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If I fall you'll catch me, right? *frerard

#5 1/2 Look alive sunshine

Gee's POV:

His lips were on mine. They felt so soft like a pedal of a rose. The feeling of warm spread through my body. I love this feeling. The kiss itself was soft and innocent but filled with desire. We seperated and I looked up to meet soft eyes of…….

Few hours earlier.

I turned off my annoying alarm clock. Today was going to be fun. For sure. Can you sense my sarcasm? I mean I love that Andy agreed to go to school with me but I don’t know what will happened with him. What if fuckers will beat him up too? What if he’ll get in trouble? I shrugged it off. I will be late if I will stay right here. I rolled out of my bed and stood up. Quality I started to walk to bathroom. I didn’t want to wake my father up. Who will want to wake up a monster? Well, definitely not me.

I did my best job to make me look presentable. When I was satisfied with my hair and my face I exit bathroom and went to my room to get dressed. I found my oh so fancy close. I pulled my black skinny jeans up and found t-shirt that looked somehow different from others. The most “ordinary” tee that I could find was dark blue one. Fast I pulled it on my body. Looking at my watch that I always kept on my hand to close deep scars Shit I’m late.

I grabbed my backpack and again quietly run down the stairs. I exit my house and I already could see Andy’s car in the corner of my street. I smiled and started walking towards his car. I think he noticed me ‘cuz the front passenger door opened from inside. “Need a ride?” I heard a voice from a car when I was close enough. I chuckled “Yeah. To the nearest bar, please” I said while getting in the car and closing the door. Andy was sitting there and looking at me smiling little bit like an idiot. “What??” I asked smiling. “Nothing. Just really missed you.” he said and started the car. We pulled into the driveway and started to talk about different shit.

I didn’t notice from all the talking that we were already pulling in school’s parking lot. My mood came back to a depressed one and smile disappeared from my face. Andy apparently noticed because he asked me “Hey, are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m okay. It’s just….. Are you sure you want to go with me? I mean it’s school no one would wa-” I got interrupted by Andy’s laugh “Of course I would want to go to school with you. It would be like good old days.” he said. With one last smile he opened his car door and exit the car. With a sigh I exit my self. Andy come up to me and we started walking to school. Everyone’s eyes were on us. Well, not US on Andy. I mean he’s extremely hot and has tattoos and piercing. But I am …… well I’m just myself. I’m an outsider. Sometimes I like that but sometimes I wish I could have a lot of friends or at least no one will beat me up.

Shit, I zoned out . Andy was saying something but I didn’t really listened and I think he asked me something ‘cuz he was looking at me right now. “Sorry, I zoned out.” I said, little bit blushing. Andy smiled and chuckled “You didn’t change. Still the same cutie. Come on let’s go” He started to walk faster. Wait, what? Did he just call me cutie? Andy fucking Biersack called me cutie. I blushed even more. After it all sunk in I caught up with Andy.


The first part of the eventful day. You probably hate me for long wait but I'll try my best to update faster. I promise tomorrow will be the second part of the 5th chapter.
Thank you for reading my story.
Love you <3


BAD FRANK!!! >:(

What did Gerard see at his house?

Left Shark Left Shark

Frank, you ass!!.. What did you do!?! Grrrrr!.. Bad Frankie :( x

YEY!.. Frerard kisses!! :) mmmmm!.. Love this! Xx

Hahaha probably ;)

super-frank super-frank

Love u ppl

super-frank super-frank