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Dear diary...

Note To Self

"Are you ready guys?"
My hands were shaking, I mean I had played before but this was fucking warped tour. I looked around, I saw the guys from Thursday come down of the stage, they did good. I've heard them play a few times while in Jersey but this was new for me, only girl in the band...
Matt Good from From First to Last. He got food poisoning in Houston and I had to replace him...
Alicia my best friend and also girlfriend of My Chemical Romance's bass player (Mikey) had gotten me this gig, I met the guys from FFTL from school but didn't really play with them because of college.
"Okay, FFTL it's your turn" said the stage organiser.
Alicia was talking to Sonny and Mikey, she ran towards me. I was petrified.
"Alex? You okay?"
"Yeah... I'm just nervous"
I saw Sonny coming close to me, he grabbed my shoulders and hugged me; "I trust you, you're an awesome guitar player. Chill and do your thing, imagine we're in Travis's basement rehearsing okay?"
"Yeah Alex, you'll do great. I've taught you well."
Alicia hugged me and left, sonny grabbed my hand and lead me to stage. He was great with the crowd. It was packed, people where jumping and pushing each other. I remembered what it's like being on the other side, you get hot, smell like beer and bruised to death. All that to see your favourite bands play in one venue for an entire day, I had to play better than ever for them.
I was wearing black skinny ripped jeans, converse and a white tee that read "I'm not weird, I'm just gifted". It belonged to my ex boyfriend in Jersey, we broke up due to me touring but... It was for the best.
Sonny introduced me to the crowd, I thought they would react bad due to the fact Matt wasn't going to be there. They didn't.
They welcomed me cheering and jumping more enthusiastically.
We started of by playing 'Note to Self', it went great. I hit every note perfectly, during the first 30 seconds of the songs I felt confident enough to walk around stage and play with Travis. I was backing Sonny on the chorus, my voice was similar to Brody Dalle. It wasn't very soft and sweet but I could manage to add a feminine touch to the song. We played for 45 minutes, I felt sweaty, hot and full of adrenaline.
While we walked off stage, I saw the guys of My chemical romance getting ready to play. Alicia was leaving Mikey for him to go onstage, she came close to me and hugged me.
"You're awesome! You played it perfectly. Your vocals sound awesome with Sonny's I could almost feel the angst"
"Hahahahaha, I think I nailed it"
Travis, Sonny, Derek and Jon ran towards me and picked me up, "You're fucking great I think you could perfectly replace Matt if he leaves."
As we drank beer Travis had brought, I felt one of the guys from My Chem touch my shoulder.
"Hey, I'm Frank Iero, I play guitar for My Chem"
"Of course I know you. I'm Alex Myers I'm replacing Matt Good on the last dates of Warped"
"Yeah I heard he got sick in Houston, I almost broke my foot..."
"What the fuck? How?"
"Meh, I tend to get too excited on stage. Uh I heard you're friends with Alicia. Would you like to come to our bus afterwards?"
"Sure, I'd love to. Good luck" I said as he put his guitar on.
"You played really good, I hope I don't get hurt anymore"
The guys from FFTL were nowhere to be found, I made my way to the MyChem bus.
As I walked through the parking lot I saw the sun coming down, the last band was on stage. It was really hot, as I approached the bus I heard people laughing, the smell of booze and cigarettes got stronger.
I was surprised by a drunk guy with long black hair, a dark blue hoodie, and red eyeshadow.
"Hello beautiful", he said. His breath smelled so much like alcohol I felt I got drunk by just smelling it.
"Dude... Are you okay?" I asked him, as I grabbed his arm. I felt he was about to fall.
"Yes sweetie, are you... You're friends with Alicia." He looked at me and stood closer to me, moving slightly from one side to another
"Gerard? Gerard Way?"
"Yup... How'd you know?"
"Gerard... We used to live a block away. Where are your friends? Why are you alone here?"
"I dunno I just-" he stopped talking and fell.
"Gerard, Jesus Christ, okay stand up let's go to your bus okay?"
"No no no I want to have coffee and a donut"
