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We're just two messed up teens!

Can we go catch a movie?

I ended up skipping the rest of the school day upset that Gerard thought I was lying and he ran away from me. “Frank are you okay darling?” My mother said from the other side of our dining table. “You haven’t spoken all day and you came home before school finished for once.” She had concerned laced in her voice and written on her face. Normally I went to school with no problem. I liked school but only because I got to see Gerard. I felt like if I skipped Gerard would get seriously hurt again and I couldn’t have that. I remember last time when I was off because I was sick, Boblin rang me up and told me that Zayn and Steve broken Gerard’s arms and knocked him out. If I was there they wouldn’t of touched him. It really pisses me off when they pick on someone so beautiful. “Mother I’d rather not talk about it right now. Sorry. Can we go catch a movie tonight?” She smiled at me, she didn’t looked annoyed thankfully. “I’d love to go watch a movie with you. Even though it’s not our night. I’m here for when you do want to talk. Please don’t feel pressured to talk to me though. If you don’t want to tell me don’t. What do you want to watch?”

I put some of my mother’s home cooked lasagne in my mouth and chewed on it in thought. I swallow it and then reply with “I heard See no evil 2 is on tonight. How about that? It has Kane in.” My mother smiled wide. She loved Kane.”I’d love to. Saves me watching hours of Wrestling just to hope I see him.” I chuckle and we finish eating before I take the plates away and wash up. “I’m going to get ready. Be ready by eight, Okay?” My mother said peeking her head round the Kitchen door. “Yeah I will do.” I give her a smile which she returns before she leaves. I finish washing up and look at the clock. 6.30pm. An hour and a half to get ready. I rushed to my room grabbing some clothes for the movie and head to the bathroom to grab a shower. Once I’m all done and dressed, I apply my eyeliner and sort my hair out. Looking at the clock again and it's ten to eight. I pull on my shoes and look in the full length mirror at myself.

I’m wearing an old black Nirvana T-shirt of mine, that still managed to look new after 5 years. The thing was because I had so many band shirts I rarely wore one more than once every couple of years. My father sends me then and when he comes back we spend hours on the internet buying new ones for me. I wish my dad could join us. I don’t know how my parents do it. Long distant relationships are hard. He’s only been gone three weeks but it feels like years. When he phones I refuse to talk to him. Not because I’m pissed off at him, which I kind of am, but because I don’t want to end up crying. He said he understands. We do however Skype which makes it easier being able to see his face. Seeing his face stops me from feeling the massive urge to cry. Anyway back to my outfit. Red skinnies and of course my black converse. I head down stairs after smoothing my top even though I didn’t need to, it was a habit because of my school shirt.

“Ready sweetie?” My mother said and I nodded.”You look beautiful mother.” I say to her and she gives me a hug and we head to the car. She was wearing a white blouse and a black silky looking skirt, topped off with a simple pair of heels. Her ear-rings I noticed were the diamond studs I’d bought her for mother’s day. I couldn’t help the smile that crept of my face when I saw them. The drive didn’t take long and soon enough we were let in the VIP door of the cinema. My mother booked our spaces and we didn’t need the tickets because she’d paid by credit card over the phone. Plus we knew the owner. He was a pretty down to earth guy. I used to hang out with his son, Until his son turned into a major hippie and ruined all the fun we used to have because he claimed it 'hurt mother nature dudeeeeeee'. We sat at the back right in the middle because it was the best view.

“Hey stop hogging all the popcorn Frank.” My mother said while she snatched it off me, some spilling onto the guy in front of us. We both laughed as the guy scowled at us and moved. Half way through the movie a new pair of people sat in front of us. The guy in front of me was tall enough to block my view even from my seat being higher. My mother notice and winked at me.”Frankie” She said loudly as she ‘accidently’ spilt it on the guy in front of me. He turned around and my eyes went wide. It was Gerard. The guy next to him spoke “Baby what’s wrong?” He then looked at Gerard properly and saw he was soaked. “I’m so sorry. I knocked her by accident. I just got a bit scared.” I said before my mother could speak and make it worse without even knowing. I saw from the corner of my eye her giving me a look. She will understand later. Gerard didn’t looked convinced because of course he knew me and I rarely got scare. The other guy however laughed a little. “It’s fine. The movie is pretty scary.” He then turned back to the screen as did Gerard. I could tell the movie was ending and I just so happened to glance at Gerard and the guy. I felt the tears well up at what I saw and I got up quickly before rushing out the words “I need to leave. See you at home mother.” Before bolting out of the cinema.

I bolted all the way home and feel onto my bed crying. Images of Gerard and that guy flashing through my head. I felt arms around me and I looked up to see my mother hugging me. “Sweetie what’s wrong?” She asked and I hugged her tightly crying harder while soaking her blouse. It turned super awkward because her blouse was thin and when my tears soaked through it, it turned see through. I pulled my fleece off the bottom of my bed and wrapped it around her shoulders so she could cover it up and she just laughed which caused me to laugh. “You want to talk about it?” I nodded and took a deep breath before letting everything out. “I came home from school because after last night, finding out Gerard loved me, I told him I loved him. He got the wrong idea and started to cry saying would everyone finally be happy if he killed himself. I told him I was serious but he just pushed me and ran off. I ran after him but he’d already gone. Then at the cinema right now. The lad you spilt the soda on was Gerard.” She gasped. “Oh honey I’m sorry.” I shook my head. “Don’t be, You didn’t know. I ran out because I glanced at Gerard and he was kissing that guy.” Normally I wouldn’t run away from things. This however felt like the world was ending, my chest felt like it was about to exploding leaving the cinema decorated with my insides. I could literally fell my heart shattering and I could feel the tears threatening to spill. It was the worst feeling ever. Which is why I bolted.

“Sweetie? Let’s go get some coffee. Oh and we have a visitor. He couldn’t wait to see you.” I nod and follow her down the stairs and I lose the sadness I feel when I see who’s sat on my couch. I smile wide and squeal in excitement.


So now you know why Gerard ran away. He already had a boyfriend!
Who do think Frank's visitor is?
Hope you enjoyed it.


@Left Shark

Thank you! I'll get writing the new story now. :)

FrankieBoyx FrankieBoyx


Just Angie is fine, (Angelina)

Left Shark Left Shark

Its np I think most of us have gone through that. Take your time.

@Left Shark
Thank you! Yes it was. I'll need your name so I can put you in the next story I'm writing.

I know. I've been really busy lately and had a very bad case of writers block on all my stories.

FrankieBoyx FrankieBoyx

Yaaaaay ITS been so long