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Zainly We're Gone


i wrote this while eating burrito. so dont expect it to be good.
mmm chicken burrito with chicken. you knoww hat im gonna go make a burrito right now! so while i do that go make yourself some popcorn!
mmm buttery salty popcorn.
you know what i also want popcorn. imma finish typingt this later!

ok now i feel fat lets get started!




Random guy out in the unsocietized forest spending his days climbing trees jaming out and throwing pine cones at tresspassers heads

Gerard's first appearance

Gerard's first appearance

Well gerard is a bit of a mysterious guy im really not sure how im going to put him but in the story he is the founder of the 'universe'

Gerard's second appearance

Gerard's second appearance



Linsdeys best friend

Lindsey Ballato after chapter one

Lindsey Ballato after chapter one

okso lets getthiso utth ere both of their personalities aret hes ame just different time lines just read the first damn chapter! she rebellious and hates the system same withherfriend kitty.

Lindsey Ballato chapter one

Lindsey Ballato chapter one



peace keeper. hates linsdey and kitty. will do anything to get them in trouble.



this is just a google image i found honestly this fits the image in my head of how i imagine a zainly would lookl ike :D


  1. Introduction. 1495 words

  2. An Unfortanate Party. 735 words.

    "Hey kitty"i say zoned out a bit. "yeah?"she asks "imma chop off these pigtails."


Yeah me too lol

Twisted X Space Twisted X Space


oh well honestly i didn't mean to hate on the frerard fantasy i read plenty of those was gets me kinda sad is that they put them down and not just in the story like they legit hate the wives for ruining the frerard that was real, maybe it was but now they moved on and have wives and theyre honestly happy and i can accept that and all i just kinda dont knw why other people cant. but yeah i understand and that alicia thing it was uuhmm... ahem. y'know. blegh

UmbrellaGirl UmbrellaGirl

I have no problem with peoples ferard fantasy but hey don't bash on Jamia and Lindsey I love them just as much tbh :P
it's weird saying I have different feeling towards Alicia.. Sucking on a girls tit (taking a photo of it) and that whole thing with Mikey ugghhrhehnejsm

Twisted X Space Twisted X Space


Unfortunately that's true.
i hate it so much but there's really not anything we can do. i mean its the internet. its gets me frustrated to see it all happen.

UmbrellaGirl UmbrellaGirl

It's so sad how people don't have respect for Lindsey
it's really sad how peopl don't have respect for Jamia
it's even sadder that people have respect for Alicia

Twisted X Space Twisted X Space