucks cups are all over your room." I say and giggle. He pouts again.

"At least it's not drugs... any more." He says and I stop.

"Gee. No drugs. Let coffee and me be your drugs. You are my drug. I haven't cut since I met you." I say and he smiles at me. He kisses me and we get odd looks. I scowl at the people. He giggles and rests his forehead against mine.

"Ignore them Frankie. Don't worry, I've stopped. I've been clean for a 10 months. I'm happy you've stopped too baby. I love you." He says and I rest my arms on his shoulders he gives a light smile and kisses me again.

"Good, I love you too baby. Now let's get those coffees." I say and we go to Starbucks. We come back to the record store to find Mikey skipping out with Pete hand in hand. Gee and I smile.

"Hey Mikes! I see it went well." Gee says and Mikey smiles. I know that's rare for Mikey but he seems really happy with Pete.

"Hey Gee, Hey Frank! You were right Frank. You did find me someone perfect. Petey is amazing! Can I have him over Gee?" Mikey asks and Pete holds his hand. Gee nods and we all leave the mall.


I was thinking of doing Mikey's POV next chapter. See how the date at the mall went. (Or Wentz) I know I suck. XD


I will honestly not update it for 6 months at a time, but I'll read it & see if I feel it. Maybe I could pick it up. I'll message you in a long while.

Thatonefriend Thatonefriend

Thanks! I've been working on the next chapter and it should come out soon!

AlexInMCRland AlexInMCRland

Nice, can't wait to see where this goes!

My-soul-hurts My-soul-hurts