Bondage Mansion
Relationships: Frank Iero/Gerard Way × Bert McCracken/Gerard Way × Frank Iero/Jamia Nestor × Frank Iero/Jamia Nestor/Gerard Way × Gerard Way/Jamia Nestor × Gerard Way/? × Mikey Way/Jamia Nestor × Gerard Way/Jamia Nestor/Mikey Way
Tags: Dom!Frank × Sub!Gerard × Sweet!Burt × Sadistic!Frank × Dom!Mikey × Slave!Jamia × Bloodplay × Bondage × Dom/sub × Humiliation × Dubious Consent × Orgasm Delay/Denial × Forced Orgasm × Kinbaku (Japanese Rope Bondage) × Alternate Universe × Collars × Blow Jobs × Hand Jobs × Facials × Torture × Sick and Twisted Fluff × Auto-erotic Asphyxiation × Flogging × Snowballing × Sploshing × Curses

Anthony Frank Iero
Age 20, Son of Frank Iero. Nicknames: Eddie & Frankie.

Arianna Lisendar
Age 18, love interest of Edward and Anthony. Nickname: Ari.

Davy Havok
Madame of one of Frank's best whore houses. NIckname~Lady Havok

Edward Robert McCracken
Age 20, Son of Robert McCracken. Nicknames: Tony & Bert.

Frank Iero
Age 25. Young, Streetwise, Tough. Nickname~Frankie.

Gerard Way
Age 23. Effeminate young man. Engaged To Robert McCracken. Nickname~Gee.

James Dewees
Age 55. Head Cook in the McCracken/Way Mansion. Nickname~Jimmy

Jamia Nestor
Age 19. Servant in the McCracken/Way Mansion.

Michael Way
Age 20. Young Business Man. Younger brother of Gerard. Nickname~Mikey

Peter Wentz
Age 24. Butler in the McCracken/Way Mansion. Nickname~Pete

Robert McCracken
Age 25. Young Business Man. Engaged to Gerard. Nickname~ Bert.
Visitor In The Storm
It was a dark and stormy night when Frank arrived.
The Contest
“A woman breaking contest. Of course seeing as your taste runs the opposite direction, as does mine, Gerard would take the place of the woman.”
The Antici......pation
Sometimes what you want and what you get are not what you need.
An Unsure Ally
Us ladies need to stick together, but she couldn't say it because her mouth was too busy with other things.
Taste the Soup
If you were hungry, you only had to ask, I have no problem sharing.
A Frank Remembrance
A little walk down memory lane with Frank.
A Hard Surprise
We are not as alone in the dark as we think we are.
It's Supper Time
Assumptions are not always correct.
I Know A Thing About Contrition
Confession is not always good for the soul.
Red Sky In Morning
In the light things can look different
Play Time
Frank wants to play
No Other Words
Gerard discovers himself.
A Day Of Rest
It is Gerard's last day with Frank
Back To Normal?
Gerard is back with Robert for the next three days, what is Frank to do.
A Smoke and A Conversation
Gerard learned a little more about what he is into.
I Saw Red
Will Gerard and Frank make it to dinner?
And Really Bad Eggs
Robert and Gerard Together At Last?
Tell Me What You Want
Gerard and Bert fight and Frank is there to pick up the pieces.
Normal Is A Setting On A Hair Dryer
Gerard is unsatisfied. Frank is going soft. Bert does not get it. Just a typical day in the McCracken/Way/Iero household.
The Flame of Desire
Jamia returns early. Gerard is torn. Frank is surprised. Robert is still clueless.
A Drink For The.....
Frank has a drink. Gerard needs a drink. Then they drink together....
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Robert goes out. Frank goes out. Gerard stays home....oh and chocolate.
Setting Up A Playdate
Shit just got real.
Not What You Expected Huh?
Three is not always the magick number.
Gerard is broken and Frank is redeemed.
Family Can Be The Healing Kind
Gerard takes back what is his and so does Frank
Where the Wild Thing Are
It's Bert's turn to understand now.
A Fire Inside
A little history, a little his story, and Gerard is ignited.
Along Came A Spider
While Bert is off trying to find answers Gerard is trapped in Frank's web of lust
The Lesson Isn't Over
Class is still is session for both Bert and Gerard
<i>"Some people wear their scars on the outside and some wear them on the inside. Either way you can't hide from your scars."</i><br /> <br /> <i>***Trixgrl***</i>
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
Frank was Right, Gerard was Wrong, Mikey is Discovered.
One of A Kind
To him Gerard is neither male nor female; he is a classification of his own.
A Goddamn Slap To The Face
Jamia stands up for what she believes.
Moving In Circles
Mikey and Frank find more in common
So The Party Goes to the Inn and They Meet...
Classic D&D- Robert increases his Wisdom, David Bluffs, Gerard fails his Sense Motive, Frank Rages, and Christa Hides in Plain Sight
Darling I Want To Destroy You
When we covet, we can destroy ourselves in the process.
Intensity : Extreme Degree of Strength, Force, Energy, or Feeling
Gerard has an intense day. Robert has an intense night. Frank has an intense morning.
Mister McCracken Takes A Holiday
Robert decides to stay in...
All That I Got
A trip down memory lane reminds Frank of what he does not have.
I Don't Love You Like I Did Yesterday
Gerard has an epiphany.
About Last Night
An explanation of the night before Frank's point of view int he morning.
Omissions of The Heart
Frank finds a new way to fuck with Robert
Discovering The Need
Sometimes you don't realize that you have an itch until it becomes unbearable.
Think Think Think
On Frank's last day, everyone has the same thing on their mind
The World is Ugly
Frank's last night, Robert's three days. Gerard needs to decide.
Full Circle
Everything comes full circle
It's Been "20" Fucking Years Since I've Been Seeing Your Face Round Here
Anthony and Edward have a problem...her name is Arianna The cycle continues.
It's What You Do To Me
"It's time she learned the truth"
It all Just Happens Again Way Down The Line...or Not
Arianna continues to unravel the mysteries that are in Gerard's journal. Meanwhile the boys make discoveries of thier own. When they finally meet again, will they work together to fight the curse or become another victim.
Get The Feeling That You're Never
No curse is broken without a price.
The Hardest Part of This Is leaving You
All good things must come to an end.
Holy shit! One day! Fuck man, you are a trooper! @~@
I am so glad that you enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun writing it! ^-^
Thank you for reading and commenting. ^-^