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Save Yourself

When The Day Met The Night

Gerard tagged along as Rae went about the city looking for the soul Nana had sensed earlier that morning. It seemed like a hopeless search, because they’ve been searching for hours without any success. The sun was already low in the sky, almost touching the horizon and it would be dark soon. Rae sighed in frustration.
“I’m sure she’s okay, wherever she is,” Gerard tried.
“Maybe, but I’d just feel better if we found her. It’s growing dark and we’ve already searched everywhere! She couldn’t just have disappeared like that,” Rae ranted.
“It’s a possibility,” he couldn’t help pointing out.
Rae cursed under her breath looking around.
“There’s just one more place I’d like to try.”
Gerard quietly followed her as they walked down the dark road. It was unbelievable how quickly the sun set. Soon the streetlights came on, but they might as well have been fireflies since they barely penetrated the pitch black darkness.
“Shit!” Rae swore loudly. “We need to get home soon.”
“Let’s get going then,” Gerard suggested. “It’s too soon for me to already die again.”
Rae chuckled, as they started back in the direction they came from. They were about halfway back to the house when Gerard saw something.
“What the hell is that?” he asked Rae.
“What?” she asked, looking back at him.
“That,” he pointed in the direction of the strange apparition.
“Oh crap! Those are fucking Rebellions. Run!” she yelled, grabbing his hand and dragging him along.
They ran as fast as their legs would carry them. Even though Gerard couldn’t hear them, he knew they were quickly catching up. When he realized that they were getting too close, he pushed Rae into an alleyway and he pretty much crushed her to the wall.
“Shhh…” he breathed and she nodded.
Only their heavy breathing could be heard, but as soon as the Rebellions came into sight, Rae clamped a hand across her mouth to stop any form of sound escaping. Gerard barely realized that he was also holding his breath. He could feel them coming closer and the hairs in the back of his neck stood up. Now he could hear them. Rae could feel her heart-rate quicken. She’s never actually had to face a Rebellion. They looked almost like executioners with black robes and masks with only thin horizontal slots to see through. Rae could handle the sight of them until she looked into those slots. She took in a sharp breath and Gerard automatically covered her mouth with one of his hands. For some strange reason, their pursuers didn’t seem to notice them against the dark brick wall. After what felt like forever, the Rebellions turned away and left. The raven-haired male slowly removed his hand from Rae’s mouth and she let out a shuddery breath.
“Are you okay?” he whispered quietly and she nodded eyes still wide in fear.
They just had an impossibly narrow escape. She still couldn’t believe that they were alive. Rae suddenly became aware of Gerard’s hot breath on her lips and the intense way he looked at her. She slightly lifted her head and their lips connected. A cold breeze picked up, blowing around them as they kissed. Rae shivered and Gerard couldn’t tell whether he was the cause or the wind.
“Let’s get home before those things come back,” he urged after they parted.
Rae nodded, taking a hold of his hand as they hurried away from the alley.

“I don’t understand,” Nana frowned when Gerard and Rae told her what happened. “They must’ve seen you.”
“We were right there and so were they,” Rae insisted.
“I could hear them,” Gerard added as proof of how close they were.
Nana stared at him intently. He started feeling uncomfortable, shifting awkwardly in place.
“Holy shit!” Frank suddenly exclaimed behind him.
“Gerard!” Rae said shocked.
“What?” he asked, looking at them questioningly.
“Dude, you’re kind of invisible,” Frank informed him with a huge grin plastered on his face.
“What are you… Whoa!” Gerard exclaimed when he lifted his hand up to his face, but couldn’t see it.
“Gerard, how did you feel when I stared at you just now?” Nana asked him seriously.
“Uncomfortable,” he admitted.
“And when the Rebellions were so close to you?” she wanted to know.
“You saw Rebellions?” Frank asked bug-eyed and seemingly excited.
“I was scared to death,” Gerard replied truthfully. “After everything I’ve heard about them… Having one of them breathing down my neck was the scariest thing ever.”
“You’ve got a talent,” Nana said.
“Talent?” he almost choked. “Turning invisible is a freaking superpower!”
“It’s really not,” Nana assured him. “We all have some kind of talent and it seems that yours gets activated when you experience negative emotions.”
“Yeah, dude, they’re awesome!” Frank said excitedly.
“What can you do?” he asked the teen.
“I can run really fast,” Frank grinned proudly.
“That’s the only reason he’s still alive,” Rae muttered. “The amount of times he ran away from me and Ray and even Bob…”
“I arrived at night,” Frank informed Gerard. “That’s the first time I came face to face with those scary bastards. Naturally I ran away, because those things were scary as hell!”
“And here’s the genius part, he hid and slept in a dumpster,” Rae snickered.
“At least I survived the night!” the hazel-eyed boy shot back.
“Gerard, can you concentrate on a negative feeling?” Nana requested.
He nodded and did as she told him.
“That is way cool!” Frank stated.
“Touch Rae,” Nana said.
Once again he did as she told him. The second he touched Rae, she also turned invisible.
Frank’s mouth literally hung open.
“Interesting,” Nana smiled. “It seems that you saved your lives tonight, Gerard.”
“I can’t believe it,” he frowned looking at his hands again still unable to see them.
A sudden question came into his mind.
“If you’re so fast, Frank, why didn’t you outrun Erin and Alex when they were after you?”
Frank scoffed, “I guess I underestimated them.”
Everyone except Frank burst out laughing.
“I’ll go get it,” Frank offered, embarrassed by everyone laughing at him, when there was a knock on the door.
Gerard thought of an idea and smiled mischievously. He had an advantage – no one could see him. He moved closer to Rae and poked her sides.
“Gerard, no!” she said, trying to sound stern.
He ignored her and started to tickle her again.
“Gerard!” she laughed, trying to run away.
They stopped in the living room when they saw Ray and Tatiana standing in the door.
Gerard reappeared at that point.
“No way!” he heard someone exclaim and turned his head in Frank’s direction where a girl with wavy, brown hair stood staring at him in shock.


I'd be interested in a sequel!

Chemical_30 Chemical_30

@Silent Scream
Hey, okay, so, depending on interest, there is a sequel to the story. It's not quite on par with this one, but it explains what happened to Mikey. If not, then all you have to know is that he's fine.
Thanks again for reading!

Rumor...tAdA Rumor...tAdA

Great ending...but what happened to Mikey? Did I miss something?

Chemical_30 Chemical_30

But.. what happened to Mikey? ;-;

Silent Scream Silent Scream

@Silent Scream

I'll say that's a very good thing. Thanks!

Rumor...tAdA Rumor...tAdA