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The Sane Abandoned Me

Chapter 4

It was lunch and most of us were sat on the field waiting. Katherine noticed me anxiously playing with my hair and she made a suggestion.

"How about we take a selfie?"

"Why?" I asked not really listening.

"To show us both how hot we look!"

"Go on then." I said caving in. We posed and she clicked the camera just as the shutter closed a red headed crazy girl jumped on top of us.

"Music was great guys!" She told us excitedly. "And guess who's in my class!"

"Who?" We asked.

"Only Mr Way himself! God he is hot I could stare at him the whole lesson and he can sing you know like really sing..."

"Clary." I said between chuckles.

"What!?" She said angry that I had stolen her moment. I cast my eyes behind her and she turned abruptly.

Gerard was standing there and he had heard every word. He smiled reassuringly at her but she had already gone a deep red colour.

"Gee is having lunch with us." I explained.

"Right." Clary said. Gerard smiled at the use of his nickname and sat next to me. "So." Clary said. "Got any hot brothers I can fuck?" I choked on my spit and swatted Clary.

"Sorry about her!" I quickly said to Gerard.

"It's fine." Gerard assured me laughing. "I have one named Mikey."

"Mikey." Clary said grinning maliciously.

"But he is 14." Gerard laughed.

"Oh." Clary said going to Orlando who let her sit on his lap.

"Your friends cute." He said motioning to Clary.

"Yeah she is." I agreed. I introduced him to all of the family while they all tried to throw themselves at him, I rolled my eyes so much I'm surprised I could even see. He then went on to tell me about his music.

"It was amazing, I don't know I just feel I belong there you know?"

"I do know." I said staring into his eyes they gleamed when he spoke of music. The thing was I really did know I felt like I belonged when I was with him. But that's crazy right we've only just met.

"And I met a pretty cool guy as well."

"Cool." I said eating the last of my lunch.

"There he is now." Gerard said pointing up. He was pointing at Richard Jack's friend and Jack was right behind him.

"Hi." They both said and sat down.

I deliberately didn't catch Jack's eye or even acknowledge him and I started talking to Holly about her Computing class. Gerard was talking to Richard about the music and Jack was just sat there.

Good, I thought. Maybe it's his turn to feel like the outsider.




Thanks for reading! :)

GerardSlaay GerardSlaay

That was such a great ending! Thanks for sharing this story with us! :3


Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B


Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B