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Spirits of the Dead

Let's Dance-David Bowie

A/N-I'm going to skip to the dinner on Friday that Linda Iero will be hosting. I hope you guys don't mind that much. But, I promise to make it cute, and add some Petekey in it:)

Frank's POV
"Frank! Come down here!" was all I heard once my shuffle mode was changing songs. I sighed and went to her. Today was Friday, which meant that today Gerard's family will come for dinner, and I'm a tad nervous. "You called me." I said once I was on her sight. "I did. And I have great news...." She responded. I hurried her to tell me the great news due to my curiosity that was going haywire. "Well....I barely got a call and It turns out I'm hired! The salon approved of me, I'll be starting this Monday!!" She said squealing at the end, as so did I. "Wow mom! Congrats!!!" I exclaimed hugging her half to death. She started talking very fast about working there, that she couldn't wait to start since she apparently loved to do haircuts and hairstyles. I was proud that they hired her. "Mom, I'm really glad you got the job. Again congrats! You totally deserve it!" "Thanks honey! But, I was also going to say for you to start getting ready! It's 4:00 and they will soon be arriving! You have to clean your room, shower, and look presentable!" Mom said in a rush. "Mom relax! It's barely 4:00 and they will be arriving around 7:00. My room isn't that bad I'll be finished within 10 minutes or less. And yes, I of course will shower, but I don't quite need to look presentable. They've seen me with skinny jeans and a band shirt and they apparently adore me. So, don't worry. I'll help you once I'm done." She looked convinced and gave a sigh of I'm guessing relief. "Thank you baby, you're the best. And I'll let you slide on how you dress, since they indeed adore you hearing Donna talking about you." I muttered a 'thank you' and went to do my stuff.
~7:30, the Ways are arriving with an extra guest.~
Both my mom and I were preparing the table, when we suddenly heard the doorbell rang. Meaning that the Ways had arrived. We both ran to the table and my mom decided to wipe my cheeks with her saliva. "Mom!" "Rght..sorry" She opened the door while I wiped out her saliva off my cheek. "Linda!" Donna exclaimed. "Donna!" My mom exclaimed. They both hugged each other in a way to greet each other. "Thank you for having us by the way! This is my husband, Donald, my older son Gerard, my younger son, Michael, and his boyfriend, Pete. I'm sorry for not taking you notice soon, but we barely found out he was tagging along." She pointed at each of the guests and Pete blushed embarrassed due to tagging along last minute. "I'm sorry mam." Pete said in a low voice. "Oh don't worry dear! I'm glad I cooked for more people. And nice to meet you all, please come in." My mom said opening the door more for them to pass. Once they all saw me they started greeting me, receiving a big hug from Donna and a kiss on the cheek from Gerard, that totally did not made me blush. They all took a seat on our living room as so did my mom and I. "Oh! I almost forgot! Michael, can you bring the dessert from the car please." Donna said giving Mikey the keys. He hurried up and brought a plate that was covered with aluminum foil. "Oh Donna you shouldn't have! Both Frank and I appreciate it!" My mom said grabbing the plate and heading to the kitchen. "I'll help you." Donna said heading to the kitchen as well. All the guys were left in the living room. "Would you like to watch some television sir." I asked Donald. "I'd appreciate that, thank you." I nodded and gave him the control. He started scrolling and watched a movie whom I don't recognize. "Do you guys want to go to my room?" I asked the guys. They all nodded and I lead them towards my room. Once I opened the door they all stared in admiration. "Wtf, Frank! Your room is goals!" Pete yelled running towards my Vinyls. Mikey and Gerard nodded still in a trace of admiration. "Wow...just wow..." Gerard said looking around. I honestly feel bad, I don't know why. Yeah, I have so many vinyls and endless comics and books. My walls are covered with posters of horror movies and bands. Some signed as well. Okay, I'm literally feeling bad. "Well yeah, my mom worked her ass off to give me the life I had always wanted so yeah it ended to this." I explained. They all nodded understandingly. "Well, let me just say this, your room is fucking goals, I mean you have signed vinyls and posters of bands! I will not be surprised if you have photos with band members! Tonight will be a long night, for we shall go through all this blessed room." Mikey said. 'Hell yeah's were heard from Pete and Gerard agreeding with Mikey obviously. Indeed it would be a long night, I thought heading towards my favorite record player to put an Iron Maiden vinyl.


Hey loves! I'll be updating the next part tomorrow, I couldn't finish it due to having an exam tomorrow and I have to rest good. Also, sorry for typos, and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Yours, Bloodsucker.


@axl killjoy
Hope that's a good thing! I just updated, I hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

Thank you! Just updated, hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

I'm dying!

axl killjoy axl killjoy

Fucking awesome

@axl killjoy
Well then I'm fucking glad!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331