Roll For It
Warnings: Underage
Relationships: Frank Iero/Gerard Way × Gerard Way/Mikey Way ×
Frank Iero/Gerard Way/Mikey Way × Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz × Christa Toro/Ray Toro
Characters: Gerard Way × Mikey Way × Ray Toro × Bob Bryar × Billie Joe Armstrong × Mike Dirnt × Tre Cool × Pete Wentz × Patrick Stump × Andy Hurley × Joe Trohman × Frank Iero
Tags: Unrequited Love × Unresolved Romantic Tension × Unresolved Sexual Tension × Fantasy × Sexual Fantasy × Fantasizing × Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition × Hand Jobs × First Time Blow Jobs × Frottage × First Time × Jealousy × Friendship/Love × Geekiness

Andy Hurley
Age 16, Player in Patrick's D&D group. Character name ~ Dorien, two weapon fighter.

Billie Joe Armstrong
Age 18, Player in Gerard's D&D group. Character name~ Turkane Brandibass, Elven Rogue Bard.

Bob Bryar
Age 18, Player in Gerard's D&D group. Character name ~ Torgan the Wizard.

Frank Iero
Age 16, Recently moved to NJ. Plays D&D. Character name ~ Kustor, Dwarven Barbarian.

Gerard Way
Age 18, Dungeon Master. Mikey's older brother. Main NPC ~ Sundre Bonrie, Half drow fighter.

Joe Troman
Age 16, Player in Patrick's D&D group. Character name: Allistar the necromancer.

Mike Dirnt
Age 18, Player in Gerard's D&D group. Character name~ Bartos Cleric of Helm.

Mikey Way
Age 16. Gerard's younger brother. Learning to play D&D. Character name ~ Verasana Moonblade, Half moon/gold elf fighter.

Patrick Stump
Age 16, Dungeon Master. Has a crush on Pete.

Pete Wentz
Age 16, Player in Patrick's D&D group. Character name: Spinnerwing Fairie Sorcerer.

Ray Toro
Age 18, Player in Gerard's D&D group. Character name ~ Grog, Half-orc Barbarian.

Tre Cool
Age 18, Player in Gerard's D&D group. Character name~ Nonead Keys, human thief.
Wanna Play D&D?
"Hail mighty Dungeon Master!"
Roll 3d6 For Stats
"True, but this Monday will be different because The Harpers are going to kidnap you from your slumber and force you to drink the nectar of the Gods and eat lamas bread as they regale for you tales of their daring deeds."
Stop, you're making me blush! You are so sweet! ^-^