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I'll keep you safe.


Ă—Trigger Warning Self harmĂ—

Franks POV

I was woken up by the sound of someone crying.
I sat up and looked round and saw Gerard sat on the floor his head resting on his knees and he was on a full blown breakdown.
" Gee?" I said quietly and he sniffed.
"I'm fine." He sobbed.
"Gee what's up?" I asked and moved and sat at the foot of the bed beside Gerard who was still sat in the floor.
"Nothing. Its nothing I'm fine." He sniffed but tears was still falling down his cheeks.
"Something is wrong Gee, you can talk to me." I said softly.
"Nothing is wrong! Stop fucking badgering me!" He said loudly and got up and walked out the room and the bathroom door slammed shut.
I sighed and let Gerard get in with whatever he was doing and he would calm down in his own time, hopefully he wouldn't hurt himself but this was Gerard and I had no idea what goes through his head.

I felt him for an hour before I went to investigate.
I walked to the bathroom door and knocked on it gently.
"Gee? Gee can I come in?" I asked.
I heard him shuffle to the door and it unlocked and I opened it and saw Gerard standing in a corner looking down and his other arm was cut and so was his legs.
"I'm sorry, I fucked up again I'm so sorry." He said and started to cry again and slid down the wall.
"Its okay. You don't have to say sorry." I said and grabbed a couple of towels and walked over to him and sat in front of him.
"You should of left me alone. Then I wouldn't of burdened you with my stupid pathetic problems." He said getting annoyed with himself.
"Gee you are not a burden and your problems are stupid or pathetic. You need help Gee and I will do anything to help you." I said and put a towel on his arm which Gerard threw across the room.
"Gee I have to stop the bleeding otherwise you'll bleed to death." I said seriously.
"Maybe I want to die." Gerard said quietly.
I sighed and looked down and looked back at Gerard who was looking down with tears slowly falling.
I moved and wiped the tears away which made him jump and flinch a little.
"Your to pretty to think about death." I said quietly and Gerard smiled and a small blush came onto his face.
"Y..Y..You think I'm pretty?" He asked shyly.
" Course I do. Part from your hair looks like a grease bar, but at the moment we have more serious things to worry about." I said.
Gerard sighed and gave me his arm.
"I'm not going to have a bloody towel thrown at me this time?" I chuckled.
Gerard shook his head and handed me a towel.
I smiled and started to put pressure on his arm and then his legs.

Once I cleaned him up we went back to bed.
"You hungry?" I asked as Gerard rolled over and faced me.
"No." He said quietly.
"That's okay. We'll try again later." I said.
Gerard smiled.
We stayed quiet for a while when Gerard broke the silence.
" I like the nickname you gave me." He said quietly slowly falling asleep again.
"I can always stop calling you it if you don't like it." I said and started to mess with his hair no matter how disgusting it was.
"Don't stop, I like it." He muttered and fell asleep.
"Am I seriously that boring that you have to fall asleep on me all the time." I chuckled and pulled the covers over him.
Gerard just sighed and cuddled more into the covers.
I smiled and quietly got off the bed and went ton the sitting room and thought on what I could do to get Gerard to eat.

I was just finishing making Gerard a somewhat calorie free snack when he wondered out to the sitting room.
"Frank?" He said and sat on the sofa wrapped in my duvet.
I got the bowl and walked out and sat next to him and he looked at me with fear in his eyes.
"Don't threat, its grapefruit, orange, watermelon and apple which have hardly any calories to them." I said.
Gerard smiled a little.
"Please have some, just so my mind can rest a little bit." I said and Gerard nodded and had some orange.
He smiled and I handed him the bowl and o turned the TV on and put Netflix up.
Gerard moved and cuddled into my side still munching on the fruit I gave him.
"Have you ever seen Orange is the new black?" I asked.
"I've been homeless for 3 years, I don't have a clue what half these TV shows are anymore." He said and I chuckled.
"Well Gee, you in luck as I am willing to watch the whole thing just for you." I said and Gerard blushed again.
"Okay." He chuckled quietly.
I put that on and we spent the rest of the day watching it.


Feel like there too much self harm going on and crap...
But I feel like shit and proper triggered for some stupid reason hense for it..
Im am really sorry if I trigger anyone I don't mean it what so ever...
Stay safe peeps..


bruises. im little worried about the home life of the way's house

Finally, I've been able to sit down and catch up. Been a bit busy, sorry x.x Your story is going very well and I can't wait to see how their relationship develops! <3 Excited for the next chapter to come!! :))

This is off to a really good start! I'm excited to see where you'll take this :))

Interesting start. X