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He's Not Dead He Only Looks That Way

Chapter Nine

Gerard returns home around 11:00, and he knows he probably should’ve left Frank’s earlier, but sometimes they just get so wrapped up in each other that keeping track of the time is out of the question.
He gets home, hanging around in his bedroom and watching some Friends reruns when his phone buzzes. He automatically assumes that it’s from Mikey, and waits for a while to open it (like really, when has anything out of Mikey’s mouth ever been fascinating?). It’s not until fifteen or twenty minutes that he finally checks his phone to see a text from Frank. Opening the message, he sees that, wow…. Frank sent him some nudes.
They’re not total nudes; Frank is covered by his Marvel boxer briefs in them (except for one in which he’s wearing pink panties soaked in pre cum), but it’s still enough to get Gerard super hard mega fast. He rushes upstairs before someone sees the tent in his pants, and once he’s in his room and the door is locked, his phone containing Frank’s pictures tight in his hand, he’s fucking laughing with relief. Gerard figures he’ll text Frank, and types quickly:
“Frankie those photos were pretty hot, not gonna lie.”
Frank responds almost embarrassingly fast with a lot of emoji’s and exclamation points, because that’s just how Frank texts. He sends some hearts along with blushing smiley faces and a “thank you babe.”
Gerard’s smile is still glued to his face, and he decides that tomorrow, he’ll surprise Frank and send him some pictures of his own.
The next day at school is a long one. Gerard’s sick, so Frank finds himself having to physically force himself through each period. Usually; he sees Gerard at lunch, and that’s really the only person he sits with (Mikey eats a different period). But today, Frank is forced to sit alone, and just like that, he’s back to square one.
The two boys that had targeted him on his first day take note of the fact that Frank’s alone and head over. Frank tenses up in his chair, and considers running to one of the teachers patrolling the lunch room for any horseplay. Unfortunately, that’s not an option anymore as the boys are sitting down, the taller one making himself comfortable in what is usually Gerard’s seat.
“Can I help you?” Frank grumbles.
“Yes, actually. Where’s Speed Stick?” the taller boy asks.
Frank knits his brows. “Speed Stick?”
“You know, the faggot you’re so in love with. Dumb hair, smells like shit all the time?” the other elaborates.
Frank rolls his eyes, realizing they’re talking about Gerard. “He’s sick.”
“What STD did you give him this time, Iero?” one smirks.
Frank starts to blush, and he thinks that he’s doing a good job of hiding it when the other boy chuckles,
“Oh, he’s going all red! That means it’s true!”
“Shut up,” Frank growls. “Just leave me alone.”
“But Frank, this is so much more fun,” the bigger boy pouts. “So, personal question, are you top or bottom when you and Gerard fuck?”
“Dude, we’ve only kissed!” Frank snaps.
“You fags kissed?” one scoffs. “Wow, we were just kidding Iero, but I guess whatever floats your boat.”
“Even if it’s greasy smelly queers,” the other adds.
“Seriously, I don’t want to hear it! Fuck both you guys, alright?” Frank barks.
One of the teachers on lunch duty glances over, so Frank does his best to look like he’s not extremely pissed off when he totally is.
“You’re fucking dead Iero, you got it?” one threatens. “We’ll be seeing your ass after school.”
Frank holds his steady glare, replying icily, “Can’t wait to see you.”
Frank knows he’s going to get his ass pounded, but throughout the less of his classes, he finds that he couldn’t care less. He sees the conversation between those boys as a personal victory for one crucial reason, and that is that for the first time in forever, he stood up for himself. Sure, it took some stabs at Gerard as well to make him protest, but he’s nonetheless proud of himself.
He considers getting a ride with Mikey, so he asks him in art,
“Hey, Mikes, do you think I can catch a ride home with you?”
Mikey shakes his head. “Nah man, I don’t drive. I’m walking.”
“Oh, okay,” Frank mumbles.
“If you want to walk with me, that’d be cool,” Mikey offers.“No, no; that’s okay,” Frank insists. The last thing he wants is for Mikey to get his ass kicked as well. “I’ll be fine.”
Of course, Frank knows he’s not coming out in once piece when he exits the school building. He hasn’t even gone a block when he feels the two boys tailing him, but he plays along, continuing to walk and sweating more and more as they get closer and closer. Finally, he’s tackled harshly, and his stomach and jaw both hit the pavement hard.
It’s not until he starts to get kicked in the sides that he realizes he’s already bleeding; the blood dripping from the underside of his chin. Frank covers his head with his arms, curling into a fetal position as he’s repeatedly kicked. His backpack is torn away, and he can hear one of the boys rifling through it as the other continues to drill his foot into Frank’s ribcage.
Frank starts to feel nauseous after about a minute’s worth of being kicked, so he rolls over onto his back, tossing his head back.
The boy takes advantage of this, grabbing Frank by the collar and punching him in the nose. He then grips his collar with both hands and head butts Frank, and that’s when everything starts to go fuzzy.
Frank’s crying as his nose gushes blood, and he tries to crawl away, only to be dragged back by his ankles, his shirt riding up and the cement scraping his stomach. The boys dump his backpack out on top of him and give him a few more kicks before storming off, seeming satisfied with their work.
Frank scrapes all his mangled possessions together, dumping them back into his backpack. He stumbles home, and he’s not really concerned until he realizes two things, one being that he can’t see out of his left eye or even open it, and the other being the amount of blood dried onto his face and shirt.


Thanks so much for reading! Please comment, rate, and subscribe! I should be updating soon.


Thanks so much!!

worldswrst worldswrst

I loved this story so much, you did an amazing job!

Thank you!!

worldswrst worldswrst

@Firebreathing Killjoy
Thanks a lot!!

worldswrst worldswrst

I Love, Love, Love this story. It's fast paced, witty and made of what good fiction is made of.

MarvelmeMarvel MarvelmeMarvel