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The Sane Abandoned Me

Chapter 6

"Welcome to Phscycology!" Sir greeted us smiling warmly.

Me John and Marilyn were all in this class together and were at an end table.
"So today we will..." Sir began but he was cut short by someone entering the class late. I looked up and to my horror it was Jack.

"Rude." I muttered a little too loudly. Sir looked my way and a small smile formed.

"Jack I want you to sit next to Daisy." He said a little too smugly.

"Umm, why Sir?" I asked sassily holding my hand out in confusion.

"Because he's you're new partner." Sir said copying my hand.


"How could Sir do that?!" I asked the girls angrily as we walked to our next period. "Like I thought he was my friend."

"Maybe he ships you guys." John said shrugging.

"Well if he does he's the only one!" I said my temper rising. Why should Jack get to ruin my class. After all he's already ruined enough.

I suddenly felt the familiar cold fingers on my waist and turned smiling because I knew what I would find. "Hello Daisy daisy doll." Looking at those hazel eyes made all my anger fizzle away.

"Hello Geebear." I said pushing his arm softly.

"Ready for English?" He asked pushing me back. We said goodbye to the girls and headed for our class. "Did you do the coursework?" He asked pushing back a stray jet black hair.

"Yeah, I've got it here." I replied fumbling through my bag. Me being the most clumsy human ever tripped over air.

"Are you okay?" Gerard asked concerned but underneath he was laughing. I began laughing as well.

"I'm not o-fucking-kay" I stated getting to my feet with Gerard's help. "Could you help me pick up my sheets?" I asked motioning to the white mess of the floor. He started frantically running around picking them all up. When he had gathered the pile he studied the top sheet.

"Did you write this?!" He asked disbelief clear in his voice.

"Yeah." I answered a little embarrassed.

"Is it like, a book?" He asked flipping through the pages.

"Uh-huh" I answered.

"Could I read it?" He asked pouting. And I really couldn't say no to that face.

"Go for it." I replied. He smiled then quickly checked his watch.

"YiKES. We're gonna be late for English!" He yelped tugging me along.


When English had finished me Gee and Orlando all walked to our next lessons. "DT next!" Orlando exclaimed his voice dripping with sarcasm. It was a known fact that O hated his teacher.

"What, does it suck?" Gerard asked a little confused.

"I'm constantly plotting ways to kill my teacher in my head. Although Daisy says thats weird."

"I'm constantly doing that too man." Gerard said. "But with everyone."
I looked at the two boys slightly concerned.

"You have to give me the best death!" Orlando demanded.

"Of course." Gerard chuckled. I hugged O as we were at his stop. "Consider death by heavy metal." Gerard called before saying goodbye to Orlando.

"So, drama." Gerard said happily.

"Yas!" I beamed clapping my hands excitedly. Gerard just looked at me and shook his head.

When we arrived John, Clary, Katherine, Serena and Ryan were already there.

"Please take a seat somewhere in the room." Miss said noticing our arrival.

I sat and Gerard sat almost opposite. "Okay class our first activity will be us attempting to change how the people in this room see our face." Miss began. Pausing for dramatic affect.
Gerard caught my eye then began pulling at his eyes and mouth distorting his face; I had to fight my building laughter.

"You will do this activity in pairs." Miss continued. At the mention of pairs Gerard began bum shuffling towards me his face still distorted. Miss noticed him and said sternly. "What are you doing Mr Way?"

"Bum shuffling." He replied with all the sass he could muster.

"Well 'bum shuffle' back." Miss ordered literally doing air quotations. "I'm choosing the partners."
Gerard was then paired with this kid named Dan and John with a girl named Carey. Serena with Richard who is also in our class and I was paired with Ryan. I raised my eyebrows at Serena succeeding in making her go a deep red.

"Hey!" Ryan said as I sat next to him.

"Hey Ry." I replied. "You doing anything this Friday?" I asked casually.

"Nope." He answered playing with the bracelet on his wrist.

"Would you like to go shopping with me and the girls?" I questioned hopefully. "Serena will be there." I said nudging him a little. His face quickly tinted red and he said.

"Umm, yeah I'll be there."


Hope you like it! :)



Thanks for reading! :)

GerardSlaay GerardSlaay

That was such a great ending! Thanks for sharing this story with us! :3


Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B


Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B