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Lover Boy

Chapter 1

He was beautiful, and I was tempted to tell him that every single day, but today of all days he looked even more extrodinarily beautiful. I don't know what it was about him that drew me towards him so much; I like to think it was his eyes. They were a bright and deep hazel shade, much like my own, but when I looked into his eyes I saw colors that didn't even exist. So unique and vivid that no words could describe them.

He caught me staring, half way across the room in anatomy. The stench of decaying pig was swelling in the room and my eyes were beginning to water. Partially due to the dead animal carcass before me, and possibly because he noticed me. He doesn't smile, then again he never does; I should know that by now. The constantly watching him live each moment would have taught me that and I mentally punch myself for expecting any resemblance of emotion when he looks my way. Of course this isn't the terribly typical romance story where the boy doesn't know my name. No, of course not, he very well knows who I am as do I him.

"Mr. Iero, is there something in the back of the room that is more interesting than the project in front of you?" Mr. Wallace clears his throat, gaining the attention of the beautiful boy a few rows in front of me. He tears his eyes away from mine and faces the teacher, no doubt with a smug smile on his perfect face.

"Let me tell you, Dave, there is something more interesting in the back of the room and I would much rather focus on him than on this road kill in front of me," Frank, the love of my life, retaliates, earning an eye roll from the professor.

"Mr. Iero, how many times must I remind you that you can't call me Dave?"

"Chill out Mr. Wallace, I'm just having some fun."

I have completely immersed myself into the physics of the way Frank's face moves when he speaks that I have not yet noticed how tightly I'm gripping the scalpel in my hand. My lab partner taps my arm gently, as though trying to pull me out of a trance.

"Gerard, I need that," he mumbles and I unclasp the tool causing it to clatter onto the table, which in turn makes Mr. Wallace and Frank to turn their attention to me.

"Mr. Way, are you feeling alright?" Mr. Wallace asks in concern, "I often do get some kids who are queasy around the pigs, if you're not feeling up to the assignment you can go to the health center."

"I-I...no, it's fine my hand just cramped." I feel my face flush and I notice Frank's stare intensifies.

"Okay, but if you're starting to feel light headed please be my guest to leave," the professor offers and I force a small nod as I gulp down my nerves.

Mr. Wallace turns back to a stack of papers in his hands, but Frank hasn't dropped eye contact. Quickly, he winks at me and sticks out his tongue. My heart stops in my throat, as the gesture was extremely unexpected. Just as quickly as the notion had been received, Frank turns away and I am left wondering what just happened.

The bell finally rings and he is the first one to leave, as always; just as I am the last. He is too cool for me anyways, I knew that. Everyone at the university knows he's gay, just as much as I was sure they knew that I was in love with him. He's always been too cool for me anyways, I know that.




Yes, I've finally had the time to sit down and read this! Gerard is so cute and I think you capture how we all think Gerard was like during college and even Frank as well! I love that :)) I seriously can't wait for the next chapter, no rush though! <3

This story is amazing! I absolutely love it. You are incredibly talented. This is the kind of stories that make my heart flutter and my brain into fangirl trash. This is kist astonishingly perfect!

Brendon Urie Brendon Urie

This is cute

Twisted X Space Twisted X Space

Just found this!...Love it! X

frank is one smooth motherfuka