"Okay I'll get coffee for you if we leave, okay?" I said as I tried to pull him up. I didn't want people to see him like that, photographers and fans started to come closer to the fenced area.
"Yay okay but first I have to deal with some stuff here in the grass"
"What? Fuck just take my hand and let's go to the bus!" I grabbed his arm harder and pulled him towards me. He was heavy and taller than me, I couldn't even make him move.
"Hold my hair"
"Wh-what? Why?"
"I have to puke" he said while gagging.
"Okay okay, hold it in for a moment. Let me grab your hair"
I heard someone running behind me as I held his hair back
"Hey, sorry, he's having a drinking problem. Let me have him."
It was Frank, he handed me the red cup I'm his hands. I was so relieved he was there. I wasn't really good at handling drunk people, I couldn't even handle myself.
"Dude, are you okay?" Asked Frank while grabbing Gerard's hair and arm.
"Yah yah, I'm fine now, I feel better" he said while standing up.
"Okay, let's walk to the bus, we'll get coffee and get something to eat", he held Gerard and helped him walk, "Alex, come, you're probably shook up"
"A bit, I'm not good with drunk people"
"As we walked in the bus I saw Mikey and Alicia talking near the bus"
Mikey ran towards Gerard and Frank, "Again?"
Frank laughed, "Yeah... We have to do something about him. Alex found him"
Mikey grabbed Gerard by his other arm, "Thanks Alex, I just... Ugh it's getting old. We'll get him in bed, be right back"
Alicia and I stood outside the bus while they went in.
"Alex... Thanks... Mikey was worried about him. I mean... He's really been having issues"
"I guess I missed out a lot while in college, I didn't recognise him. When did this start?"
"Well... He was sad after you left, a few months after that his grandmother died and everything went down from there"
"Now that I'm around I'll try to talk to him"
"Yeah you should... Have you met Frankie?"
"Well I remember seeing him around in Jersey, in gigs... I thought he was with another band"
"He was, I guess after you left he joined the guys. He's really good, him and Gerard are like best friends. They even kissed on stage, it gets wild"
A silhouette with puffy hair walked towards us, I knew who it was.
"ALEEEEEX! I KNEW IT WAS YOU WITH FFTL! ITS BEEN SO LONG", he hugged me and picked me up. Ray and I went worked at the same record shop with Mikey. We were friends in school, we didn't go to the same one but met in the local park.i didn't see him since I left Jersey to study in New York.
While we hugged and caught up, Frank and Mikey cam out the bus.
Ray looked at them with a concerned expression on his face, "Wasted again?"
Mikey walked towards Alicia and grabbed her hand, "Yeah but he's fine. He's with Bob inside. Uh guys we'll go visit some friends we saw offstage. We'll be back in an hour or so."
Him and Alicia waved and left, I was left with Ray and Frank.
"I'd ask you to come inside but it's messy as fuck and it smells awful. 5 guys in a bus isn't exactly clean"
Frank giggled while sipping on his red cup, "well these guys don't shower... Would you like some coffee? We could get some for Gerard too"
"Yeah sure, that'd be nice"
While we were leaving I saw a blonde guy with a deep voice and a lip piercing come down the bus.
"Hey, Toro get your ass back here. I want to get revenge, I won't let you beat me in Donkey Kong. Who is this?" He said while looking at me.
Ray answered, "it's Alex, an old friend of Mikey, Gerard and me. She's playing for FFTL"
"Oh yeah, you were good today. Where were you going?"
"Well we were taking her for coffee but I want to beat you at Donkey Kong first. Guys, would you mind going without me? Alex, I know Frank looks small but he'll take good care of you."
"Hahahaha, it's okay Ray. I'm craving a hot beverage. Still coming Frank?" I said while I messed Ray's hair.
"Yeah, let's go." Frank said while leaving his cup behind.
As we walked further away from the bus I Heard Ray's voice, "Frank, behave yourself she's like my younger sister"
Frank laughed and flipped him off, "Relax, Toro, I'm a lesbian"


Hey guys, I had this idea wandering in my mind for days. I finally decided to write it. I have another fic going on, I'll update both every time I can. Hope you like it.



Left Shark Left Shark


Left Shark Left Shark


Left Shark Left Shark

No, Rays fro lost volume..THAT CAN'T HAPPEN!!
Serious note, Bad Frank. Why would you do that??

Left Shark Left Shark


Ellie-phant Ellie-phant