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One Night Stand

Before it Started, It Started


I let out a long lived sigh as I watched my breath dance through the briskly cold January air. I reached up and pulled my short collar up closer around my neck before shoving my bare hands back into the cold pockets of my jeans.

Rounding the last block corner, I saw the neon lights reflecting dimly off the slushy sidewalks as the windowpanes rattled due to the heavy vibrating of the loud music.

I changed my direction in a sharp right and traveled down a dark alley way, leading to the back of the building.

Well, let's start hell. I sighed to myself before reaching out and pulling the door open. I was smacked in the face with the stench of alcohol and sweat as the music was already pounding in my ears.

I stepped through the back door threshold and into the staff room. I glided over to my locker and slipped my jacket off of my arms. Opening the metal door, I threw it in and grabbed my apron.

"Hey Denis, could ya give me a hand?"

"Sure, sweetie. C'mon over here." he made the motion with his large hand and I complied, walking over and standing in front of him. I slipped the fabric around my waist and he tied it in a tight knot with quick motions.

"Thanks." I sighed.

"Wanna smoke kid?" he asked, holding out a box of cigarettes. I nodded and took it from him. Sliding one out, I slipped the joint between my lips and silently asked for a light. Denis opened a small box of matches and picked one out, flicking it across the ridged side. He held the flame under the end of my stick until it was set ablaze. Taking a long drag, I let it out in a sigh, pushing the smoke through my nostrils.

"How do you do it?" I finally asked taking the last of the toxins out of the cigarette before pushing it out in the ask tray next to me.

"Well, I enjoy what I do. And I have a day job because stripping wouldn't pay for a wife and kids." Denis chuckled. I weakly smiled in return.

"Don't worry Gerard, I'm sure Drew will lighten up on ya eventually." he said patting my shoulder. I shrugged and walked out of the room, taking my place behind the bar.

My name is Gerard Way. I'm 24 and I'm gay. I live in New York City and I hate it here. I work part-time as a bartender at probably the trashiest gay bar downtown.

I got the job here thinking it would help me with the bastard of being horny and gay, but it didn't. All I got was a shitty job in a trashy place with disgusting drunks, terrible co-workers, an ass wipe as a boss, and the most fucked up hours they could give me.

Though not all of it is bad. There's Denis, the cross-dressing stripper. He's a respectable guy and probably the nicest person in this place. Then there's Jenny.

When I first started working her Jenny was constantly hitting on my seeing as we were spending all of our shifts behind the bar together. That's when I finally got it through her head that I'm queer. Now she just flirts with me to be funny, which I don't mind.

The only other person here I can stand it John, the D.J. He's okay but once he's got alcohol in his system, it's best to steer clear off him. But he plays good music so I can tolerate him.

Now, as for everyone else, they either don't know, have tried to get to know me and failed, or think am I good-for-nothing bitch that should go die it a hole.

And then there is Drew, my boss.

When I first started working here, I wasn't in the best money situation. My student loans were draining me of most of my money and with rent on top of that, I wasn't eating but once a week. Well, I talked to Drew about this and he paid off the loans for me but now half of what I earn every night goes to him to pay off what he gave to me. And the paycheck is slim enough when its full, but with only half I'm spending my day hours working at Dollar General.

So yeah, that's my life.

"Well look what the cat drug in." Jenny greeted, smiling at me with her over whitened teeth.

"Hi." I muttered, grabbing a rag and going to the other end of the bar where there were three girls sitting. They were leaning against the counter so hard I knew they had to be wasted.


"Finally," one slurred, "w-we...we've been t-tryin' to get some-one down h-here fo-forever!"

"I'm sorry for your wait. What can I get for you?"

"Three shots of vodka." the next one said, pointing unsteadily behind me. I nodded and grabbed the bottle of liquor and three plastic shot glasses. With three quick flicks, all of the cups where filled and in front of each intoxicated woman.

"Ma'am, I need 3 bucks." I shouted over the music, trying the get her attention.


"I said I need 3 dollars from the shots."

"Oh...r-right." she muttered, flinging her bag into her lap and digging through it.

"Here, let me help you." A young girl said, walking up behind her and taking the bag from her.

Once everything was said and done, the same girl came back up to the bar.

