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My Life for Hire


I stared at the phone in my hand, mouth agape. Ordered. I had been ordered. I was going to be shipped off to some random stranger's house like a CrockPot and locked there for God only knew how long. Who even looked online to find people that were for rent? Jesus, I hated that; I was rented. This was fucking bullshit. I blinked a few times, trying to fathom what was going on, then raised the speaker up to my ear once again. The sound of Mark breathing pushed through the connection like a snail that kept peeking its head in and out of a shell.
"Who wants to..." I paused, searching for a way to make the situation sound less disgusting. "
Meet me?" I asked slowly, refusing to say the word "ordered." I didn't- nor would I ever- belong to anyone. I wasn't even sure how I was supposed to react. Cry? Scream? Faint? Act like this was normal? Please, this was as far from normal as you could get. Hell, who would be so awkward and desperate that they actually bought a person to come live with them?
"Oh, I think you'll like him," Mark reassured me. "His brother says he's not a crazy sex addict; just a lonely, average guy." I inhaled a larger amount of oxygen, nearly making my lungs burst, and held it for ten seconds, exhaling slowly.
"His name, Mark," I questioned more calmly than I would've thought possible, twirling the curly phone cord around my index finger until it turned purple. "I need to know so I can give it to the police when I'm being beaten or raped or killed slowly." Mark laughed drily, obviously not amused with my humor.
"That won't happen..." I scoffed, doubting him. "His name's Mikey Way."

I do not own My Chemical Romance or any of the band members. All the events in this story are fictitious. I got the idea from a service my friend told me about where a lady will come to your house and snuggle if you "order" her. Title from an A Day to Remember song, (how do I even phrase that?) called "My Life for Hire." Don't own that either. Well, I just suck.



@idontknowwhy Awww that makes me so happy! Thank you :)
thatgingerone thatgingerone
ah I love this story! your writing is amazing
idontknowwhy idontknowwhy