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Humans Shall Never Harm You

Chapter five: Missing something?

Gerard's day flew by up until lunch, when he dismissed his class, and was happy to find Frank coming in to meet him "Mr. Iero, how were your morning classes?" Gerard asked as he straightened the papers on his desk, and placed his pen in its case.
"Quite boring, actually.." Frank smiled at the fertile gently, picking up his cloak and holding it for the younger man to slip on. Gerard accepted the gesture and turned for Frank to place the soft blue wool cloak around his pale shoulders, nodding slightly as thank you. Frank continued his tale ".. I wished to see how far along my students were, as I have not taught a number of them before.." Frank shook his head, and Gerard raised an eyebrow in question, as he searched his desk for his classroom keys ".. Most disappointing" Frank sighed.
"How so?" Gerard wondered, starting to become annoyed now that the keys were still alluding him.
"Gerard, what are you looking for?" Frank smirked slightly, moving toward the desk to aid the search.
Gerard looked up over the desk at the Dom and frowned minutely "My keys.." He huffed gently, moving another pile of papers from one spot on the desk to another ".. I can't lock up and go to lunch without them.."
Frank started to search his side of the desk, but neither one was having any luck ".. Where on Earth have they gone?" Gerard fretted.
"Calm down. We'll find them"
Just then, Mikey arrived at the classroom "Oh, thank goodness you're still here Gerard.." He rushed out, sighing deeply ".. I was held up in class. Some new boy called Tyler was disrupting the lesson, and Mr. Greys kept us all back as punishment.." He saw the state of Gerard's desk ".. Have you lost something?"
"Gerard has misplaced his classroom keys, Mikey.." Frank explained as Gerard started to look fairly stressed over the situation ".. Would you care to assist us in the hunt?"
Mikey rolled his eyes fondly at his brother "I fear you would lose your head, if it were not so well sewn onto your neck.." He moved over to the fertile's side and nudged his shoulder lightly with his ".. Sit down Gerard.. We will find your keys"
Reluctantly, Gerard sank into his desk chair "I know they're here.." He eyed his desk with annoyance ".. I used them to unlock the room before first period" He just couldn't think where they could be.
"When we find them, I will give you one of the little boxes that I keep my rings and such in.." Frank said as he shifted yet MORE papers around ".. Then they will not be so easily misplaced"
Gerard blushed slightly at the kind offer "Thank you Mr. Iero, that is very generous of you. There really is no need"
Frank grinned suddenly and raised his eyes toward Gerard "No need to give a gift?.." He cocked an eyebrow at the pretty fertile ".. There is most DEFINITELY need to give a gift.." Then he held up his right hand, with the small silver bunch of keys hanging from his index finger ".. Ta-da!.. Your keys, m'lady" He held them toward Gerard and gave an exaggerated bow.
Gerard jumped to his feet, maybe a little more enthusiastically than the moment called for, and accepted the discovered item "For this, maybe YOU are the one who deserves a gift?!" Gerard tilted his head to the right as he spoke, eyes never leaving the Dom's, though his cheeks continued to burn.
Frank smiled wide, and looked between Gerard, and his abnormally quiet brother, who was watching the interaction with interest "Well in that case.. If I could be so bold as to chose my own gift?.." Mikey glanced at Gerard, worried for a second about what the Dom may ask for ".. I would very much like for you both to join me for lunch.. If you care to, that is?" He looked straight at Gerard now, and the fertile, for once, didn't mind the attention.
"I think that would be lovely, Mr Iero" Gerard said, quietly.
"Please, call me Frank"
Gerard smiled "Alright.. Frank. Shall we go?"
After locking up the classroom, they all headed out of the school and into a carriage, that took them to a small restaurant that Gerard and Mikey knew quite well.
It would be a little surprising if they arrived back in time for their afternoon classes, but in that moment, none of them really cared.


Well hello there my little vampire bats.. GeesCLUELESSgirl here with my first chapter for this fic.

I was absolutely over the moon to be asked to co-write on this, as it is one of my favourite Dom/fertile stories, the one that got me INTO Dom/fertile stories, and the reason I wrote my own one.
So I hope I can do this story justice, and I'm sure we're going to have lots of fun writing it.

Please comment, stay safe, and peace out babies!


@Do or Die
I'm glad you love this, but I'm sorry to say that we have decided to not continue with it... But on a happy note, we have started a new Dom/fertile fic together. It's a period story like this one, and we are both in it from the very beginning. It's called "Our hearts don't beat like their's".. So check it out if you like x

I love this!!

GraceMustDie GraceMustDie

I agree! I think we should do One thing, Re write it! This will make it so we both know what we are doing and it's not, 'what do you want to do next?'

@Blood Splatter-Killjoy
Question!.. Do you think you and I are the only ones reading this now?... No one else is commenting!..

Lol! ;) x