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House Of Wolves

First Impressions Aren't Always Right

Frank's P.O.V

We got up from the middle of the grass at 2am, holy shit we were lost in our stories and jokes and just talking that we forgot the time.
I still had the money with us so we decided to get a takeaway and eat it in the park, then we went back home and everyone except Gerard was asleep, he was watching Bevis and Buttlead on DVD, I surprised him by jumping onto him from behind,whilst Helena went and made us some tea and brought along some popcorn too.
We ended up all watching several Bevis and Butthead DVDs before moving on to Family Guy and American Dad, forever throwing popcorn at each other, and staying up all night.
the tea changed suddenly into coffee, energy drinks and other caffeine supplements, allowing us to stay awake all night not getting a wink of sleep and not being tired at all.
This was by far the best night/ day of my life. Gerard seemed to enjoy sitting with us, he seemed more chilled out than he usually was, for the past week he's told me secretively how she's leading me on, but he looked as if he realized he was wrong.


So I've written 6 chapters in one night, for not uploading for 10 days, I'll do the rest tomorrow, but anyway, how are all you guys enjoying this?
Does it need more drama or a sudden twist or is it going too fast and needs slowing down?


Nah it's fine.

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Yahh hah, I thought a little bit of hypocrisy would finish it well with some humor ^~^ now re reading it.. I think it makes no sense either the so it's not just you (:

*bc he was

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Oh bc was the one making fun of the ideas earlier. Lol I get it. That's funny. Yeah, maybe make that mmore obvious for ppl like me. Haha

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Yess.. he opened it as one of Gerard's 'Ideas' that he ended up secretly liking its like a side hobby thing so he's still in the band,idek I should have really made it more clear ^~^