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One more bite won't hurt

Court- The Truth (pt. 1)

19th January

"Sebastian Carter." The high court judge spoke calmly as him and his white curly wig (which perched on the top of his head) peered down at him.
Sebastian looked up, wiping hot tears from his stinging eyes.
"The jury have made their decision and in a vote of 5:7 they have found you…"

*earlier that day*

Gerard stumbled into the court room wearing the smartest clothes that he could find; the slightly too big grey suit jacket covering a plain black tee shirt and hanging down to his black jeans, still he wore the black leather gloves to try and mask his quivering hands. His hair was still messy and it moved across his head in all different directions as he waited nervously.

"Stay calm. Calm. Calm the fuck down, Gee. Am I talking to myself? Seems so. Now, just stay calm Gee, calm down." He mumbled under his breath to himself.

He tried to stop his hands from shaking as he walked into the courtroom and sat on one of the remaining 12 seats that had been laid out in 2 rows for the jury to judge a man on. He chose a seat at the back and to the left, sitting next to a middle aged woman with short messy brown hair and glasses. He sat down, tapping his foot nervously on the floor and tried to cover the sweat that began to form on his forehead.

Of all the people that could have been chosen; Gerard had to have been selected for this. On all the days that they could have been chosen on; it had to be the 19th of January. Of all the crimes; it had to be this one. Gerard had to sit in that old courtroom for hours listening to theories about the murder of a woman, that he himself had committed. Well this was going to be fun.

After about 15 minutes everyone was present. Sebastian was dressed smartly in a suit with a red tie and sat nervously next to his lawyer who arranged his papers and evidence accordingly.

"Your name is Sebastian Carter, is it not?" asked the judge, who looked through squinted eyes at the shaking figure which was Seb.
Seb stood up, "It is." he replied.
"And you are attending court on suspicion of the murder of Kaitlin Jones. How do you plead?"
"Not guilty."

An air of violent quietness took over the room as Seb took a bible from the side and placed his palm on the dusty cover.

"I swear…" he began, making eye contact with every person on the jury. "That the evidence that I shall give, shall be the truth." Gerard shifted uneasily as Seb stared at him before moving to the woman that sat placidly next to him. "The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God."
And with that he sat down.

"Today on the 19th of January, Sebastian Carter age 25, will be trialled on the suspicion of the murder of Kaitlin Jones age 25, on the night of January the 7th. The defendant pleads not guilty. However, if the defendant is found guilty then he will either face life imprisonment in a secure prison or will face the death penalty."


Hello. First off: The court chapter will be posted in a couple of short chapters. Hope you enjoy. Should be finished by tonight. :) Thank you. X



@daughter of the dead
Um, it was Al (pretty much because everyone else is dead), sorry for not making it clear but I hope that this was okay. :)

What.....who grabbed him

Fucking Shit

@The pink flamingos are coming