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He's Not Dead, He Only Looks that Way.

“Death? Like .. the grim reaper?”

The poor soul was buried underneath the blankets of his and Gerard’s bed. He endured the leftover scent of Gerard’s cheap cologne. He stuffed his face into the pillow that Gerard slept on. His eyes were shut tight and he tried so hard to imagine Gerard coming through the bedroom door. Frank slowly opened his eyes to find the bedroom door completely shut with no one intending to walk in. Before he could stop himself, he found himself crying again.

This is what heartbreak is. This is what sadness is.

Davy wanted to walk inside and comfort Frank which is why he stood outside the door. While the others were outside grieving, Davy mainly thought about Frank rather than bringing himself down thinking about Gerard’s death. He took in a deep breath before slowly opening the door. Frank peeked from the covers and frowned, “Oh .. hi, Davy.”

Davy gave Frank a soft smile, “Hey .. how are you holding up?”

Frank sat up on the bed, “I don’t even think I’ve been trying to hold on.”

Davy tucked in his lips before sitting on the edge of the bed, “I understand that you’re in grieving. It’s only been a week but maybe you should go out more .. get a hobby or a job-”

“I don’t have the energy to do anything,” Frank cried. He pouted before smothering his face into Gerard’s pillow. His voice muffled, “Just leave me alone,”

Davy frowned, “Sorry. I was being too forward.” He sighed a bit before patting Frank’s back, “If you need anything, just let me know.”

Frank muffled, “Thanks. I'm sorry for snapping at you.”

Davy smiled a bit but didn't reply as he left out the room.

The rest of the day was very excruciating for Frank. He stayed in bed most of the day but when he felt completely alone, he would find the others and whoever was closest to him in distance, he would hug them for as long as he needed it. The others didn’t mind at all. They would always nuzzle back into his arms.

Later on during the night, Frank stood by the window and stared outside. He opened it and climbed out into the cold air. He stopped in his tracks and looked up to the crescent moon. He said underneath his breath, “I’m sorry, Gerard.” He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a brand new razor. Frank rolled up his sleeves. His body constricted as he slid the razor along his skin, exposing blood to reach the surface. Frank almost cried again, but decided to let the blood be a distraction. He watched the trickles of blood flow down his arm onto the frosty dirt.

Frank called out into the night, “Gerard, I miss you so much.”

Joe slammed an old book shut, sending dust soaring into the air. He groaned, “Pete, when are you going to tell Frank we can’t bring the dead back?”

Pete rolled his eyes before digging through the thousands of unorganized books, “Shut up. We have to find something. Anything. We owe Gerard that.” The three devils were in the library deep within hell. It was the largest, unsanitary, and chaotic library anyone could witness. Though, it did have the oldest and wisest books that they needed. It had to the modern books of society, to the ancient ones.

Andy sighed, “We could just ask Death, you know?”

Pete tightened his jaw, “We’re not asking Death for anything. She’s so shallow and always thinks we need her-we’re the fucking devils. So keep researching.”

Joe groaned aloud before slamming his head against the large book, “Ow.”

The next morning, Frank was snuggled up in the bed still fast asleep. Lindsey peered in before entering quietly. She shut the door behind her and crawled into the bed. She stared at Frank’s sleeping body before wrapping her arms around him, and spooning him.

Frank shuffled a bit in his sleep before his eyelids opened. His vision was hazy but he did feel the arms wrapped around him. His heart pounded against his chest before turning over. He frowned in disappointment as Lindsey made eye contact, “Sorry .. by the way you’re lookin at me, I don’t think you want me here.” Lindsey grimaced.

Frank shook his head, “No, it’s just .. I was expecting someone else-it’s fine, stay.” He rested his head on her chest, ignoring the fact that his face is pressed against her breasts. He took in her warmth and felt almost happy again. He cleared Gerard from his mind and welcomed Lindsey’s comfort.

After an hour of snuggling, Lindsey and Frank walked together outside the room where Frank felt so uncomfortable. He paused in the living room, “Lindsey, I feel weird. I haven’t been outside in a while-”

“Hey, don’t worry. You’re going to be okay.” Lindsey led him outside where the others were. Frank stood by Frey who looked at him. She smiled a bit, “Frankie, I’m glad to see you-outside.” She nudged her elbow softly against his stomach, making him smirk a bit.

Davy nodded at Frank who returned a smile. Patrick was distracted by Lindsey who kissed his cheek, making him fluster. This was the group now. A demon/human subtracted from the group. Frank had settled in with his friends really quickly, clearing Gerard from his mind. That was until Pete scared the group by a surprise visit.

Pete grabbed onto Frank’s collar shirt, “You’re coming with me.”

And they vanished.

Frank and Pete were back in the library. Frank took a step backwards, hitting his back against a pile of dusty books. He caused the pile to crash onto the ground, sending the large amount of dust to ascend into the air. He coughed and then sneezed before fanning away the particles from his space.

He coughed, “Why’d you bring me into this dump?”

Pete crossed his arms across his chest, “We’re going to see Death and we need you there with us.” He murmured, "Even if she's shallow."

“Death? Like .. the grim reaper?”

“Those are completely different things,” Andy said before adding in, “but that doesn’t matter. She’ll want to meet you because you’re a half breed,” Andy rolled his eyes, “You’re special, okay? Deal with it. Everyone wants to see you and shit.”

“Why are we visiting her?” Frank asked.

Andy looked over to Joe who stepped in, “We’re going to ask her if there’s way to bring back Gerard. There has to be something, you know? We tried researching but these books are useless.”

Frank looked around to the thousands of books, “You looked at all of them? Every single one?”

Pete smirked, “We like to read .. and not all are ancient books.”

Frank stuffed his hands inside his jacket, “O-okay .. so .. we’re going to meet Death.”

Andy smiled, “That’s something you don’t get to say everyday.”


This is short but an update.
So this might sound lame but there's no easy way to make it not sound lame so: you guys are so sweet, awe. I don't really reply to anyone's comment because I like to keep it for your comments only, but I do appreciate the comments. And if you want to talk, message me. It's no big deal. We can talk about anything. Again, thanks people xo


Ughh I finally got my acc back and I'm wondering why you left this...?

WhiteCorpse WhiteCorpse

I am badly missing all the characters in this story. i really hope you're doing good and that you update soon :)

Helena Way Helena Way

omg this chapter was so intense and sad.... love it tho... cant wait for the next chapter.. update soon <3 :)

Erin_mcr Erin_mcr

Poor Jenna.

aww hope ure feeling better.. love this chapter.. ahhh im excitd to see what happens.. update soon <3 :)

Erin_mcr Erin_mcr