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I'm not okay.

Chapter Three:

The rest of the day went relatively quickly and soon it was that time again, to go home, the dreaded home. I slowly walked out of the gates, the thought of it worried me. I wonder what fucking mood my fathers in today. Isn't home meant to be a happy place? To me, I think not.
I walk at quite a slow pace, dragging my feet, not daring to look up. I mean, the bruise on my throat had already drew attention today, so i was trying my hardest to confine it in my hood. I continue walking at a steady pace until i hear a voice say 'Frank' behind me, I turn around quickly, and there he was, Gerard, his beautiful face staring at me, his pretty lips smirking.

'h-hey' I say, pulling my hood up a little to hide my neck, He walks a little quicker until he's standing next to me,
'so, are you okay?' he says, looking at me,

'uh yeah, thanks' i mutter, still looking down at the ground.

'you seem down' he says, stopping me in my tracks,

'I'm fine' i say, continuing, He stops me again,

'Frank' he says,

'What!' i snap, looking at him this time, he looks startled,

'Tell me?' he says, i could see it in his eyes, he looked concerned,

'no, there's nothing to tell' I say, at this point i was beginning to get mad,

'Frank, i can tell, i know I've only just met you but i can' he says, almost pleading.

'you don't know me' i snarl, before walking off, he grabs me,

'I'm here if you need me' he says, almost crying, then he walks off.

Why would he want to be there for me, nobody has ever been, so why now, i don't need people to have sympathy or care for me...i can do that myself.
I continue to walk home, or do i even call it 'home'? its more like hell.
I finally get there and walk in, my dads passed out of the sofa, which i guess is convenient, as he probably wont even know I'm in the house when he wakes up, which is even better. I walk upstairs quietly, and go to my room. Kicking off my shoes i sit on the bed, my thoughts taking over me, had i upset Gerard? does he hate me already? I decide to call him, i mean, he did give me his number,
It took a few moments before he answered,

'Hi' a voice said, it was him...

'Hey, its me Frank, look...I'm sorry about earlier, i was a dick'

'Its fine, i shouldn't have annoyed you' he said, he sounded content.

'you didn't i was just tired, i appreciate you talking to me' I say,

'Its okay, you just seemed upset' he said,

'I'm fine' i lied, Why couldn't i just tell him? Tell him the truth...

'you sure?' he asked,

'No' i said, bursting into tears.

'Frank, Frank?' he says, sounding concerned,

'FRANK' he shouted down the phone,

'Meet me and we can talk?' i sob, wiping tears from my cheeks,

'okay, where?' he asked,

'The field' i say.

'okay' he replied before hanging up. So, I'm about to tell someone I've just met everything about my shit life, but do i trust him?

I quietly leave the house then head to the field, its where i usually go, so that's why i chose there. I slowly walk until i reach it then i see Gerard, sitting on the grass, his hair flowing in the wind, he's so perfect...anyway, he must've heard me as he turned around and smiled a little,

'hey' he says, smiling at me as i sat myself down next to him,

'Hi' i mutter, looking at the grass.

'so, talk to me' he says, turning his attention to me,

'well, you know this mark on my neck?' i say, pulling my hood down,

'yeah' he says,

'well basically..... my father gave it to me' i say,

'what? he did? w-why?' he says, looking shocked and upset,

'He's an abusive drunk' i say, pulling my hood back up and looking down, ashamed.

'Haven't you told anybody before?' he asks,

'No, I'm too ashamed' i mutter, tears beginning to drip from my eyes, He notices my sobbing and puts his arm around me,

'what else has he done to you Frank?' he asks, his voice croaky,

'Beat me.... hit me with objects' I cry.

'Frank you need to tell someone!' Gerard says, pulling me closer,

'no, i cant and neither can you, this stays between us!' i snap, looking at him, my vision slightly blurred from the crying.

'You need help though, you cant keep letting him do this to you!' He says, grabbing my arm and tugging it a little.

'I don't need help' I say, looking back at the ground,

'Frank' Gerard pleads.

I get up and start walking away, why have i done this? Gerard runs up to me,

'Frank, don't walk away' he pleads,

'please, just go' I say, trying to keep myself calm,

'no' he says, still trying his hardest to stop me walking,

'don't go home' he adds, standing in front of me...

'Where else am i to go Gerard?' I snap, trying to barge past him,

'come to mine, please, don't go home i don't want him to hurt you' He begs, i could see it in his eyes that he meant it.

'Frank...' he adds,

'I cant, I'm sorry' I say, shaking my head, before walking away, leaving him, he calls out to me but i just ignore him, it hurts, but its for the best. I shouldn't let him get involved with my despairing life.


Oh no :( Hope you guys like it ! :3




Left Shark Left Shark

It's back! ^U^

Frerardified Frerardified

You're back!!.. YEY!!! Xx

Omg please keep writing please! ! This is so fucking emotional ♡♡♡♡

FuckmeFrank FuckmeFrank

Poor Frankie!.. I just wanna give him a hug.. And a giant bag of skittles! ;)