"I'm sorry about that." She apologized, leaning over the counter.

"Hey, don't worry about it. She wasn't nearly as bad as some of the people that stumble in here." I replied, wiping the counter top down.

"Well either way I came up here for a cherry cocktail."

"Coming right up." I half smiled before turning around and mixing up the magic. I handed the woman her drink and she gave me her payment.

"So, you're kinda cute and I'm kinda tipsy, so would you maybe wanna go out for a drink tomorrow night?" she yelled, once again leaning over the bar.

"I'm sorry I don't drink and I have a girlfriend." I half lied. I watched her features turn to the of embarrassed disappointment before she quickly turned and veered her way though the think crowd.

God I hate people trying to pick me up. I mean I know they most likely have a shitload of alcohol running through their veins but c'mon. It's not rocket science to tell that I'm not fucking interested.

I was shaken from my annoyance by Jenny.

"Drew wants to see you." She mouthed. I nodded and gently pushed my way passed her only to run into Denis.

"He looks pissed kid." He whispered. I sighed as my heart jumped. He let me pass him and I walked down the hall and into Drew's office.

"You need to see me?" I asked, poking my upper body through the doorway.

"Sit." he ordered. His eyes were closed and his jaw was clenched.

Fuck I'm dead.

I complied and walked in, sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

"W-why do you wanna see me?" I stammered out quietly, my hands folded nervously in my lap.

"We are going to have to work on our little agreement. I'm going to need more than half of your weekly payment."

"What? Why?"

"Due to cuts in the budget, I'm not getting the normal return payment from you, so I'm going to cut you back to thirty percent of your check instead of fifty."

"What the fuck, Drew! How am I supposed to live off of that Because I surly son't make enough with my day job!" I shouted, getting up from my seat.

"Well, you could always pay me the 9,427 dollars and 36 cents you still own my from your own money." he smirked. I couldn't believe he was doing this to me. I mean from Christ's sake this paycheck wasn't exactly covering everything as it was and now I'm going to be losing another 75 bucks a week? God I wanted to strangle that mother fucker.

I shot him one last look of disgust before storming out the door. My fist where pinned to my sides, clenched into tight fists as I went back to the staff room and grabbed my jacket.

Before I was even out of the back door, I had it on and a cigarette between my lips. The heavy door closed behind me as my lungs where hit with warm smoke and cold air.

I felt the snow crunch beneath my feet as I stomped along the side walk. I was taking short drags through the filter and releasing them in near pants. I was still trying to process the fact that my financial situation was about to get a hell of a lot worse that what it currently was.

I could always just give him the money from my savings. The last I checked I nearly had 15,000 dollars in the bank so I could easily do it.

I walked back down the sidewalk and to the back of the bar. I went in and put my jecket back in my locker before going back up front.

"Where have you been?" Jenny asked, as I took a big gulp of water into my mouth.

"I went for a walk." I mumbled.

"What did the boss wanna talk to you about?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I muttered, walking back over to my end of the bar. I leaned up against the shelf and just watched everyone make a fool of themselves.

The rest of my late night/early morning shift went by per usual; creepy old men trying to seduce me, wasted young girls trying to seduce me, and the overprotective guy threatening to kill me because I refused to give his boyfriend a refund because he dropped his drink.

The crowd was thinning out and I was about to turn in when out of the corner of my eye I saw a guy making his way up to the bar. He had his hood pulled up and his black hair was a mess all across his face. I looked down and saw he was carrying what appeared to be an electric guitar case. At further examination I saw the name 'Pansy' painted across it in graffiti lettering. He set the case down and pulled out a stool.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" I asked, going up and standing in front of him. I watched his face as he slowly looked up at me. His fingers traveled up and brushed away his mess locks, to reveal probably the most gorgeous hazel eyes I had ever seen.

"I'll have a Jack Daniel's and Coke." his masculine voice replied as his lips twisted themselved up into a small smile.



Yes pls continue it

Sharpest_Life_B Sharpest_Life_B

Please continue

Jacketslut2 Jacketslut2

SERIOUSLY CONTINUE! I love it soo much!!!


xoxorhnnn xoxorhnnn

I love this fic and would LOVE you to continue it! X