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The Spike in my Heart (Frerard)

Chapter Ten

Gerard’s P.O.V
The last couple of days have passed without much drama, which I am grateful for. Vampires are always trying to tangle themselves in webs they have woven. With Frank, everything is different. He makes everything seem more worthwhile. Something as little as a smile is enough to carry on for and, with Frank, I smile a lot. The little things he says and does, the way his smile stretches when he tries not to laugh and the way his warm skin feels against me, it’s perfect.
“Hurry up you loser!”
I roll my eyes, tilting my head back to look at Frank – perched halfway up a tree. He crouches on one of the branches, his arm against the trunk to support him.
“Frankie, it’s only going to take me a few seconds to get up there.” I grin, my pointed fangs grazing over my lips as they stretch into a smile.
“Nope! You’re going to climb like a human!” Frank yells back down at me, poking his tongue out like the mature person he is.
I sigh loudly and approach the base of the tree. Why do things the hard way when you can do them the easy way?
Frank. That’s why.
I’m grateful for the way he makes me feel. He’s the life I’ve been missing, the warmth I’ve been craving.
I love him.
So the least I can do is climb a stupid tree.
It’s an awkward process and not one I’ve really put much thought into before, but it doesn’t take me long. Vampires are quick learners.
“Welcome.” Frank winks at me when I reach the thinning branches nearer to the treetop and shuffles further out along the branch. I lower myself into sitting position, with one leg either side of the branch and my back against the trunk, and pull Frank back into me.
“This view is amazing.” Frank muses, leaning his head back against me and staring up through the slender branches remaining above us.
I follow his gaze and find myself smiling as my eyes land on a kaleidoscope of glittering stars against a deep black background – the picturesque sight bordered perfectly by the rustling branches.
“It is.”
I murmur, wrapping my arms around Frank from behind and placing a small kiss against the never ceasing pulse beneath his skin.
He needs to know.
I need to tell him.
I can’t.
I have to.
I will.
“Frank…?” I whisper gently into his ear, his hair brushing against my face.
“Mmm?” He hums softly, closing his eyes as a gentle breeze blows.
“I love you.”

DON’T HATE ME I’M SORRY THIS IS BARELY EVEN A CHAPTER! I have AWFUL writer’s block but really needed to update… so I’m sorry again this is so teeny.
WildAndFallen <3


DON’T HATE ME I’M SORRY THIS IS BARELY EVEN A CHAPTER! I have AWFUL writer’s block but really needed to update… so I’m sorry again this is so teeny.
WildAndFallen <3


*hands tissues* <3

WildAndFallen WildAndFallen

heart continues to break like mcr

ThePetekeyPrep ThePetekeyPrep



Kurt Cobain Kurt Cobain

Well obviously it isn't Frank's fault at all.... but Gerard didn't pursue him? Frank bumped into him in the forest... literally walked into him. That's how it started.
I personally melted into a puddle of feels after reading this too... I shall be in pain writing the next chapter

WildAndFallen WildAndFallen

@Frank! you're in the Way!
Oh no!

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B